# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/concern" require "decidim/search_resource_fields_mapper" module Decidim # A concern with the features needed when you want a model to be searchable. # # A Searchable should include this concern and declare its `searchable_fields`. # You'll also need to define it as `searchable` in its resource manifest, # otherwise it won't appear as possible results. # # The indexing of Searchables is managed through: # - after_create callback configurable via `index_on_create`. # - after_update callback configurable via `index_on_update`. # - searchable_resources are destroyed when the Searchable is destroyed. # module Searchable extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Public: a Hash of searchable resources where keys are class names, and values # are the class instance for the resources. def self.searchable_resources Decidim.resource_manifests.select(&:searchable).inject({}) do |searchable_resources, manifest| searchable_resources.update(manifest.model_class_name => manifest.model_class) end end included do # Always access to this association scoping by_organization clazz = self has_many :searchable_resources, -> { where(resource_type: clazz.name) }, class_name: "Decidim::SearchableResource", inverse_of: :resource, foreign_key: :resource_id do def by_organization(org_id) where(decidim_organization_id: org_id) end end after_destroy do |searchable| if self.class.search_resource_fields_mapper org = self.class.search_resource_fields_mapper.retrieve_organization(searchable) searchable.searchable_resources.by_organization(org.id).destroy_all end end # after_create and after_update callbacks are dynamically setted in `searchable_fields` method. # Public: after_create callback to index the model as a SearchableResource, if configured so. # def try_add_to_index_as_search_resource return unless self.class.search_resource_fields_mapper.index_on_create?(self) add_to_index_as_search_resource end # Forces the model to be indexed for the first time. def add_to_index_as_search_resource fields = self.class.search_resource_fields_mapper.mapped(self) fields[:i18n].keys.each do |locale| Decidim::SearchableResource.create!(contents_to_searchable_resource_attributes(fields, locale)) end end # Public: after_update callback to update index information of the model. # def try_update_index_for_search_resource org = self.class.search_resource_fields_mapper.retrieve_organization(self) searchables_in_org = searchable_resources.by_organization(org.id) if self.class.search_resource_fields_mapper.index_on_update?(self) if searchables_in_org.empty? add_to_index_as_search_resource else fields = self.class.search_resource_fields_mapper.mapped(self) searchables_in_org.find_each do |sr| sr.update(contents_to_searchable_resource_attributes(fields, sr.locale)) end end elsif searchables_in_org.any? searchables_in_org.destroy_all end end private def contents_to_searchable_resource_attributes(fields, locale) contents = fields[:i18n][locale] content_a = I18n.transliterate(contents[:A] || "") content_b = I18n.transliterate(contents[:B] || "") content_c = I18n.transliterate(contents[:C] || "") content_d = I18n.transliterate(contents[:D] || "") { content_a: content_a, content_b: content_b, content_c: content_c, content_d: content_d, locale: locale, datetime: fields[:datetime], decidim_scope_id: fields[:decidim_scope_id], decidim_participatory_space_id: fields[:decidim_participatory_space_id], decidim_participatory_space_type: fields[:decidim_participatory_space_type], decidim_organization_id: fields[:decidim_organization_id], resource_id: id, resource_type: self.class.name } end end class_methods do def search_resource_fields_mapper raise "`searchable_fields` should be declared when including Searchable" unless defined?(@search_resource_indexable_fields) @search_resource_indexable_fields end def order_by_id_list(id_list) return ApplicationRecord.none if id_list.to_a.empty? values_clause = id_list.each_with_index.map { |id, i| "(#{id}, #{i})" }.join(", ") joins("JOIN (VALUES #{values_clause}) AS #{table_name}_id_order(id, ordering) ON #{table_name}.id = #{table_name}_id_order.id") .order("#{table_name}_id_order.ordering") end # Declares the searchable fields for this instance and, optionally, some conditions. # `declared_fields` must be a Hash that follow the following format: # { # scope_id: { scope: :id }, # participatory_space: { feature: :participatory_space }, # A: :title, # B: :sub_title, # C: :somehow_relevant_field, # D: [:description, :address] # } # # `conditions` must be a Hash that only accepts a boolean or a Proc that will be evaluated on runtime and returns a boolean for the following keys: # - index_on_create: Whether to index, or not, the current searchabe when it is created. Defaults to true. # - index_on_update: Whether to index, or not, the current searchabe when it is updated. Defaults to true. # def searchable_fields(declared_fields, conditions = {}) @search_resource_indexable_fields = SearchResourceFieldsMapper.new(declared_fields) conditions = { index_on_create: true, index_on_update: true }.merge(conditions) if conditions[:index_on_create] after_create :try_add_to_index_as_search_resource @search_resource_indexable_fields.set_index_condition(:create, conditions[:index_on_create]) end if conditions[:index_on_update] after_update :try_update_index_for_search_resource @search_resource_indexable_fields.set_index_condition(:update, conditions[:index_on_update]) end end end end end