# frozen_string_literal: true require 'activerecord-import' require 'rails_or' require 'atomically/update_all_scope' require 'atomically/patches/clear_attribute_changes' if not ActiveModel::Dirty.method_defined?(:clear_attribute_changes) and not ActiveModel::Dirty.private_method_defined?(:clear_attribute_changes) require 'atomically/patches/none' if not ActiveRecord::Base.respond_to?(:none) require 'atomically/patches/from' if Gem::Version.new(ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING) < Gem::Version.new('4.0.0') class Atomically::QueryService def initialize(klass, relation: nil, model: nil) @klass = klass @relation = relation || @klass @model = model end def create_or_plus(columns, data, update_columns) @klass.import(columns, data, on_duplicate_key_update: on_duplicate_key_plus_sql(update_columns)) end def pay_all(hash, update_columns, primary_key: :id) # { id => pay_count } return 0 if hash.blank? update_columns = update_columns.map(&method(:quote_column)) query = hash.inject(@klass.none) do |relation, (id, pay_count)| condition = @relation.where(primary_key => id) update_columns.each{|s| condition = condition.where("#{s} >= ?", pay_count) } next relation.or(condition) end raw_when_sql = hash.map{|id, pay_count| "WHEN #{sanitize(id)} THEN #{sanitize(-pay_count)}" }.join("\n") update_sqls = update_columns.map.with_index do |column, idx| value = idx == 0 ? "(@change := \nCASE #{quote_column(primary_key)}\n#{raw_when_sql}\nEND)" : '@change' next "#{column} = #{column} + #{value}" end return where_all_can_be_updated(query, hash.size).update_all(update_sqls.join(', ')) end def update_all(expected_size, *args) where_all_can_be_updated(@relation, expected_size).update_all(*args) end def update(attrs, from: :not_set) success = update_and_return_number_of_updated_rows(attrs, from) == 1 assign_without_changes(attrs) if success return success end # ==== Parameters # # * +counters+ - A Hash containing the names of the fields # to update as keys and the amount to update the field by as values. def decrement_unsigned_counters(counters) result = open_update_all_scope do counters.each do |field, amount| where("#{field} >= ?", amount).update("#{field} = #{field} - ?", amount) if amount > 0 end end return (result == 1) end def update_all_and_get_ids(*args) ids = nil id_column = "#{@klass.quoted_table_name}.#{quote_column(:id)}" @klass.transaction do @relation.connection.execute('SET @ids := NULL') @relation.where("(SELECT @ids := CONCAT_WS(',', #{id_column}, @ids))").update_all(*args) # 撈出有真的被更新的 id,用逗號串在一起 ids = @klass.from(nil).pluck('@ids').first end return ids.try{|s| s.split(',').map(&:to_i).uniq.sort } || [] # 將 id 從字串取出來 @id 的格式範例: '1,4,12' end private def on_duplicate_key_plus_sql(columns) columns.lazy.map(&method(:quote_column)).map{|s| "#{s} = #{s} + VALUES(#{s})" }.force.join(', ') end def quote_column(column) @klass.connection.quote_column_name(column) end def sanitize(value) @klass.connection.quote(value) end def where_all_can_be_updated(query, expected_size) query.where("(#{@klass.from(query.where('')).select('COUNT(*)').to_sql}) = ?", expected_size) end def update_and_return_number_of_updated_rows(attrs, from) model = @model return open_update_all_scope do update(updated_at: Time.now) attrs.each do |column, value| old_value = (from == :not_set ? model[column] : from) where(column => old_value).update(column => value) if old_value != value end end end def open_update_all_scope(&block) return 0 if @model == nil scope = UpdateAllScope.new(model: @model) scope.instance_exec(&block) return scope.do_query! end def assign_without_changes(attributes) @model.assign_attributes(attributes) @model.send(:clear_attribute_changes, attributes.keys) end end