module GrapeSwagger module DocMethods class PathString class << self def build(path, options = {}) # always removing format path.sub!(/\(\.\w+?\)$/, '') path.sub!('(.:format)', '') # ... format path params path.gsub!(/:(\w+)/, '{\1}') # set item from path, this could be used for the definitions object item = path.gsub(%r{/{(.+?)}}, '').split('/').last.singularize.underscore.camelize || 'Item' if options[:version] && options[:add_version] path.sub!('{version}', options[:version].to_s) else path.sub!('/{version}', '') end path = "#{, options)}#{path}" if options[:add_base_path] [item, path.start_with?('/') ? path : "/#{path}"] end end end end end