Blog1テーブルを作り、タイトル文字列のtitleカラム、本文のmessageカラムを追加しています。 インデックス用のIndexBlog1テーブルも作り、titleカラムのインデックス用にindex_titleカラム、messageカラムのインデック用にindex_messageカラムと、それぞれ1カラムごとに1つずつ追加しています。
Execution example:
table_create --name Blog1 --flags TABLE_HASH_KEY --key_type ShortText
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create --table Blog1 --name title --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type ShortText
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create --table Blog1 --name message --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type ShortText
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
table_create --name IndexBlog1 --flags TABLE_PAT_KEY|KEY_NORMALIZE --key_type ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create --table IndexBlog1 --name index_title --flags COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION --type Blog1 --source title
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create --table IndexBlog1 --name index_message --flags COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION --type Blog1 --source message
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
load --table Blog1
{"_key":"grn1","title":"groonga test","message":"groonga message"},
{"_key":"grn2","title":"baseball result","message":"rakutan eggs 4 - 4 groonga moritars"},
{"_key":"grn3","title":"groonga message","message":"none"}
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], 3]
Execution example:
select --table Blog1 --match_columns title||message --query groonga
# [
# [
# 0,
# 1337566253.89858,
# 0.000355720520019531
# ],
# [
# [
# [
# 3
# ],
# [
# [
# "_id",
# "UInt32"
# ],
# [
# "_key",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "message",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "title",
# "ShortText"
# ]
# ],
# [
# 1,
# "grn1",
# "groonga message",
# "groonga test"
# ],
# [
# 3,
# "grn3",
# "none",
# "groonga message"
# ],
# [
# 2,
# "grn2",
# "rakutan eggs 4 - 4 groonga moritars",
# "baseball result"
# ]
# ]
# ]
# ]
select --table Blog1 --match_columns title||message --query message
# [
# [
# 0,
# 1337566253.89858,
# 0.000355720520019531
# ],
# [
# [
# [
# 2
# ],
# [
# [
# "_id",
# "UInt32"
# ],
# [
# "_key",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "message",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "title",
# "ShortText"
# ]
# ],
# [
# 3,
# "grn3",
# "none",
# "groonga message"
# ],
# [
# 1,
# "grn1",
# "groonga message",
# "groonga test"
# ]
# ]
# ]
# ]
select --table Blog1 --match_columns title --query message
# [
# [
# 0,
# 1337566253.89858,
# 0.000355720520019531
# ],
# [
# [
# [
# 1
# ],
# [
# [
# "_id",
# "UInt32"
# ],
# [
# "_key",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "message",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "title",
# "ShortText"
# ]
# ],
# [
# 3,
# "grn3",
# "none",
# "groonga message"
# ]
# ]
# ]
# ]
Execution example:
table_create --name Blog2 --flags TABLE_HASH_KEY --key_type ShortText
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create --table Blog2 --name title --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type ShortText
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create --table Blog2 --name message --flags COLUMN_SCALAR --type ShortText
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
table_create --name IndexBlog2 --flags TABLE_PAT_KEY|KEY_NORMALIZE --key_type ShortText --default_tokenizer TokenBigram
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create --table IndexBlog2 --name index_blog --flags COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_POSITION|WITH_SECTION --type Blog2 --source title,message
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
load --table Blog2
{"_key":"grn1","title":"groonga test","message":"groonga message"},
{"_key":"grn2","title":"baseball result","message":"rakutan eggs 4 - 4 groonga moritars"},
{"_key":"grn3","title":"groonga message","message":"none"}
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], 3]
Execution example:
select --table Blog2 --match_columns title||message --query groonga
# [
# [
# 0,
# 1337566253.89858,
# 0.000355720520019531
# ],
# [
# [
# [
# 3
# ],
# [
# [
# "_id",
# "UInt32"
# ],
# [
# "_key",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "message",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "title",
# "ShortText"
# ]
# ],
# [
# 1,
# "grn1",
# "groonga message",
# "groonga test"
# ],
# [
# 2,
# "grn2",
# "rakutan eggs 4 - 4 groonga moritars",
# "baseball result"
# ],
# [
# 3,
# "grn3",
# "none",
# "groonga message"
# ]
# ]
# ]
# ]
select --table Blog2 --match_columns title||message --query message
# [
# [
# 0,
# 1337566253.89858,
# 0.000355720520019531
# ],
# [
# [
# [
# 2
# ],
# [
# [
# "_id",
# "UInt32"
# ],
# [
# "_key",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "message",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "title",
# "ShortText"
# ]
# ],
# [
# 1,
# "grn1",
# "groonga message",
# "groonga test"
# ],
# [
# 3,
# "grn3",
# "none",
# "groonga message"
# ]
# ]
# ]
# ]
select --table Blog2 --match_columns title --query message
# [
# [
# 0,
# 1337566253.89858,
# 0.000355720520019531
# ],
# [
# [
# [
# 1
# ],
# [
# [
# "_id",
# "UInt32"
# ],
# [
# "_key",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "message",
# "ShortText"
# ],
# [
# "title",
# "ShortText"
# ]
# ],
# [
# 3,
# "grn3",
# "none",
# "groonga message"
# ]
# ]
# ]
# ]
There may be a question that "which is the better solution for indexing." It depends on the case.