require "spec_helper" class TestError < StandardError; end describe Metricize do let(:logger) { double.as_null_object } let(:forwarder) { :password => 'api_key', :username => '', :logger => logger) } let(:client) { :prefix => 'prefix', :logger => logger, :log_sampling_ratio => 1.0 ) } before do Timecop.freeze( RestClient.stub(:post) end after do Timecop.return forwarder.send(:clear_queue) end it "provides null object implementations to allow for easily disabling metrics functionality" do expect(Metricize::NullClient).to respond_to(:new, :increment, :measure, :time, :establish_redis_connection) expect(Metricize::NullForwarder).to respond_to(:new, :go!) end it "properly uses the remote API to send gauge stats" do client.increment('', :source => 'my_source') RestClient.should_receive(:post).with do | api_url, post_data, request_params | expect(api_url).to eq("") first_gauge = JSON.parse(post_data)['gauges'].first expect(first_gauge['name']).to eq "" expect(first_gauge['source']).to eq "my_source" expect(first_gauge['attributes']).to eq("source_aggregate" => true, "summarize_function" => "sum") expect(request_params).to eq( :timeout => 10, :content_type => "application/json" ) end forwarder.go! end it "sends stats when requested with go!" do client.measure('value_stat', 777) RestClient.should_receive(:post) forwarder.go! end it "does not send stats if none have been recorded" do RestClient.should_not_receive(:post) forwarder.go! end it "clears sent items after a successful request and does not send to remote again if queue is empty" do client.increment('') forwarder.go! RestClient.should_not_receive(:post) forwarder.go! end it "limits the number of metrics forwarded to the remote in a single request" do forwarder.instance_variable_set(:@batch_size, 3) 7.times { | n| client.increment('' + n.to_s) } forwarder.go! expect(forwarder.send(:queue_length)).to eq 4 forwarder.go! expect(forwarder.send(:queue_length)).to eq 1 forwarder.go! expect(forwarder.send(:queue_length)).to eq 0 end it "removes special characters and spaces and converts the metric names and sources to dotted decimal snake_case" do client.increment(' My UNRULY stat!@#$%^&*\(\) ') RestClient.should_receive(:post).with(anything, /my_unruly_stat/, anything) forwarder.go! client.increment('test', :source => ' My UNRULY source!@#$%^&*\(\) ') RestClient.should_receive(:post).with(anything, /my_unruly_source/, anything) forwarder.go! end it "converts passed in objects to string before using them as metric or source names" do client.increment(Numeric, :source => Integer) RestClient.should_receive(:post).with do | _, post_data | expect(post_data).to match( /prefix.numeric.count/ ) expect(post_data).to match( /source":"integer"/ ) end forwarder.go! end it "sends all stats in a batch with the same timestamp" do client.measure('value1', 5) RestClient.should_receive(:post).with(anything, /measure_time":1234\D/, anything) forwarder.go! end it "adds subgrouping information if present" do client.increment('counter1', :source => 'my_source') RestClient.should_receive(:post).with(anything, /"source":"my_source"/, anything) forwarder.go! end it "consolidates repeated counts into an aggregate total before sending" do client.increment('counter1') client.increment('counter1', :by => 5) RestClient.should_receive(:post).with do | _, post_data | expect(post_data).to match( /"value":6/ ) expect(post_data).to match( /"name":"prefix.counter1.count"/ ) expect(post_data).to match( /source_aggregate":true/ ) expect(post_data).to match( /summarize_function":"sum"/ ) end forwarder.go! end it "aggregates requests from multiple clients" do client.increment('counter1') client2 = :prefix => 'prefix', :logger => logger ) client2.increment('counter1', :by => 5) RestClient.should_receive(:post).with do | _, post_data | expect(post_data).to match( /"value":6/ ) expect(post_data).to match( /"name":"prefix.counter1.count"/ ) end forwarder.go! end it "sends value stats when asked to measure something" do client.measure('value1', 10) client.measure('value2', 20) RestClient.should_receive(:post).with do | _, post_data | gauges = JSON.parse(post_data)['gauges'] expect(gauges[1]['name']).to eq "prefix.value1" expect(gauges[1]['value']).to eq 10.0 expect(gauges[0]['name']).to eq "prefix.value2" expect(gauges[0]['value']).to eq 20.0 end forwarder.go! end it "logs in splunk format a sampling of metrics" do client = :prefix => 'prefix', :logger => logger, :log_sampling_ratio => 0.10 ) srand(1234) logger.should_receive(:info).with(/prefix_value1=10.0/m).exactly(9).times 100.times { client.measure('value1', 10) } logger.should_receive(:info).with(/prefix_value2=20.0/m).exactly(6).times 100.times { client.measure('value2', 20) } end it "raises an error when measure is called without a numeric value" do expect { client.measure('boom', {}) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /no numeric value provided in measure call/) expect { client.measure('boom', 'NaN') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /no numeric value provided in measure call/) end it "rounds value stats to 4 decimals" do client.measure('value1', 1.0/7.0) RestClient.should_receive(:post).with(anything, /value":0.1429/, anything) forwarder.go! end describe "adding aggregate stats based on all instances of each value stat in this time interval" do it "splits out aggregate stats for each subgrouping for values with multiple sources" do [4,5,6].each { |value| client.measure('value1', value, :source => 'source1') } [1,2,3].each { |value| client.measure('value1', value, :source => 'source2') } RestClient.should_receive(:post).with do | url, post_data | gauges = JSON.parse(post_data)['gauges'] expect(gauges).to include("name"=>"prefix.value1.50e", "source"=> "source1", "value"=>5.0) expect(gauges).to include("name"=>"prefix.value1.50e", "source"=> "source2", "value"=>2.0) end forwarder.go! end it "adds metadata about the entire batch of stats" do (1..4).each { |index| client.measure("value_stat#{index}", 0) } (1..7).each { |index| client.increment("counter_stat#{index}") } RestClient.should_receive(:post).with do | url, post_data | gauges = JSON.parse(post_data)['gauges'] expect(gauges).to include("name"=>"metricize_queue.measurements", "value"=>4) expect(gauges).to include("name"=>"metricize_queue.counters", "value"=>7) end forwarder.go! end it "calculates standard deviation and mean" do values = [1,2,3,4,5,6].extend(Metricize::Stats) expect(values.mean).to eq(3.5) expect(values.standard_deviation).to be_within(0.01).of(1.87083) end it "adds percentile stats for each value stat" do (1..20).each { |value| client.measure('value_stat1', value) } client.measure('value_stat2', 7) RestClient.should_receive(:post).with do | _, post_data | gauges = JSON.parse(post_data)['gauges'] expect(gauges).to include("name"=>"prefix.value_stat1.50e", "value"=>10.0) expect(gauges).to include("name"=>"prefix.value_stat1.95e", "value"=>19.0) expect(gauges).to include("name"=>"prefix.value_stat2.95e", "value"=>7.0) end forwarder.go! end it "logs a histogram for value stats with more than 5 measurements" do 2.times { logger.should_receive(:info) } [10,10,15,15,15,19].each { |value| client.measure('value_stat1', value) } #3| * #2| * * #1| * * * #0+------------------ # 10 11 13 14 16 17 logger.should_receive(:info).with(/10 11 13 14 16 17/m) forwarder.go! end it "doesn't log a histogram for value stats with less than 5 measurements" do [10,10,15].each { |value| client.measure('value_stat1', value) } 2.times { logger.should_receive(:info) } logger.should_not_receive(:info).with(/Histogram/) forwarder.go! end it "handles cases where all values are the same" do [10,10,10,10,10,10].each { |value| client.measure('value_stat1', value) } logger.should_not_receive(:error) forwarder.go! end end it "times and reports the execution of a block of code in milliseconds" do client.time('my_slow_code') do # simulate 5000 milliseconds of runtime end RestClient.should_receive(:post).with do | _, post_data | first_gauge = JSON.parse(post_data)['gauges'].first expect(first_gauge['name']).to eq('prefix.my_slow_code.time') expect(first_gauge['value']).to be_within(0.2).of(5000) end forwarder.go! end it "rescues and logs redis errors in client" do Redis.any_instance.stub(:lpush).and_raise(TestError) logger.should_receive(:error).with(/Client.*TestError/) client.increment('counter1') end it "rescues and logs redis errors in forwarder" do client.increment('counter1') Redis.any_instance.stub(:lrange).and_raise(TestError) logger.should_receive(:error).with(/Forwarder.*TestError/) forwarder.go! end it "rescues and logs errors when printing histograms" do 10.times { client.measure('value1', 1.0) } AsciiCharts::Cartesian.any_instance.stub(:draw).and_raise(TestError) logger.should_receive(:error).with(/Forwarder.*TestError/) forwarder.go! end end