# Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Fellinger m.fellinger@gmail.com # All files in this distribution are subject to the terms of the Ruby license. require 'rake' require 'lib/ramaze/snippets/divide' spec_base = File.expand_path('spec/ramaze/') example_base = File.expand_path('examples') snippets_base = File.expand_path('spec/snippets') # ignore files with these paths ignores = [ './*', './helper/*', './ramaze/adapter.rb', './ramaze/request.rb', ] files = Dir[spec_base/'**'/'*.rb'] + Dir[example_base/'**/spec'/'*.rb'] ignores.each do |ignore| ignore_files = Dir[spec_base/ignore] ignore_files.each do |ignore_file| files.delete File.expand_path(ignore_file) end end files.sort! last = files.pop COV_CMD = "rcov --aggregate coverage.data --%shtml -%s -x gem -x rack %s" def sys(cmd) puts cmd system(cmd) end task :coverage => :clean do # these are the tests that can be run in parallel. # IMHO, ideally we should have # * 100% coverage of ramaze with pure tests # * 100% coverage with non-pure functional tests pure_specs = Dir[snippets_base/'**/*.rb'].entries sys(COV_CMD % ["no-","t", pure_specs.join(' ')]) files.each do |file| sys(COV_CMD % ["no-","t", file]) end sys(COV_CMD % ["", "t", last] ) end