class RegularDonationKit < Kit acts_as_kit :with_approval => true do self.configurable = true activate :if => :has_tax_info? activate :if => :exclusive? # # So, this is horrible. Sorry. # Leaving "approve" out of this list sets the kit to auto-approve which is the # opposite of what we want. So, this kludge is here to force the kit to # never approve until you call kit.admin_approve # approve :if => :dont_approve admin_approve :unless => :no_bank_account? when_active do |organization| organization.can :receive, Donation end end ACCESSORS = [ :about_organization_text, :donation_ask_text, :donate_now_text, :donation_nudge_text, :suggested_gifts, :open_gift_field, :thanks_msg_text, :email_msg_text, :donation_only_storefront, ] attr_accessible *ACCESSORS store :settings, :accessors => ACCESSORS def dont_approve false end def has_tax_info? errors.add(:requirements, 'Your organization\'s tax information is missing or incomplete. Please complete it in order to active this kit.') unless organization.has_tax_info? organization.has_tax_info? end def friendly_name '501(c)(3) Donations' end def pitch 'Receive donations for a 501(c)(3)' end def exclusive? exclusive = !organization.kits.where(:type => alternatives.collect(&:to_s)).any? errors.add(:requirements, 'You have already activated a mutually exclusive kit.') unless exclusive exclusive end def no_bank_account? errors.add(:requirements, 'Your organization needs bank account information first.') if organization.bank_account.nil? organization.bank_account.nil? end # def alternatives # @alternatives ||= [ SponsoredDonationKit ] # end def on_pending AdminMailer.donation_kit_notification(self).deliver ProducerMailer.donation_kit_notification(self, organization.owner).deliver end def suggested_gifts=(value) value = value.values if value.is_a?(Hash) value = do |suggested_gift| suggested_gift = { :amount => suggested_gift } if [String, Fixnum, Bignum, Float, BigDecimal].any? { |klass| suggested_gift.is_a?(klass) } suggested_gift[:amount] = suggested_gift[:amount].to_i suggested_gift.delete :level_name if suggested_gift[:level_name].blank? suggested_gift.with_indifferent_access end.reject do |suggested_gift| suggested_gift[:amount].to_i <= 0 end.sort do |l, r| l[:amount] <=> r[:amount] end self.settings = {} unless self.settings.is_a?(Hash) self.settings[:suggested_gifts] = value self.settings_will_change! end end