define("dojox/gfx/gradient", ["dojo/_base/lang", "./matrix", "dojo/_base/Color"], function(lang, m, Color){ // Various utilities to deal with a linear gradient (mostly VML-specific) var grad = lang.getObject("dojox.gfx.gradient", true); var C = Color; grad.rescale = function(stops, from, to){ // summary: // Recalculates a gradient from 0-1 window to // "from"-"to" window blending and replicating colors, // if necessary. // stops: Array // input gradient as a list of colors with offsets // (see dojox/gfx.defaultLinearGradient and dojox/gfx.defaultRadialGradient) // from: Number // the beginning of the window, should be less than "to" // to: Number // the end of the window, should be more than "from" var len = stops.length, reverseFlag = (to < from), newStops; // do we need to reverse the color table? if(reverseFlag){ var tmp = from; from = to; to = tmp; } // various edge cases if(!len){ // no colors return []; } if(to <= stops[0].offset){ // all colors are before the color table newStops = [ {offset: 0, color: stops[0].color}, {offset: 1, color: stops[0].color} ]; }else if(from >= stops[len - 1].offset){ // all colors are after the color table newStops = [ {offset: 0, color: stops[len - 1].color}, {offset: 1, color: stops[len - 1].color} ]; }else{ // main scanning algorithm var span = to - from, stop, prev, i; newStops = []; if(from < 0){ newStops.push({offset: 0, color: new C(stops[0].color)}); } for(i = 0; i < len; ++i){ stop = stops[i]; if(stop.offset >= from){ break; } // skip this color } if(i){ prev = stops[i - 1]; newStops.push({ offset: 0, color: Color.blendColors(new C(prev.color), new C(stop.color), (from - prev.offset) / (stop.offset - prev.offset)) }); }else{ newStops.push({offset: 0, color: new C(stop.color)}); } for(; i < len; ++i){ stop = stops[i]; if(stop.offset >= to){ break; } newStops.push({offset: (stop.offset - from) / span, color: new C(stop.color)}); } if(i < len){ prev = stops[i - 1]; newStops.push({ offset: 1, color: Color.blendColors(new C(prev.color), new C(stop.color), (to - prev.offset) / (stop.offset - prev.offset)) }); }else{ newStops.push({offset: 1, color: new C(stops[len - 1].color)}); } } // reverse the color table, if needed if(reverseFlag){ newStops.reverse(); for(i = 0, len = newStops.length; i < len; ++i){ stop = newStops[i]; stop.offset = 1 - stop.offset; } } return newStops; }; function getPoint(x, y, matrix, project, shiftAndRotate, scale){ var r = m.multiplyPoint(matrix, x, y), p = m.multiplyPoint(project, r); return {r: r, p: p, o: m.multiplyPoint(shiftAndRotate, p).x / scale}; } function sortPoints(a, b){ return a.o - b.o; } grad.project = function(matrix, gradient, tl, rb, ttl, trb){ // summary: // Returns a new gradient using the "VML algorithm" and suitable for VML. // matrix: dojox/gfx/matrix.Matrix2D|null // matrix to apply to a shape and its gradient // gradient: Object // a linear gradient object to be transformed // tl: dojox/gfx.Point // top-left corner of shape's bounding box // rb: dojox/gfx.Point // right-bottom corner of shape's bounding box // ttl: dojox/gfx.Point // top-left corner of shape's transformed bounding box // trb: dojox/gfx.Point // right-bottom corner of shape's transformed bounding box matrix = matrix || m.identity; var f1 = m.multiplyPoint(matrix, gradient.x1, gradient.y1), f2 = m.multiplyPoint(matrix, gradient.x2, gradient.y2), angle = Math.atan2(f2.y - f1.y, f2.x - f1.x), project = m.project(f2.x - f1.x, f2.y - f1.y), pf1 = m.multiplyPoint(project, f1), pf2 = m.multiplyPoint(project, f2), shiftAndRotate = new m.Matrix2D([m.rotate(-angle), {dx: -pf1.x, dy: -pf1.y}]), scale = m.multiplyPoint(shiftAndRotate, pf2).x, //comboMatrix = new m.Matrix2D([shiftAndRotate, project, matrix]), // bbox-specific calculations points = [ getPoint(tl.x, tl.y, matrix, project, shiftAndRotate, scale), getPoint(rb.x, rb.y, matrix, project, shiftAndRotate, scale), getPoint(tl.x, rb.y, matrix, project, shiftAndRotate, scale), getPoint(rb.x, tl.y, matrix, project, shiftAndRotate, scale) ].sort(sortPoints), from = points[0].o, to = points[3].o, stops = grad.rescale(gradient.colors, from, to), //angle2 = Math.atan2(Math.abs(points[3].r.y - points[0].r.y) * (f2.y - f1.y), Math.abs(points[3].r.x - points[0].r.x) * (f2.x - f1.x)); angle2 = Math.atan2(points[3].r.y - points[0].r.y, points[3].r.x - points[0].r.x); return { type: "linear", x1: points[0].p.x, y1: points[0].p.y, x2: points[3].p.x, y2: points[3].p.y, colors: stops, // additional helpers (for VML) angle: angle }; }; return grad; });