class Prawn::Svg::Font GENERIC_CSS_FONT_MAPPING = { "serif" => "Times-Roman", "sans-serif" => "Helvetica", "cursive" => "Times-Roman", "fantasy" => "Times-Roman", "monospace" => "Courier"} attr_reader :name, :weight, :style def self.load(family, weight = nil, style = nil) family.split(",").detect do |name| name = name.gsub(/['"]/, '').gsub(/\s{2,}/, ' ').strip.downcase # If it's a standard CSS font name, map it to one of the standard PDF fonts. name = GENERIC_CSS_FONT_MAPPING[name] || name font = new(name, weight, style) break font if font.installed? end end def self.weight_for_css_font_weight(weight) case weight when '100', '200', '300' then :light when '400', '500' then :normal when '600' then :semibold when '700', 'bold' then :bold when '800' then :extrabold when '900' then :black end end # This method is passed prawn's font_families hash. It'll be pre-populated with the fonts that prawn natively # supports. We'll add fonts we find in the font path to this hash. def self.load_external_fonts(fonts) Prawn::Svg::Interface.font_path.uniq.collect {|path| Dir["#{path}/*"]}.flatten.each do |filename| information = font_information(filename) rescue nil if information && font_name = (information[16] || information[1]) subfamily = (information[17] || information[2] || "normal").gsub(/\s+/, "_").downcase.to_sym subfamily = :normal if subfamily == :regular (fonts[font_name] ||= {})[subfamily] = filename end end @font_case_mapping = {} fonts.each {|key, _| @font_case_mapping[key.downcase] = key} @installed_fonts = fonts end def self.installed_fonts @installed_fonts end def self.correctly_cased_font_name(name) @font_case_mapping[name.downcase] end def initialize(name, weight, style) @name = self.class.correctly_cased_font_name(name) || name @weight = weight @style = style end def installed? subfamilies = self.class.installed_fonts[name] !subfamilies.nil? && subfamilies.key?(subfamily) end # Construct a subfamily name, ensuring that the subfamily is a valid one for the font. def subfamily if subfamilies = self.class.installed_fonts[name] if subfamilies.key?(subfamily_name) subfamily_name elsif subfamilies.key?(:normal) :normal else subfamilies.keys.first end end end private # Construct a subfamily name from the weight and style information. # Note that this name might not actually exist in the font. def subfamily_name sfn = if weight == :normal && style style elsif weight || style "#{weight} #{style}" else "normal" end sfn.strip.gsub(/\s+/, "_").downcase.to_sym end def self.font_information(filename), "r") do |f| x = table_count = x[4].ord * 256 + x[5].ord tables = * 16) offset, length = table_count.times do |index| start = index * 16 if tables[start..start+3] == 'name' break tables[start+8..start+15].unpack("NN") end end return unless length data = format, name_count, string_offset = data[0..5].unpack("nnn") names = {} name_count.times do |index| start = 6 + index * 12 platform_id, platform_specific_id, language_id, name_id, length, offset = data[start..start+11].unpack("nnnnnn") next unless language_id == 0 # English next unless [1, 2, 16, 17].include?(name_id) offset += string_offset field = data[offset..offset+length-1] names[name_id] = if platform_id == 0 begin if field.respond_to?(:encode) field.encode(Encoding::UTF16) else require "iconv" Iconv.iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-16', field) end rescue field end else field end end names end end end