module AmpleAssets module ViewHelper def assets_toolbar(tabs = nil) tabs = AmpleAssets.tabs if tabs.nil? script = "var ample_assets = {}; ample_assets.load = true; " script += "ample_assets.mount_at = '#{AmpleAssets.mount_at}'; " script += "ample_assets.pages = #{tabs.to_json}" content_tag :script, script.html_safe, :type => "text/javascript" end # Returns image tag for an object's attachment, with optional link element wrapped around it. # # @param Object - Required # @param String :alt - Defaults to object.title # @param String :title # @param String :class # @param String :style # @param String :dimensions - Dragonfly-esque dimensions... @see # @param String :link - Destination for link_to tag # @param Symbol :encode - :gif, :jpg, :png, etc. Defaults to :png # @param Object :object - Dragonfly object, defaults to object.file # @param Boolean :video - Link to an iframe lightbox? # @param String :video_dimensions - (width)x(height), defaults to 500x350 # def image_asset(object, args={}) # Gracefully handle nil return if object.try(:file).nil? && args[:object].nil? # Define default opts and merge with parameter args opts = { :alt => '', :video_dimensions => '500x350', :encode => :png }.merge(args) # Override alt text with object title if it exists opts[:alt] = escape_javascript(object.title) if object.respond_to?('title') # See if optional file object actually contains a dfly instance if opts[:object] attachment = opts[:object].attachment attachment_gravity = opts[:object].attachment_gravity else attachment = object.file.attachment attachment_gravity = object.file.attachment_gravity end # If this is a crop, try to add gravity if opts.try(:[], :dimensions) && opts[:dimensions].include?('#') # Strip out image geometry opts[:size] = /[0-9]{1,}x[0-9]{1,}/.match(opts[:dimensions]).try(:[], 0) width, height = opts[:size].split('x') image = attachment.process(:resize_and_crop, :width => width, :height => height, :gravity => attachment_gravity).encode(opts[:encode]) else image = opts.try(:[], :dimensions) ? attachment.process(:thumb, opts[:dimensions]).encode(opts[:encode]) : attachment.encode(opts[:encode]) end # Determine which opts ultimately get passed to image_tag valid_opts = [:alt, :class, :style, :title] valid_opts.push(:size) unless args[:size] == false # Create image tag img_tag = image_tag(image.url, opts.slice(*valid_opts)) # If this is a video link if opts[:video] link_to img_tag, opts[:link], :rel => 'facebox', :rev => "iframe|#{opts[:video_dimensions]}" else link_to_if opts[:link], img_tag, opts[:link] end end end end