# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # module Rouge module Lexers class OCaml < RegexLexer desc 'Objective CAML (ocaml.org)' tag 'ocaml' filenames '*.ml', '*.mli', '*.mll', '*.mly' mimetypes 'text/x-ocaml' def self.keywords @keywords ||= Set.new %w( as assert begin class constraint do done downto else end exception external false for fun function functor if in include inherit initializer lazy let match method module mutable new object of open private raise rec sig struct then to true try type value val virtual when while with ) end def self.keyopts @keyopts ||= Set.new %w( != # & && ( ) * \+ , - -. -> . .. : :: := :> ; ;; < <- = > >] >} ? ?? [ [< [> [| ] _ ` { {< | |] } ~ ) end def self.word_operators @word_operators ||= Set.new %w(and asr land lor lsl lxor mod or) end def self.primitives @primitives ||= Set.new %w(unit int float bool string char list array) end operator = %r([\[\];,{}_()!$%&*+./:<=>?@^|~#-]+) id = /[a-z][\w']*/i upper_id = /[A-Z][\w']*/ state :root do rule /\s+/m, Text rule /false|true|[(][)]|\[\]/, Name::Builtin::Pseudo rule /#{upper_id}(?=\s*[.])/, Name::Namespace, :dotted rule upper_id, Name::Class rule /[(][*](?![)])/, Comment, :comment rule id do |m| match = m[0] if self.class.keywords.include? match token Keyword elsif self.class.word_operators.include? match token Operator::Word elsif self.class.primitives.include? match token Keyword::Type else token Name end end rule operator do |m| match = m[0] if self.class.keyopts.include? match token Punctuation else token Operator end end rule /-?\d[\d_]*(.[\d_]*)?(e[+-]?\d[\d_]*)/i, Num::Float rule /0x\h[\h_]*/i, Num::Hex rule /0o[0-7][0-7_]*/i, Num::Oct rule /0b[01][01_]*/i, Num::Bin rule /\d[\d_]*/, Num::Integer rule /'(?:(\\[\\"'ntbr ])|(\\[0-9]{3})|(\\x\h{2}))'/, Str::Char rule /'[.]'/, Str::Char rule /'/, Keyword rule /"/, Str::Double, :string rule /[~?]#{id}/, Name::Variable end state :comment do rule /[^(*)]+/, Comment rule(/[(][*]/) { token Comment; push } rule /[*][)]/, Comment, :pop! rule /[(*)]/, Comment end state :string do rule /[^\\"]+/, Str::Double mixin :escape_sequence rule /\\\n/, Str::Double rule /"/, Str::Double, :pop! end state :escape_sequence do rule /\\[\\"'ntbr]/, Str::Escape rule /\\\d{3}/, Str::Escape rule /\\x\h{2}/, Str::Escape end state :dotted do rule /\s+/m, Text rule /[.]/, Punctuation rule /#{upper_id}(?=\s*[.])/, Name::Namespace rule upper_id, Name::Class, :pop! rule id, Name, :pop! end end end end