s P5G^|[rrwNenfakerfalloutcharacters$AdaAngela BishopBooneCaitChristine RoyceCodsworthCurieDaeconDiMADogmeatElder MaxonHaroldJohn HancockJoshua GrahamLegate LaniusLeslie Ann BishopLiberty PrimeLucas SimmsMadison LeeMiriaMyronNick ValentineOld LongfellowCaesarPaladin DansePiper WrightPorter GagePreston GarveyRobert Joseph Mac CreadyRose of Sharon CassidyStrongSulikThe MasterThree DogX6-88Yes ManfactionsBoomersBrotherhood of SteelCaesar's LegionChinese remnantsDiamond City securityEnclaveFollowers of the ApocalypseGunnersKingsMaster's ArmyMojave ExpressNew California RepublicNuka World TriumviratePowder GangersRaidersState of UtobithaTalon CompanyTriggermenUnited States Armed ForcesVan Graffslocations!AnchorageBig MTBig townCambridgeCapital WastelandConcordDiamond CityDog CityGoodspringsHoover DamLexingtonLittle LamplightMegatonNellis Air Force BaseNew RenoNew VegasNiptonPrimmRaven RockRed Rock CanyonSloanThe CommonwealthThe InstituteVault 101Vault 11Vault 111Vault 13Vault 15Vault 19Vault 22Vault 3Vault 81Vault Cityquotes$Ad Victoriam!oCalm is what you have to be when people look to you, and it's all you can be when things are out of your hands.Democracy is non-negotiableGHi, I'm Jean Baptiste. And you're about to stop being a pain in my ass.GI'm a synth. Synthetic man. All the parts, minus a few red blood cells.,I'm dying.... so that democracy... can live.FI'm gonna run some diagnostics while you're tinkering. Take your time.مI've seen soldiers come and go. Some were brave. Some were honest. Some were even heroic. But I've never called any of them a friend.DIf you want to see the fate of democracies, just look out the windowLet's go, pal.vLiberty Prime is online. All systems nominal. Weapons hot. Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists.6Ngh. Hi. I'm Mahsofabish ang I gob ko keep fiebs gaeg.eNobody has a Dick that long, not eve Long-Dick Johnson, and he had a fuckin long dick, thus the name.]Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.APatrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.Please step out of the fountain:Revised stratagem: Initiate photonic resonance overcharge.4Stimpaks are a marvelous invention, don't you think?ًStrange rumors from across the river indicate that a secret underground robot army has been destroyed before anyone had a chance to use it.pSuccess depends on forethought, dispassionate calculation of probabilities, accounting for every stray variable.7Sure. Be glad to take...I mean hold some stuff for you.cThat chip of yours, I wouldn't wager it on Blackjack...Unless the dealer has a five of six showing.sThat means you're, erm... two centuries late for dinner! Perhaps I could whip you up a snack? You must be famished!FThe past, the present, and the future walked into a bar. It was tense.ٕThe women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is. You're her. And you're still as perfect as the day we met.4Though dangerous, combat is quite vigorous exercise.UToday's forecast calls for a 99%chance of clear skies being ruined by artillery fire.لVoice module online. Audio functionality test initialized. Designation: Liberty Prime. Mission: the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska.\We must find the men of science and institutes of learning, surely they are out there still.EWe'd move faster if you'd keep your eyes on the road and off me arse.VWell, ain't we all, right? That was a long time ago. I don't pay it much mind anymore.HWhat did you... did you put a plug in his cocktube and make him explode?7Who do you think actually won the war? No one, I guess.RYou stood up to Elder Maxson for me. I'll never forget that for as long as I live.eYou think I inject myself with all that shite and drink myself drunk because I’m a tough Irish gal?WYou'd be shocked how many people I've managed to convince I'm just a really sick ghoul.