# Builds an anonymous class that represents a single Lambda function from code # in app/functions. # # The build method returns an anonymous class using Class.new that contains # the methods defined in the app/functions/hello.rb code. # # Ruby Class.new docs: # # Creates a new anonymous (unnamed) class with the given superclass (or # Object if no parameter is given). You can give a class a name by # assigning the class object to a constant. # http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.1/Class.html#method-c-new # # So assigning the result of build to a constant makes for a prettier # class name. Example: # # constructor = FunctionConstructor.new(code_path) # HelloFunction = constructor.build # # The class name will be HelloFunction instead of (anonymous). Then usage would # be: # # hello_function = HelloFunction.new # hello_function(hello_function.handler, event, context) # # Or call with the process class method: # # HelloFunction.process(event, context, "world") module Jets::Lambda class FunctionConstructor def initialize(code_path) @code_path = "#{Jets.root}/#{code_path}" end def build code = IO.read(@code_path) function_klass = Class.new(Jets::Lambda::Function) function_klass.module_eval(code) adjust_tasks(function_klass) function_klass # assign this to a Constant for a pretty class name end # For anonymous classes method_added during task registration contains "" # for the class name. We adjust it here. def adjust_tasks(klass) class_name = @code_path.to_s.sub(/.*\/functions\//,'').sub(/\.rb$/, '') class_name = class_name.camelize klass.tasks.each do |task| task.class_name = class_name task.type = "function" end end end end