module Assert class AssertRunner TEST_FILE_SUFFIXES = ['_tests.rb', '_test.rb'] USER_SETTINGS_FILE = ".assert/init.rb" LOCAL_SETTINGS_FILE = ".assert.rb" def initialize(test_paths, test_options) require 'assert' # inits config singleton with the default settings apply_user_settings apply_local_settings apply_option_settings(test_options) apply_env_settings files = test_files(test_paths.empty? ? Assert.config.test_dir : test_paths) Assert.init(files, { :test_dir_path => path_of(Assert.config.test_dir, files.first) }) end def run, Assert.view) end protected def apply_user_settings safe_require("#{ENV['HOME']}/#{USER_SETTINGS_FILE}") if ENV['HOME'] end def apply_local_settings safe_require(ENV['ASSERT_LOCALFILE'] || path_of(LOCAL_SETTINGS_FILE, Dir.pwd)) end def apply_option_settings(options) Assert.config.apply(options) end def apply_env_settings Assert.configure do |c| c.runner_seed ENV['ASSERT_RUNNER_SEED'].to_i if ENV['ASSERT_RUNNER_SEED'] end end private def test_files(test_paths) test_paths.inject( do |paths, path| p = File.expand_path(path, Dir.pwd) paths += Dir.glob("#{p}*") + Dir.glob("#{p}*/**/*"){ |p| is_test_file?(p) }.sort end def is_test_file?(path) TEST_FILE_SUFFIXES.inject(false) do |result, suffix| result || path =~ /#{suffix}$/ end end def safe_require(settings_file) require settings_file if File.exists?(settings_file) end # this method inspects a test path and finds the test dir path. def path_of(segment, a_path) full_path = File.expand_path(a_path || '.', Dir.pwd) seg_pos = full_path.index(segment_regex(segment)) File.join(seg_pos && (seg_pos > 0) ? full_path[0..(seg_pos-1)] : full_path, segment) end def segment_regex(seg); /^#{seg}$|^#{seg}\/|\/#{seg}\/|\/#{seg}$/; end end end