### builtin configuration for arrays # # access or overwrite using nested builtin context e.g. # builtin: # textile: # libs: [ whatever ] helper: unparsed: [ slide, style ] renames: [ include, class ] exprs: [ class, clear ] # text filters filters: - skip-end-directive - directives_bang_style_to_percent_style - directives_percent_style - comments-percent-style - leading-headers - erb-django-style - erb-rename-helper-hack - dump_content_to_file_debug_text_erb - erb - code-block-curly-style - dump_content_to_file_debug_text # markup (textile, markdown) config textile: extnames: [ .textile, .t ] markdown: extnames: [ .markdown, .m, .mark, .mkdn, .md, .txt, .text ] # note: only kramdown is listed as a dependency in gem specs (because it's Ruby only and, thus, easy to install) # if you want to use other markdown libs install the required/desired lib e.g. # use gem install rdiscount for rdiscount and so on # # also note for now the first present markdown library gets used # the search order is first come, first serve, that is: rdiscount, rpeg-markdown, maruku, bluecloth, kramdown (fallback, always present) libs: - rdiscount - rpeg-markdown - maruku - bluecloth - kramdown