- include_stylesheet 'admin/assets' .outset - render_region :top do |top| - top.filters do .asset_filters - form_tag(admin_assets_path,:id => 'filesearchform', :method => 'get') do %input{ :type => "search", :id => "search", :name => "search" , :value => params[:search] } = submit_tag t("paperclipped.search") = observe_field 'search', :frequency => 1, :update => 'assets_table', :url => { :controller => 'assets', :action=> 'index' }, :method => 'get', :with => "'search=' + escape(value)" == #{t('paperclipped.types_to_find')}: %span = link_to t("paperclipped.images"), "#" %span = link_to t("paperclipped.others"), "#" %span = link_to t("paperclipped.audio"), "#" %span = link_to t("paperclipped.movies"), "#" #type_boxes{ :style => "display: none" } = check_box_tag 'filter[audio]', '1', false, :id => 'audio-check' = check_box_tag 'filter[image]', '1', false, :id => 'images-check' = check_box_tag 'filter[other]', '1', false, :id => 'others-check' = check_box_tag 'filter[movie]', '1', false, :id => 'movies-check' - if false #current_user.admin? # turned off for now, this might be too dangerous to reveal .regenerator = link_to t('paperclipped.regenerate_all_thumbnails') , refresh_admin_assets_path, :confirm => 'Beware that this will take a while and consume considerable resources on your server. Are you sure you want to continue?' #assets_table = render :partial => 'asset_table', :locals => { :assets => @assets } = render :partial => 'assets_container' - render_region :bottom do |bottom| #actions = pagination_for @assets, :depaginate => false %ul %li= link_to((image('plus', :alt => '') + ' ' + t('paperclipped.new_asset')), new_admin_asset_path) - unless Asset.thumbnail_sizes.blank? %li.highlight = t('paperclipped.need_to_upload') = automatic_size_descriptions = t('paperclipped.images_automatically_created')