# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require "selenium-webdriver" RSpec.shared_examples "Capybara::Session" do |session, mode| let(:session) {session} context 'with selenium driver' do before do @session = session end describe '#driver' do it "should be a selenium driver" do expect(@session.driver).to be_an_instance_of(Capybara::Selenium::Driver) end end describe '#mode' do it "should remember the mode" do expect(@session.mode).to eq(mode) end end describe "#reset!" do it "freshly reset session should not be touched" do @session.instance_variable_set(:@touched, true) @session.reset! expect(@session.instance_variable_get(:@touched)).to eq false end end describe "exit codes" do before do @current_dir = Dir.getwd Dir.chdir(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) end after do Dir.chdir(@current_dir) end it "should have return code 1 when running selenium_driver_rspec_failure.rb" do env = { 'SELENIUM_BROWSER' => @session.driver.options[:browser].to_s, 'LEGACY_FIREFOX' => (mode == :selenium_firefox ? 'TRUE' : nil) } system(env, 'rspec spec/fixtures/selenium_driver_rspec_failure.rb', out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) expect($?.exitstatus).to eq(1) end it "should have return code 0 when running selenium_driver_rspec_success.rb" do env = { 'SELENIUM_BROWSER' => @session.driver.options[:browser].to_s, 'LEGACY_FIREFOX' => (mode == :selenium_firefox ? 'TRUE' : nil) } system(env, 'rspec spec/fixtures/selenium_driver_rspec_success.rb', out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL) expect($?.exitstatus).to eq(0) end end describe "#accept_alert" do it "supports a blockless mode" do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.click_link('Open alert') @session.accept_alert expect{@session.driver.browser.switch_to.alert}.to raise_error(Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoAlertPresentError) end end context "#fill_in with { :clear => :backspace } fill_option", requires: [:js] do it 'should fill in a field, replacing an existing value' do @session.visit('/form') @session.fill_in('form_first_name', with: 'Harry', fill_options: { clear: :backspace} ) expect(@session.find(:fillable_field, 'form_first_name').value).to eq('Harry') end it 'should only trigger onchange once' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.fill_in('with_change_event', with: 'some value', fill_options: { :clear => :backspace }) # click outside the field to trigger the change event @session.find(:css, 'body').click expect(@session.find(:css, '.change_event_triggered', match: :one)).to have_text 'some value' end it 'should trigger change when clearing field' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.fill_in('with_change_event', with: '', fill_options: { :clear => :backspace }) # click outside the field to trigger the change event @session.find(:css, 'body').click expect(@session).to have_selector(:css, '.change_event_triggered', match: :one) end end context "#fill_in with { clear: :none } fill_options" do it 'should append to content in a field' do @session.visit('/form') @session.fill_in('form_first_name', with: 'Harry', fill_options: { clear: :none} ) expect(@session.find(:fillable_field, 'form_first_name').value).to eq('JohnHarry') end end context "#fill_in with { clear: Array } fill_options" do it 'should pass the array through to the element' do pending "selenium-webdriver/geckodriver doesn't support complex sets of characters" if @session.driver.marionette? #this is mainly for use with [[:control, 'a'], :backspace] - however since that is platform dependant I'm testing with something less useful @session.visit('/form') @session.fill_in('form_first_name', with: 'Harry', fill_options: { clear: [[:shift, 'abc'], :backspace] } ) expect(@session.find(:fillable_field, 'form_first_name').value).to eq('JohnABHarry') end end describe "#path" do it "returns xpath" do # this is here because it is testing for an XPath that is specific to the algorithm used in the selenium driver @session.visit('/path') element = @session.find(:link, 'Second Link') expect(element.path).to eq('/html/body/div[2]/a[1]') end end describe "#evaluate_script" do it "can return an element" do @session.visit('/form') element = @session.evaluate_script("document.getElementById('form_title')") expect(element).to eq @session.find(:id, 'form_title') end it "can return arrays of nested elements" do @session.visit('/form') elements = @session.evaluate_script('document.querySelectorAll("#form_city option")') elements.each do |el| expect(el).to be_instance_of Capybara::Node::Element end expect(elements).to eq @session.find(:css, '#form_city').all(:css, 'option').to_a end it "can return hashes with elements" do @session.visit('/form') result = @session.evaluate_script("{ a: document.getElementById('form_title'), b: {c: document.querySelectorAll('#form_city option')}}") expect(result).to eq({ 'a' => @session.find(:id, 'form_title'), 'b' => { 'c' => @session.find(:css, '#form_city').all(:css, 'option').to_a } }) end end end end