shapewear [![Build Status](]( ========= Make your fat service look skinny. Work in Progress ---------------- This gem is still in early development, and it's not yet yet ready for use. Any contribution and feedback is welcome. Installation ------------ Shapewear is available through [Rubygems]( and can be installed via: ``` $ gem install shapewear ``` Introduction ------------ First, describe your SOAP service: ``` ruby require "shapewear" class MyFirstService include Shapewear wsdl_namespace '' schema_namespace '' endpoint_url 'http://localhost:3000/my_first_service' operation :hello, :parameters => [[:name, String]], :returns => String def hello(name) "hello, #{name}" end operation :sum, :parameters => [[:x, Fixnum], [:y, Fixnum]], :returns => Fixnum def sum(x, y) x + y end operation :get_user_info, :parameters => [[:email, String]], :returns => { :name => String, :birthday => DateTime } def get_user_info(email) User.find_by_email(email) end end ``` Then bind to your web application in a non-intrusive way. Rails example: ``` ruby # don't forget to write the appropriate routes class MyFirstServiceController < ApplicationController def wsdl render :xml => MyHelloService.to_wsdl end def serve render :xml => MyHelloService.serve(params) end end ``` Sinatra example: ``` ruby class MySinatraApp < Sinatra::App get "my_first_service/wsdl" do content_type "application/xml" MyHelloService.to_wsdl end post "my_first_service" do content_type "application/xml" MyHelloService.serve(params) end end ```