require 'fuelsdk' require 'securerandom' require_relative 'sample_helper' begin stubObj = auth # Get all TriggeredSendDefinitions p '>>> Get all TriggeredSendDefinitions' getTS = getTS.authStub = stubObj getTS.props = ["CustomerKey", "Name", "TriggeredSendStatus"] getResponse = getTS.get p 'Retrieve Status: ' + getResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + getResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + getResponse.message.to_s p 'MoreResults: ' + getResponse.more?.to_s p 'Results Count: ' + getResponse.results.length.to_s #p 'Results: ' + getResponse.results.to_s raise 'Failure retrieving triggersend' unless getResponse.success? # Generate a unique identifier for the TriggeredSend customer key since they cannot be re-used even after deleted TSNameForCreateThenDelete = SecureRandom.uuid # Create a TriggeredSend Definition p '>>> Create a TriggeredSend Definition' postTrig = postTrig.authStub = stubObj postTrig.props = {'CustomerKey' => TSNameForCreateThenDelete,'Name' => TSNameForCreateThenDelete, 'Email' => {"ID"=>"3113962"}, "SendClassification"=> {"CustomerKey"=> "2240"}} postResponse = p 'Post Status: ' + postResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + postResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + postResponse.message.to_s p 'Result Count: ' + postResponse.results.length.to_s p 'Results: ' + postResponse.results.inspect raise 'Failure creating triggersend' unless postResponse.success? # Specify the name of a TriggeredSend that was setup for testing # Do not use a production Triggered Send Definition NameOfTestTS = TSNameForCreateThenDelete # Pause a TriggeredSend p '>>> Pause a TriggeredSend' patchTrig = patchTrig.authStub = stubObj patchTrig.props = {"CustomerKey" => NameOfTestTS, "TriggeredSendStatus" =>"Inactive"} patchResponse = patchTrig.patch p 'Patch Status: ' + patchResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + patchResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + patchResponse.message.to_s p 'Result Count: ' + patchResponse.results.length.to_s p 'Results: ' + patchResponse.results.inspect raise 'Failure updating triggersend' unless patchResponse.success? # Retrieve Single TriggeredSend p '>>> Retrieve Single TriggeredSend' getTS = getTS.authStub = stubObj getTS.props = ["CustomerKey", "Name", "TriggeredSendStatus"] getTS.filter = {'Property' => 'CustomerKey','SimpleOperator' => 'equals','Value' => NameOfTestTS} getResponse = getTS.get p 'Retrieve Status: ' + getResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + getResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + getResponse.message.to_s p 'MoreResults: ' + getResponse.more?.to_s p 'Results Count: ' + getResponse.results.length.to_s p 'Results: ' + getResponse.results.to_s raise 'Failure retrieving triggersend' unless getResponse.success? # Start a TriggeredSend by setting to Active p '>>> Start a TriggeredSend by setting to Active' patchTrig = patchTrig.authStub = stubObj patchTrig.props = {"CustomerKey" => NameOfTestTS, "TriggeredSendStatus" =>"Active"} patchResponse = patchTrig.patch p 'Patch Status: ' + patchResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + patchResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + patchResponse.message.to_s p 'Result Count: ' + patchResponse.results.length.to_s p 'Results: ' + patchResponse.results.inspect raise 'Failure updating triggersend' unless patchResponse.success? # Retrieve Single TriggeredSend After setting back to active p '>>> Retrieve Single TriggeredSend After setting back to active' getTS = getTS.authStub = stubObj getTS.props = ["CustomerKey", "Name", "TriggeredSendStatus"] getTS.filter = {'Property' => 'CustomerKey','SimpleOperator' => 'equals','Value' => NameOfTestTS} getResponse = getTS.get p 'Retrieve Status: ' + getResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + getResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + getResponse.message.to_s p 'MoreResults: ' + getResponse.more?.to_s p 'Results Count: ' + getResponse.results.length.to_s p 'Results: ' + getResponse.results.to_s raise 'Failure retrieving triggersend' unless getResponse.success? # Send an email with TriggeredSend p '>>> Send an email with TriggeredSend' sendTrig = sendTrig.authStub = stubObj sendTrig.props = {"CustomerKey" => NameOfTestTS} sendTrig.subscribers = [{"EmailAddress"=>"", "SubscriberKey" => ""}] sendResponse = sendTrig.send p 'Send Status: ' + sendResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + sendResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + sendResponse.message.to_s p 'Result Count: ' + sendResponse.results.length.to_s p 'Results: ' + sendResponse.results.inspect raise 'Failure sending triggersend' unless sendResponse.success? # Delete a TriggeredSend Definition p '>>> Delete a TriggeredSend Definition ' deleteTrig = deleteTrig.authStub = stubObj deleteTrig.props = {'CustomerKey' => TSNameForCreateThenDelete} deleteResponse = deleteTrig.delete p 'Delete Status: ' + deleteResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + deleteResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + deleteResponse.message.to_s p 'Result Count: ' + deleteResponse.results.length.to_s p 'Results: ' + deleteResponse.results.inspect raise 'Failure deleting triggersend' unless deleteResponse.success? rescue => e p "Caught exception: #{e.message}" p e.backtrace end