Sucker ====== Sucker is a Ruby wrapper to the [Amazon Product Advertising API]( It runs on cURL and the Nokogiri implementation of the XML Mini module in Active Support. It is blazing fast and supports __the entire API__. ![Sucker]( Examples -------- Set up a worker. worker = :locale => "us", :key => "API KEY", :secret => "API SECRET") Optionally, fiddle with cURL. Say you want to query Amazon through a different network interface: worker.curl { |c| c.interface = "eth0:0" } Set up a request. asin_batch = %w{ 0816614024 0143105825 0485113600 0816616779 0942299078 0816614008 144006654X 0486400360 0486417670 087220474X } worker << { "Operation" => "ItemLookup", "IdType" => "ASIN", "ItemId" => asin_batch, "ResponseGroup" => ["ItemAttributes", "OfferFull"] } Hit Amazon. response = worker.get View the internals of the response object. p response.code, response.time, response.body, response.xml Confirm response is valid. response.valid? The response parsed into a simple hash: pp response.to_hash You will probably be more interested in particular nodes: response.node("Item"), response.node("Error") Fetch another ASIN in a more DSL-y way. worker << { "ItemId" => "0486454398" } pp worker.get.node("Item") Repeat ad infinitum. Check the integration specs for more examples and then dive into API documentation. Stubbing -------- To stub web requests in your specs, create `spec/support/sucker_helper.rb`: require "sucker/stub" Sucker.fixtures_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../fixtures" In your spec, you can now stub the worker: @worker = Sucker.stub(@worker) The first time you run the spec, Sucker will perform the actual request. Following requests will use a cached response. Compatibility ------------- Specs pass against Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2. Todo ---- * Rip out the Stub class and use VCR instead once someone writes up a Curb adaptor for Webmock.