package Module::Build::Tiny;
$Module::Build::Tiny::VERSION = '0.051';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter 5.57 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw/Build Build_PL/;
use CPAN::Meta;
use ExtUtils::Config 0.003;
use ExtUtils::Helpers 0.020 qw/make_executable split_like_shell man1_pagename man3_pagename detildefy/;
use ExtUtils::Install qw/pm_to_blib install/;
use ExtUtils::InstallPaths 0.002;
use File::Basename qw/basename dirname/;
use File::Find ();
use File::Path qw/mkpath rmtree/;
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile catdir rel2abs abs2rel splitdir curdir/;
use Getopt::Long 2.36 qw/GetOptionsFromArray/;
use JSON::PP 2 qw/encode_json decode_json/;
sub write_file {
my ($filename, $content) = @_;
open my $fh, '>', $filename or die "Could not open $filename: $!\n";
print $fh $content;
sub read_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Could not open $filename: $!\n";
return do { local $/; <$fh> };
sub get_meta {
my ($metafile) = grep { -e $_ } qw/META.json META.yml/ or die "No META information provided\n";
return CPAN::Meta->load_file($metafile);
sub manify {
my ($input_file, $output_file, $section, $opts) = @_;
return if -e $output_file && -M $input_file <= -M $output_file;
my $dirname = dirname($output_file);
mkpath($dirname, $opts->{verbose}) if not -d $dirname;
require Pod::Man;
Pod::Man->new(section => $section)->parse_from_file($input_file, $output_file);
print "Manifying $output_file\n" if $opts->{verbose} && $opts->{verbose} > 0;
sub process_xs {
my ($source, $options, $c_files) = @_;
die "Can't build xs files under --pureperl-only\n" if $options->{'pureperl-only'};
my (undef, @parts) = splitdir(dirname($source));
push @parts, my $file_base = basename($source, '.xs');
my $archdir = catdir(qw/blib arch auto/, @parts);
my $tempdir = 'temp';
my $c_file = catfile($tempdir, "$file_base.c");
require ExtUtils::ParseXS;
mkpath($tempdir, $options->{verbose}, oct '755');
ExtUtils::ParseXS::process_file(filename => $source, prototypes => 0, output => $c_file);
my $version = $options->{meta}->version;
require ExtUtils::CBuilder;
my $builder = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(config => $options->{config}->values_set);
my @objects = $builder->compile(source => $c_file, defines => { VERSION => qq/"$version"/, XS_VERSION => qq/"$version"/ }, include_dirs => [ curdir, 'include', 'src', dirname($source) ]);
my $o = $options->{config}->get('_o');
for my $c_source (@{ $c_files }) {
my $o_file = catfile($tempdir, basename($c_source, '.c') . $o);
push @objects, $builder->compile(source => $c_source, include_dirs => [ curdir, 'include', 'src', dirname($c_source) ])
require DynaLoader;
my $mod2fname = defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname ? \&DynaLoader::mod2fname : sub { return $_[0][-1] };
mkpath($archdir, $options->{verbose}, oct '755') unless -d $archdir;
my $lib_file = catfile($archdir, $mod2fname->(\@parts) . '.' . $options->{config}->get('dlext'));
return $builder->link(objects => \@objects, lib_file => $lib_file, module_name => join '::', @parts);
sub find {
my ($pattern, $dir) = @_;
my @ret;
File::Find::find(sub { push @ret, $File::Find::name if /$pattern/ && -f }, $dir) if -d $dir;
return @ret;
sub contains_pod {
my ($file) = @_;
return unless -T $file;
return read_file($file) =~ /^\=(?:head|pod|item)/m;
my %actions = (
build => sub {
my %opt = @_;
for my $pl_file (find(qr/\.PL$/, 'lib')) {
(my $pm = $pl_file) =~ s/\.PL$//;
system $^X, $pl_file, $pm and die "$pl_file returned $?\n";
my %modules = map { $_ => catfile('blib', $_) } find(qr/\.pm$/, 'lib');
my %docs = map { $_ => catfile('blib', $_) } find(qr/\.pod$/, 'lib');
my %scripts = map { $_ => catfile('blib', $_) } find(qr/(?:)/, 'script');
my %sdocs = map { $_ => delete $scripts{$_} } grep { /.pod$/ } keys %scripts;
my %dist_shared = map { $_ => catfile(qw/blib lib auto share dist/, $opt{meta}->name, abs2rel($_, 'share')) } find(qr/(?:)/, 'share');
my %module_shared = map { $_ => catfile(qw/blib lib auto share module/, abs2rel($_, 'module-share')) } find(qr/(?:)/, 'module-share');
pm_to_blib({ %modules, %docs, %scripts, %dist_shared, %module_shared }, catdir(qw/blib lib auto/));
make_executable($_) for values %scripts;
mkpath(catdir(qw/blib arch/), $opt{verbose});
my $main_xs = join('/', 'lib', split /-/, $opt{meta}->name) . '.xs';
for my $xs (find(qr/.xs$/, 'lib')) {
my @c_files = $xs eq $main_xs ? find(qr/\.c$/, 'src') : ();
process_xs($xs, \%opt, \@c_files);
if ($opt{install_paths}->install_destination('bindoc') && $opt{install_paths}->is_default_installable('bindoc')) {
my $section = $opt{config}->get('man1ext');
for my $input (keys %scripts, keys %sdocs) {
next unless contains_pod($input);
my $output = catfile('blib', 'bindoc', man1_pagename($input));
manify($input, $output, $section, \%opt);
if ($opt{install_paths}->install_destination('libdoc') && $opt{install_paths}->is_default_installable('libdoc')) {
my $section = $opt{config}->get('man3ext');
for my $input (keys %modules, keys %docs) {
next unless contains_pod($input);
my $output = catfile('blib', 'libdoc', man3_pagename($input));
manify($input, $output, $section, \%opt);
return 0;
test => sub {
my %opt = @_;
die "Must run `./Build build` first\n" if not -d 'blib';
require TAP::Harness::Env;
my %test_args = (
(verbosity => $opt{verbose}) x!! exists $opt{verbose},
(jobs => $opt{jobs}) x!! exists $opt{jobs},
(color => 1) x !!-t STDOUT,
lib => [ map { rel2abs(catdir(qw/blib/, $_)) } qw/arch lib/ ],
my $tester = TAP::Harness::Env->create(\%test_args);
return $tester->runtests(sort +find(qr/\.t$/, 't'))->has_errors;
install => sub {
my %opt = @_;
die "Must run `./Build build` first\n" if not -d 'blib';
install($opt{install_paths}->install_map, @opt{qw/verbose dry_run uninst/});
return 0;
clean => sub {
my %opt = @_;
rmtree($_, $opt{verbose}) for qw/blib temp/;
return 0;
realclean => sub {
my %opt = @_;
rmtree($_, $opt{verbose}) for qw/blib temp Build _build_params MYMETA.yml MYMETA.json/;
return 0;
sub get_arguments {
my @sources = @_;
my %opt;
GetOptionsFromArray($_, \%opt, qw/install_base=s install_path=s% installdirs=s destdir=s prefix=s config=s% uninst:1 verbose:1 dry_run:1 pureperl-only:1 create_packlist=i jobs=i/) for (@sources);
$_ = detildefy($_) for grep { defined } @opt{qw/install_base destdir prefix/}, values %{ $opt{install_path} };
$opt{config} = ExtUtils::Config->new($opt{config});
$opt{meta} = get_meta();
$opt{install_paths} = ExtUtils::InstallPaths->new(%opt, dist_name => $opt{meta}->name);
return %opt;
sub Build {
my $action = @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /\A\w+\z/ ? shift @ARGV : 'build';
die "No such action '$action'\n" if not $actions{$action};
my($env, $bargv) = @{ decode_json(read_file('_build_params')) };
my %opt = get_arguments($env, $bargv, \@ARGV);
exit $actions{$action}->(%opt);
sub Build_PL {
my $meta = get_meta();
printf "Creating new 'Build' script for '%s' version '%s'\n", $meta->name, $meta->version;
my $dir = $meta->name eq 'Module-Build-Tiny' ? "use lib 'lib';" : '';
write_file('Build', "#!perl\n$dir\nuse Module::Build::Tiny;\nBuild();\n");
my @env = defined $ENV{PERL_MB_OPT} ? split_like_shell($ENV{PERL_MB_OPT}) : ();
write_file('_build_params', encode_json([ \@env, \@ARGV ]));
if (my $dynamic = $meta->custom('x_dynamic_prereqs')) {
my %meta = (%{ $meta->as_struct }, dynamic_config => 0);
my %opt = get_arguments(\@env, \@ARGV);
require CPAN::Requirements::Dynamic;
my $dynamic_parser = CPAN::Requirements::Dynamic->new(%opt);
my $prereq = $dynamic_parser->evaluate($dynamic);
$meta{prereqs} = $meta->effective_prereqs->with_merged_prereqs($prereq)->as_string_hash;
$meta = CPAN::Meta->new(\%meta);
$meta->save(@$_) for ['MYMETA.json'], [ 'MYMETA.yml' => { version => 1.4 } ];
#ABSTRACT: A tiny replacement for Module::Build
# vi:noet:sts=4:sw=4:ts=4
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Module::Build::Tiny - A tiny replacement for Module::Build
=head1 VERSION
version 0.051
use Module::Build::Tiny;
Many Perl distributions use a Build.PL file instead of a Makefile.PL file
to drive distribution configuration, build, test and installation.
Traditionally, Build.PL uses Module::Build as the underlying build system.
This module provides a simple, lightweight, drop-in replacement.
Whereas Module::Build has over 6,700 lines of code; this module has less
than 200, yet supports the features needed by most distributions.
=head2 Supported
=over 4
=item * Pure Perl distributions
=item * Building XS or C
=item * Recursive test files
=item * MYMETA
=item * Man page generation
=item * Generated code from PL files
=item * Module sharedirs
=item * Dynamic prerequisites
=head2 Not Supported
=over 4
=item * HTML documentation generation
=item * Extending Module::Build::Tiny
=head2 Directory structure
Your .pm, .xs and .pod files must be in F. Any executables must be in
F. Test files must be in F. Dist sharedirs must be in F,
module sharedirs are under F (e.g. F for
module C).
C<.c> files in the F are compiled together with the .xs file matching the
distribution name.
=head1 USAGE
These all work pretty much like their Module::Build equivalents.
=head2 perl Build.PL
=head2 Build [ build ]
=head2 Build test
=head2 Build install
This supports the following options:
=item * verbose
=item * install_base
=item * installdirs
=item * prefix
=item * install_path
=item * destdir
=item * uninst
=item * config
=item * pure-perl
=item * create_packlist
This module doesn't support authoring. To develop modules using Module::Build::Tiny, usage of L or L is recommended.
Options can be provided in the C environment variable the same way they can with Module::Build. This should be done during the configuration stage.
=head2 Incompatibilities
=over 4
=item * Argument parsing
Module::Build has an extremely permissive way of argument handling, Module::Build::Tiny only supports a (sane) subset of that. In particular, C<./Build destdir=/foo> does not work, you will need to pass it as C<./Build --destdir=/foo>.
=item * .modulebuildrc
Module::Build::Tiny does not support .modulebuildrc files. In particular, this means that versions of local::lib older than 1.006008 may break with C. If the output of C contains C but not C, you will need to upgrade it to resolve this issue.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Leon Timmermans
=item *
David Golden
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Leon Timmermans, David Golden.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.