# 0.5.1 / 2012-03-13 * Minor enhancements * Modules and Classes are now recognized for terminals in the same way as Regexp, true, false and nil. As there are quite a few bugs in Psych/Sick to put class names in .yaml files, Sexpr recognizes them also as strings starting with '::' (e.g. ::Symbol). * Bug fixes * Use `reference.const_get(name, *false*)` when looking for tagging modules to avoid finding ruby classes such as Array when tagging sexpr such as [:array, ...]. # 0.5.0 / 2012-02-25 * Major enhancements * `Processor#apply` is introduced and is intended to be used to apply processing rules from the inside of the processor class. This method is equivalent to `#call` when no preprocessor is installed (see below). * Preprocessors can now be installed on a Processor through its `use` class method. Preprocessors are applied ala 'Enumerable#inject' on the s-expression passed at `Prcoessor#call`. The preprocessed result is then passed to `#apply` for further processing by the processor itself. (Please note that preprocessing is *not* performed by `#apply` itself; preprocessing is typically applied once one the whole abstract syntax tree instead of successively when its nodes are encountered. Tip: use helpers for such behavior). * `Processor.use` can also be used to make specific computations ahead of processing (such as a symbol table). For this, simply pass a Hash that maps a computation name to a processor class. Attribute readers are automatically installed on the processor class and instance variables set by `#call` accordingly. (Please note such preprocessors do not participate to the rewriting chain described above.) * Minor enhancements * `Processor.call(sexpr, opts)` is a shortcut for `Processor.new(opts).call(sexpr)` * `Grammar#default_taggging_module` is introduced for cases where either no fine-grained tagging is needed (e.g. all nodes tagged with the same Node module) or fine-grained tagging is needed but is not a total function (e.g. not all nodes have a specialization of Node). * Bug fixes * Processor options taken at construction are now correctly kept under @options (an attribute reader is provided) * Breaking changes * The `Processor#main_processor` feature (undocumented and unused in examples) has been removed. Using preprocessors is much cleaner that linking processors to each other. # 0.4.0 / 2012-02-23 * Major enhancements * A processing/rewriting framework has been added to Sexpr. See the `Processor` and `Rewriter` classes, as well as the boolean expression example. * Tracking markers can now decorate s-expressions, provided they include the `Sexpr` module. Tracking markers are a simple Hash of meta-information (i.e. not taken into account for equality for s-expressions). Such markers can be set with `Grammar#sexpr(sexpr, markers)`. Default markers are typically provided by parsers for traceability of the s-expression with the source text it comes from. * Minor enhancements * `Citrus::Parser#parse` is now idempotent and so is `Grammar#parse` therefore. * The module to use for finding tag modules through `const_get` can now be overridden in `Grammar#tagging_reference`. * Default parsing options can now be specified in `Grammar#default_parse_options`. These options are used by `Grammar#sexpr` when parsing is needed. * Breaking changes * `Parser.factor` does no longer accept options. This is to avoid the 'yet another options' symptom and favor convention over configuration. * Accordingly, `Sexpr::Citrus::Parser` no longer takes options at construction either. * `Grammar#sexpr` does no longer allow parsing options as second argument, but takes tracking markers (see enhancements). To palliate to this, default parsing options can now be specified through `Grammar#default_parse_options` (see enhancements). # 0.3.0 / 2012-02-21 * Breaking changes * `Sexpr.load` only takes one argument, merging both the rules and the options inside a unique Hash object (or something coercible to a Hash, such as YAML). * The YAML grammar format now requires rules to be specified under a "rules" entry. See the README for an example. * Major enhancements * A lexical parser can now be specified under a "parser" entry. Only Citrus is supported for now. * A loaded grammar (i.e. returned by `Sexpr.load`) is now a module. Therefore assigning the result to a constant makes perfect sense and benefits from the ruby's magic naming feature. * A loaded grammar now respond to a :sexpr method that parses (if needed) and returns a s-expression. The latter, and all its sub-expressions are automatically tagged with the Sexpr module, as well as with user-defined modules. The latter are automatically discovered with a convention over configuration heuristics that associates rule names to module names. That convention may however be overridden with specific grammar methods (see the BoolExpr example). # 0.2.0 / 2012-02-21 * Enhancements * The project has been renamed as Sexpr instead of SexpGrammar * The root rule to use can now be specified in the options hash taken as second argument of `SexpGrammar.grammar(..., :root => :some_rule_name)` # 0.1.0 / 2012-02-20 * Enhancements * Birthday!