# encoding: utf-8
# The text_box
method accepts both :width
# :height
options. So what happens if the text doesn't fit the box?
# The default behavior is to truncate the text but this can be changed with
# the :overflow
option. Available modes are :expand
# (the box will increase to fit the text) and :shrink_to_fit
# (the text font size will be shrunk to fit).
# If :shrink_to_fit
mode is used with the
# :min_font_size
option set, the font size will not be reduced to
# less than the value provided even if it means truncating some text.
# If the :disable_wrap_by_char
is set to true
# then any text wrapping done while using the :shrink_to_fit
# mode will not break up the middle of words.
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),
%w[.. example_helper]))
filename = File.basename(__FILE__).gsub('.rb', '.pdf')
Prawn::ManualBuilder::Example.generate(filename) do
string = "This is the sample text used for the text boxes. See how it " +
"behave with the various overflow options used."
text string
y_position = cursor - 20
[:truncate, :expand, :shrink_to_fit].each_with_index do |mode, i|
text_box string, :at => [i * 150, y_position],
:width => 100, :height => 50,
:overflow => mode
string = "If the box is too small for the text, :shrink_to_fit " +
"can render the text in a really small font size."
move_down 120
text string
y_position = cursor - 20
[nil, 8, 10, 12].each_with_index do |value, index|
text_box string, :at => [index * 150, y_position],
:width => 50, :height => 50,
:overflow => :shrink_to_fit,
:min_font_size => value