module Condo; end module Condo::Strata; end class Fog::Storage::Google::Real def condo_request(*args) request(*args) end end class Condo::Strata::GoogleCloudStorage def initialize(options) @options = { :name => :GoogleCloudStorage, :location => :na, # US or Europe, set at bucket creation time :fog => { :provider => 'Google', :google_storage_access_key_id => options[:fog_access_id] || options[:access_id], :google_storage_secret_access_key => options[:fog_secret_key] || options[:secret_key] }, :api => 1 }.merge!(options) raise ArgumentError, 'Google Access ID missing' if @options[:access_id].nil? raise ArgumentError, 'Google Secret Key missing' if @options[:secret_key].nil? if @options[:api] == 2 @options[:secret_key] =[:secret_key]) end @options[:location] = @options[:location].to_sym end # Enable CORS on a bucket for a domain def enable_cors(bucket, origin = '*') data = <<-DATA #{origin} GET HEAD POST PUT origin content-md5 authorization x-goog-date x-goog-acl content-type accept x-goog-api-version x-goog-resumable content-range x-requested-with 1800 DATA fog_connection.condo_request( :expects => 200, :body => data, :method => 'PUT', :headers => {}, :host => "#{bucket}", :idempotent => true, :path => '?cors' # There is an issue with Fog where this isn't included as a canonical_resource ) end def name @options[:name] end def location @options[:location] end # Create a signed URL for accessing a private file def get_object(options) options = {}.merge!(options) # Need to deep copy here options[:object_options] = { :expires => 5.minutes.from_now, :verb => :get, :headers => {}, :parameters => {}, :protocol => :https }.merge!(options[:object_options] || {}) options.merge!(@options) # # provide the signed request # sign_request(options)[:url] end # Creates a new upload request (either single shot or multi-part) # => Passed: bucket_name, object_key, object_options, file_size def new_upload(options) options = {}.merge!(options) # Need to deep copy here options[:object_options] = { :permissions => :private, :expires => 5.minutes.from_now, :verb => :put, # put for direct uploads :headers => {}, :parameters => {}, :protocol => :https }.merge!(options[:object_options] || {}) options.merge!(@options) options[:object_options][:headers]['x-goog-api-version'] = @options[:api] if options[:object_options][:headers]['x-goog-acl'].nil? options[:object_options][:headers]['x-goog-acl'] = case options[:object_options][:permissions] when :public :'public-read' else :private end end options[:object_options][:headers]['Content-Type'] = 'binary/octet-stream' if options[:object_options][:headers]['Content-Type'].nil? # Decide what type of request is being sent if options[:file_size] > 1.megabytes # Resumables may not support the md5 header at this time - have to compare ETag and fail on the client side options[:object_options][:verb] = :post options[:object_options][:headers]['x-goog-resumable'] = 'start' return { :signature => sign_request(options), :type => :chunked_upload # triggers resumable } else options[:object_options][:headers]['Content-Md5'] = options[:file_id] if options[:file_id].present? && options[:object_options][:headers]['Content-Md5'].nil? return { :signature => sign_request(options), :type => :direct_upload } end end # Creates a request for the byte we were up to def get_parts(options, setting_parts = false) options[:object_options] = { :expires => 5.minutes.from_now, :verb => :put, # put for direct uploads :headers => {}, :parameters => {}, :protocol => :https }.merge!(options[:object_options] || {}) options.merge!(@options) # Set the upload and request the range of bytes we are after if setting_parts options[:object_options][:headers]['Content-Md5'] = options[:file_id] if options[:file_id].present? && options[:object_options][:headers]['Content-Md5'].nil? options[:object_options][:headers]['Content-Range'] = "bytes #{options[:part]}-#{options[:file_size] - 1}/#{options[:file_size]}" else options[:object_options][:headers]['Content-Range'] = "bytes */#{options[:file_size]}" end options[:object_options][:headers]['x-goog-api-version'] = @options[:api] options[:object_options][:parameters]['upload_id'] = options[:resumable_id] # provide the signed request { :expected => 308, :type => :status, :signature => sign_request(options) } end # Returns the requests for uploading parts and completing a resumable upload def set_part(options) resp = get_parts(options, true) resp[:type] = :resume_upload resp[:type] = :resume_upload return resp end def fog_connection @fog = @fog ||[:fog]) return @fog end def destroy(upload) connection = fog_connection directory = connection.directories.get(upload.bucket_name) # it is assumed this exists - if not then the upload wouldn't have taken place file = directory.files.get(upload.object_key) # NOTE:: I only assume this works with resumables... should look into it return true if file.nil? return file.destroy end protected def sign_request(options) # Build base URL verb = options[:object_options][:verb].to_s.upcase.to_sym options[:object_options][:expires] = options[:object_options][:expires].utc.to_i url = "/#{options[:object_key]}" # Add signed request params other_params = '' signed_params = '?' (options[:object_options][:parameters] || {}).each do |key, value| if ['acl', 'cors', 'location', 'logging', 'requestPayment', 'torrent', 'versions', 'versioning'].include?(key) signed_params << "#{key}&" else other_params << (value.blank? ? "#{key}&" : "#{key}=#{value}&") end end signed_params.chop! url << signed_params # Build a request signature signature = "#{verb}\n#{options[:object_options][:headers]['Content-Md5']}\n#{options[:object_options][:headers]['Content-Type']}\n#{options[:object_options][:expires]}\n" if verb != :GET options[:object_options][:headers]['x-goog-date'] ||= google_headers, canonical_google_headers = {}, '' # Copied from for key, value in options[:object_options][:headers] if key[0..6] == 'x-goog-' google_headers[key] = value end end google_headers = google_headers.sort {|x, y| x[0] <=> y[0]} for key, value in google_headers signature << "#{key}:#{value}\n" end end signature << "/#{options[:bucket_name]}#{url}" # Encode the request signature if @options[:api] == 1 signature = Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1'), @options[:secret_key], signature)).gsub("\n","") options[:object_options][:headers]['Authorization'] = "GOOG1 #{@options[:access_id]}:#{signature}" else signature = Base64.encode64(@options[:secret_key].sign(, signature)).gsub("\n","") end url += signed_params.present? ? '&' : '?' url = "#{options[:object_options][:protocol]}://#{options[:bucket_name]}{url}#{other_params}GoogleAccessId=#{@options[:access_id]}&Expires=#{options[:object_options][:expires]}&Signature=#{CGI::escape(signature)}" # Finish building the request return { :verb => options[:object_options][:verb].to_s.upcase, :url => url, :headers => options[:object_options][:headers] } end end