require 'clevic/view.rb' require 'clevic/default_view.rb' module Clevic # include this in ActiveRecord::Base instances to # get embedded view definitions. See ModelBuilder. # # A Clevic::Default#{model}View class will be created. If # a define_ui block is not specified in the entity class, # a default UI will be created. module Record # TODO not sure if these are necessary here anymore? def self.db_options=( db_options ) @db_options = db_options end def self.db_options @db_options end module ClassMethods def default_view_class_name "::Clevic::Default#{name.gsub('::','')}View" end #TODO will have to fix modules here def create_view_class # create the default view class # Don't use because even if you assign # the result to a contstant, there are still anonymous classes # hanging around, which gives weird results with Clevic::View.subclasses. st,line = <<-EOF, __LINE__ class #{default_view_class_name} < Clevic::DefaultView entity_class #{name} end EOF eval st, nil, __FILE__, line # keep track of the order in which views are # defined, so that can be used as the default ordering # of the views. Clevic::View.order << default_view_class_name.constantize end def default_view_class @default_view_class ||= eval default_view_class_name end # Need to defer the execution of the view definition block # until related models have been defined. def define_ui( &block ) default_view_class.define_ui_block( &block ) end end def self.included( base ) base.extend( ClassMethods ) # create the default view class base.create_view_class # DbOptions instance db_options = nil found = ObjectSpace.each_object( Clevic::DbOptions ){|x| db_options = x} @db_options = db_options end end end