- @page_title = "Dashboard" .row-fluid .span3 %h3 Your Site .well.dashboard .row-fluid .span6 %p %strong Content - if Gluttonberg::Comment.table_exists? %p = "#{Gluttonberg::Article.count} Posts" %p = "#{Gluttonberg::Page.count} Pages" %p = "#{@categories_count} Categories" %p = "#{@tags_counts} Tags" .span6 - if Gluttonberg::Comment.table_exists? %p %strong Discussion %p = link_to "#{Gluttonberg::Comment.all_pending.count} Pending" , admin_pending_comments_path %p = link_to "#{Gluttonberg::Comment.all_approved.count} Approved" , admin_approved_comments_path %p = link_to "#{Gluttonberg::Comment.all_rejected.count} Rejected" , admin_rejected_comments_path %p = link_to "#{Gluttonberg::Comment.all_spam.count} Spam" , admin_spam_comments_path .span9 %h1 = website_title %hr %h3 Edit Your Site %br .row-fluid.dashboard - if Gluttonberg::Blog.table_exists? - @blog = Gluttonberg::Blog.first - if @blog .span3 .well %h3 Blog %p Keep your site up to date with new Blog Posts. %ul.nav.nav-list %li.nav-header Edit Your Blog %li %a{:href => new_admin_blog_article_path(@blog), :class => 'add'} Add a Blog Post %li %a{:href => admin_blog_articles_path(@blog), :class => 'edit'} Edit your Blog .span3 .well %h3 Pages %p Create new pages or edit your existing content. %ul.nav.nav-list %li.nav-header Edit Your Pages %li %a{:href => new_admin_page_path, :class => 'add'} Add a Page %li %a{:href => admin_pages_path, :class => 'edit'} Edit Content .span3 .well %h3 Assets %p Upload & Organise all your online assets. %ul.nav.nav-list %li.nav-header Edit Your Pages %li %a{:href => new_admin_asset_path, :class => 'upload'} Upload Assets %li %a{:href => admin_collections_path, :class => 'collections'} View Collections .row-fluid .span12 - if Gluttonberg::Comment.table_exists? && @comments.length > 0 %h3 Recent Comments %br - @comments.each do |comment| .comment = comment.body.truncate(270) %hr .row-fluid .span6 %em Posted by = comment.author_name %em on = comment.commentable.title .span6 .controls - if comment.moderation_required = link_to "Approve", moderation_admin_blog_article_comment_path(comment.commentable.blog, comment.commentable, comment, :moderation => "approve"),:class=>"approve_comment btn btn-success" = link_to "Reject", moderation_admin_blog_article_comment_path(comment.commentable.blog, comment.commentable, comment, :moderation => "disapprove"),:class=>"disapprove_comment btn" - else = link_to "Delete", delete_admin_blog_article_comment_path(comment.commentable.blog, comment.commentable, comment), :class=>"btn btn-danger"