module Bender # Project root ROOT = File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..' # Pull the project version out of the VERSION file VERSION =, 'VERSION')).strip # We don't really do all that much, be humble SUMMARY = 'Yet another HipChat bot' # Your benevolent dictator for life AUTHOR = 'Sean Clemmer' # Turn here to strangle your dictator EMAIL = '' # Like the MIT license, but even simpler LICENSE = 'ISC' # If you really just can't get enough HOMEPAGE = '' # Bundled extensions TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION = '20150517-2.2.2' JSON_VERSION = '1.8.2' FFI_VERSION = '1.9.6' EM_VERSION = '1.0.4' # Every project deserves its own ASCII art ART = <<-'EOART' % VERSION ,, ,, *MM `7MM MM MM MM,dMMb. .gP"Ya `7MMpMMMb. ,M""bMM .gP"Ya `7Mb,od8 MM `Mb ,M' Yb MM MM ,AP MM ,M' Yb MM' "' MM M8 8M"""""" MM MM 8MI MM 8M"""""" MM MM. ,M9 YM. , MM MM `Mb MM YM. , MM P^YbmdP' `Mbmmd'.JMML JMML.`Wbmd"MML.`Mbmmd'.JMML. v%s EOART end