require 'erb' require 'yaml' # Capitate base capistrano plugin module Capitate::Plugins::Base # Project root def root if respond_to?(:fetch) return fetch(:project_root) else RAILS_ROOT end end # Path relative to project root def relative_to_root(path = nil, check_exist = false) if path root_path = File.join(root, path) else root_path = root end # Check for file existance if check_exist and !File.exist?(root_path) raise <<-EOS File not found: #{File.expand_path(root_path)} This is loaded for the capitate plugin. View the README in: #{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../doc/README")} EOS end root_path end # Documentation (yaml) for current task (namespace). # # ==== Examples # capitate.current_task_docs => { "task_name" => { "variable" => "The usage docs" } } # def current_task_doc path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../doc/" + current_task.namespace.fully_qualified_name.to_s.gsub(":", "/") + ".yml" puts "Current task doc: #{path}" return YAML.load_file(path) if File.exist?(path) nil end # Usage for variable from current task documentation. # # ==== Options # +var+:: Variable # # ==== Examples # usage(:gem_list) => "The usage for gem_list variable from the doc/the_namespace.yml file." # def usage(var) task_doc = current_task_doc task_name = var_name = var.to_s if task_doc and task_doc.has_key?(task_name) var_usage = task_doc[task_name][var_name] return <<-EOS Please set :#{var_name} variable in your Capfile, deploy.rb or profile. Usage: #{indent_doc(var_usage)} EOS end end def indent_doc(s, amount = 8) return nil if s.blank? indentation = (0..amount).collect { |n| " " }.join s.split("\n").collect { |sp| "#{indentation}#{sp}"}.join("\n") end end Capistrano.plugin :capitate, Capitate::Plugins::Base