require "pmirror/version" require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' require 'progressbar' module Pmirror class Pmirror include Methadone::Main include Methadone::CLILogging include Methadone::SH version(::Pmirror::VERSION) main do debug "Inside main" parse_config(options[:config]) if options[:config] normalize_defaults if options[:url] && options[:pattern] && options[:localdir] download_list = get_download_list(options[:url], options[:pattern]) debug "download_list: #{download_list.inspect}" if download_list download_files(options[:localdir], download_list) else info "No files to download" end execute(options[:exec]) if options[:exec] else help_now!("Missing arguments") end end description "Mirror files on a remote http server based on pattern match" on("-p", "--pattern PAT,PAT", Array, "Regex to match files in remote dir, may specify multiple patterns" ) on("-l", "--localdir DIR", "Local directory to mirror files to") on("-e", "--exec CMD", "Execute command after completion") on("-u", "--url URL,URL", Array, "Url or remote site") on("-c", "--config FILE", "Config file (yaml) to use instead of command line options") use_log_level_option def self.parse_config(config_file) debug "In parse_config" parsed = YAML::load_file(config_file) if parsed.kind_of? Hash parsed.each do |option,value| debug "Storing option '#{option}' with value '#{value.inspect}'" options[option] = value end end end def self.get_download_list(url_list, pattern) debug "inside get_download_list" downloads = {} url_list.each do |single_url| downloads[single_url] = [] info "Getting download list for url: #{single_url}" page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(single_url)) page.css("a").each do |link| file_name = link.attributes['href'].value pattern.each do |matcher| if /#{matcher}/.match(file_name) debug "Found match: #{file_name}" downloads[single_url] << file_name end end end debug "Returning downloads: #{downloads.inspect}" end downloads end def self.download_files(local_dir, url_hash={}) debug "Inside download_files" url_hash.each_key do |single_url| debug "Working on #{single_url}" url_hash[single_url].each do |file| local_fn = "#{local_dir}/#{file}" unless Dir.exist? options[:localdir] debug "PWD: #{Dir.pwd}" info "Destination directory '#{options[:localdir]}' does not exist!" exit 1 end remote_fn = "#{single_url}/#{file}" unless File.exist?(local_fn) info "Downloading File: #{file}" info "#{remote_fn} ==> #{local_fn}" http_to_file(local_fn, remote_fn) # File.write(local_fn, open(remote_fn).read) info "Download Complete for #{file}" else info "Skipping #{file}, already exists" end end end end def self.http_to_file(filename,url) debug "Inside http_to_file" pbar = nil, 'wb') do |save_file| open(url, 'rb', :content_length_proc => lambda {|t| if t && 0 < t pbar ="=", t) pbar.file_transfer_mode end }, :progress_proc => lambda {|s| pbar.set s if pbar }) {|f| save_file.write( } end info "" end def self.execute(cmd) debug "Inside execute" info "Executing: #{cmd}" sh("cd #{options[:localdir]} && #{cmd}") end def self.update_repodata(local_dir) puts "Running createrepo for dir '#{local_dir}'" sh("createrepo -c /#{local_dir}/.cache -d #{local_dir}") end go! end end