# dependencies require "ffi" # modules require "xgboost/utils" require "xgboost/booster" require "xgboost/dmatrix" require "xgboost/version" # scikit-learn API require "xgboost/model" require "xgboost/classifier" require "xgboost/ranker" require "xgboost/regressor" module XGBoost class Error < StandardError; end class << self attr_accessor :ffi_lib end lib_name = FFI.map_library_name("xgboost") vendor_lib = File.expand_path("../vendor/#{lib_name}", __dir__) self.ffi_lib = [vendor_lib] # friendlier error message autoload :FFI, "xgboost/ffi" class << self def train(params, dtrain, num_boost_round: 10, evals: nil, early_stopping_rounds: nil, verbose_eval: true) booster = Booster.new(params: params) num_feature = dtrain.num_col booster.set_param("num_feature", num_feature) booster.feature_names = dtrain.feature_names booster.feature_types = dtrain.feature_types evals ||= [] if early_stopping_rounds best_score = nil best_iter = nil best_message = nil end num_boost_round.times do |iteration| booster.update(dtrain, iteration) if evals.any? message = booster.eval_set(evals, iteration) res = message.split.map { |x| x.split(":") }[1..-1].map { |k, v| [k, v.to_f] } if early_stopping_rounds && iteration == 0 metric = res[-1][0] puts "Will train until #{metric} hasn't improved in #{early_stopping_rounds.to_i} rounds." if verbose_eval end puts message if verbose_eval score = res[-1][1] # TODO handle larger better if best_score.nil? || score < best_score best_score = score best_iter = iteration best_message = message elsif iteration - best_iter >= early_stopping_rounds booster.best_iteration = best_iter puts "Stopping. Best iteration:\n#{best_message}" if verbose_eval break end end end booster end def cv(params, dtrain, num_boost_round: 10, nfold: 3, seed: 0, shuffle: true, verbose_eval: nil, show_stdv: true, early_stopping_rounds: nil) rand_idx = (0...dtrain.num_row).to_a rand_idx.shuffle!(random: Random.new(seed)) if shuffle kstep = (rand_idx.size / nfold.to_f).ceil test_id = rand_idx.each_slice(kstep).to_a[0...nfold] train_id = [] nfold.times do |i| idx = test_id.dup idx.delete_at(i) train_id << idx.flatten end folds = train_id.zip(test_id) cvfolds = [] folds.each do |(train_idx, test_idx)| fold_dtrain = dtrain.slice(train_idx) fold_dvalid = dtrain.slice(test_idx) booster = Booster.new(params: params) booster.set_param("num_feature", dtrain.num_col) cvfolds << [booster, fold_dtrain, fold_dvalid] end eval_hist = {} if early_stopping_rounds best_score = nil best_iter = nil end num_boost_round.times do |iteration| scores = {} cvfolds.each do |(booster, fold_dtrain, fold_dvalid)| booster.update(fold_dtrain, iteration) message = booster.eval_set([[fold_dtrain, "train"], [fold_dvalid, "test"]], iteration) res = message.split.map { |x| x.split(":") }[1..-1].map { |k, v| [k, v.to_f] } res.each do |k, v| (scores[k] ||= []) << v end end message_parts = ["[#{iteration}]"] last_mean = nil means = {} scores.each do |eval_name, vals| mean = mean(vals) stdev = stdev(vals) (eval_hist["#{eval_name}-mean"] ||= []) << mean (eval_hist["#{eval_name}-std"] ||= []) << stdev means[eval_name] = mean last_mean = mean if show_stdv message_parts << "%s:%g+%g" % [eval_name, mean, stdev] else message_parts << "%s:%g" % [eval_name, mean] end end if early_stopping_rounds score = last_mean # TODO handle larger better if best_score.nil? || score < best_score best_score = score best_iter = iteration elsif iteration - best_iter >= early_stopping_rounds eval_hist.each_key do |k| eval_hist[k] = eval_hist[k][0..best_iter] end break end end # put at end to keep output consistent with Python puts message_parts.join("\t") if verbose_eval end eval_hist end def lib_version major = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:int) minor = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:int) patch = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:int) FFI.XGBoostVersion(major, minor, patch) "#{major.read_int}.#{minor.read_int}.#{patch.read_int}" end private def mean(arr) arr.sum / arr.size.to_f end # don't subtract one from arr.size def stdev(arr) m = mean(arr) sum = 0 arr.each do |v| sum += (v - m) ** 2 end Math.sqrt(sum / arr.size) end end end