Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do brick_deploy = :mongrel if self[:app_type] != brick_deploy puts %Q{############################################################################## ERROR: Loading '#{brick_deploy}' deploy rules when deploying with #{app_type} incompatibility between config/bricks.yml (enabled #{brick_deploy} brick) and config/deploy.rb (:app_type = #{app_type}) ##############################################################################} else #========================== MONGREL ===============================# self[:ports] = (mongrel_port.to_i...(mongrel_port.to_i + mongrel_count.to_i)).to_a namespace :app do desc "create haproxy config" task :haproxy_setup, :roles => :app do unless debian_host puts "skipping 'logrotate' (debian specific)" else # Create config/haproxy.cnf haproxy_cnf = render("#{templates}/haproxy.cnf.rhtml", :config => self) put(haproxy_cnf, "#{deploy_to}/current/config/haproxy.cnf") end end desc "configure mongrel" task :configure, :roles => :app do if !defined?(RAILS_ENV) RAILS_ENV = 'production' end require 'bricks' asset_port = Bricks.raw_config['asset_port'] if asset_port == self[:mongrel_port].to_i - 1 mongrel_port = asset_port mongrel_count = self[:mongrel_count].to_i + 1 elsif asset_port.nil? # no asset port: OK. else raise "Invalid asset_port setting in bricks.yml: the port should be equal to mongrel_port minus one. (expected #{self[:mongrel_port].to_i - 1}, found #{asset_port})" end run "#{in_current} mongrel_rails cluster::configure -e production -p #{mongrel_port} -N #{mongrel_count} -c #{deploy_to}/current -P log/ -l log/mongrel.log -a --user www-data --group www-data" run "#{in_current} echo 'config_script: config/mongrel_upload_progress.conf' >> config/mongrel_cluster.yml" if self[:haproxy_port] # Setup haproxy haproxy_setup end end desc "Stop the drb upload_progress server" task :upload_progress_stop , :roles => :app do run "#{in_current} ruby lib/upload_progress_server.rb stop" end desc "Start the drb upload_progress server" task :upload_progress_start , :roles => :app do run "#{in_current} lib/upload_progress_server.rb start" end desc "Restart the upload_progress server" task :upload_progress_restart, :roles => :app do upload_progress_stop upload_progress_start end desc "Restart mongrels" task :restart, :roles => :app do stop start end desc "Start mongrels" task :start, :roles => :app do configure upload_progress_start run "#{in_current} mongrel_rails cluster::start" end desc "Stop mongrels" task :stop, :roles => :app do configure upload_progress_stop run "#{in_current} mongrel_rails cluster::stop" end end end end