module RelatonBib module BibXMLParser # SeriesInfo what should be saved as docidentifiers in the Relaton model. SERIESINFONAMES = ["DOI"].freeze RFCPREFIXES = %w[RFC BCP FYI STD].freeze FLAVOR = nil ORGNAMES = { "IEEE" => "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers", "W3C" => "World Wide Web Consortium", "3GPP" => "3rd Generation Partnership Project", }.freeze FULLNAMEORG = [ "IAB", "Internet Architecture Board", "IAB and IESG", "IESG", "IAB Advisory Committee", "Internet Engineering Steering Group" ].freeze # # Parse BibXML content # # @param [String] bibxml content # @param [String, nil] url source URL # @param [Boolean] is_relation true if the content is relation item # @param [String, nil] ver version # # @return [] # def parse(bibxml, url: nil, is_relation: false, ver: nil) doc = Nokogiri::XML bibxml fetch_rfc"/referencegroup", "/reference"), url: url, is_relation: is_relation, ver: ver end # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element, nil] # @param is_relation [Boolean] don't add fetched date for relation if true # @param url [String, nil] # @param ver [String, nil] Internet Draft version # @return [RelatonBib::BibliographicItem] def fetch_rfc(reference, is_relation: false, url: nil, ver: nil) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/MethodLength return unless reference hash = { is_relation: is_relation, docnumber: docnumber(reference), type: "standard", docid: docids(reference, ver), status: status(reference), language: [language(reference)], script: ["Latn"], link: link(reference, url, ver), title: titles(reference), formattedref: formattedref(reference), abstract: abstracts(reference), contributor: contributors(reference), relation: relations(reference), date: dates(reference), editorialgroup: editorialgroup(reference), series: series(reference), keyword: reference.xpath("front/keyword").map(&:text), doctype: doctype(reference[:anchor]), } # hash[:fetched] = unless is_relation bib_item(**hash) end def docnumber(reference) reference[:anchor]&.sub(/^\w+\./, "") end # @param attrs [Hash] # @return [RelatonBib::BibliographicItem] def bib_item(**attrs) # attrs[:place] = ["Fremont, CA"]**attrs) end # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [String] def language(reference) reference[:lang] || "en" end # # Extract document identifiers from reference # # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @param ver [String, nil] Internet Draft version # # @return [Array] # def docids(reference, ver) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity,Metrics/AbcSize ret = [] si ="./seriesInfo[@name='Internet-Draft']", "./front/seriesInfo[@name='Internet-Draft']") if si id = si[:value] id.sub!(/(?<=-)\d{2}$/, ver) if ver ret << "Internet-Draft", id: id, primary: true) else id = reference[:anchor] || reference[:docName] || reference[:number] ret << create_docid(id, ver) if id end %w[anchor docName number].each do |atr| if reference[atr] pref, num = id_to_pref_num reference[atr] atrid = if atr == "anchor" && RFCPREFIXES.include?(pref) "#{pref}#{num.sub(/^-?0+/, '')}" else reference[atr] end type = pubid_type id ret << atrid, type: type, scope: atr) end end ret + reference.xpath("./seriesInfo", "./front/seriesInfo").map do |si| next unless SERIESINFONAMES.include? si[:name] id = si[:value] # id.sub!(/(?<=-)\d{2}$/, ver) if ver && si[:name] == "Internet-Draft" id, type: si[:name]) end.compact end def create_docid(id, ver) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength pref, num = id_to_pref_num(id) if RFCPREFIXES.include?(pref) pid = "#{pref} #{num.sub(/^-?0+/, '')}" type = pubid_type id elsif %w[I-D draft].include?(pref) pid = "draft-#{num}" pid.sub!(/(?<=-)\d{2}$/, ver) if ver type = "Internet-Draft" else pid = pref ? "#{pref} #{num}" : id type = pubid_type id end type, id: pid, primary: true) end def id_to_pref_num(id) tn = /^(?I-D|draft|3GPP|W3C|[A-Z]{2,})[._-]?(?.+)/.match id tn && tn.to_a[1..2] end # # Extract document identifier type from identifier # # @param [String] id identifier # # @return [String] # def pubid_type(id) id_to_pref_num(id)&.first end # # extract status # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # # @return [RelatonBib::DocumentStatus] # def status(reference) st ="./seriesinfo[@status]") st[:status]) if st end # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @param url [String] # @param ver [String, nil] Internet Draft version # @return [Array] def link(reference, url, ver) l = [] l << { type: "xml", content: url } if url l << { type: "src", content: reference[:target] } if reference[:target] if /^I-D/.match? reference[:anchor] reference.xpath("format").each do |f| c = ver ? f[:target].sub(/(?<=-)\d{2}(?=\.)/, ver) : f[:target] l << { type: f[:type], content: c } end end l end # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [Array] def titles(reference) reference.xpath("./front/title").map do |title| { content: title.text, language: language(reference), script: "Latn" } end end # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [RelatonBib::FormattedRef, nil] def formattedref(reference) return if "./front/title" cont = (reference[:anchor] || reference[:docName] || reference[:number]) if cont content: cont, language: language(reference), script: "Latn", ) end end # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [Array] def abstracts(ref) ref.xpath("./front/abstract").map do |a| c = a.inner_html.gsub(/\s*(<\/?)t(>)\s*/, '\1p\2') .gsub(/[\t\n]/, " ").squeeze " " c, language: language(ref), script: "Latn", format: "text/html") end end # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [Array] def contributors(reference) reference.xpath("./front/author").map do |contrib| full_name_org(contrib) || person(contrib, reference) || organization(contrib) end.compact end # # Parse organization from author element # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Element] contrib author element # # @return [Hash] contribution info # def full_name_org(contrib) return unless FULLNAMEORG.include? contrib[:fullname] role = contributor_role(contrib) role[:description] = ["BibXML author"] { entity: new_org(contrib[:fullname]), role: [role] } end # @param author [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [ArrayRelatonBib::Person,Symbol=>Array}>] def person(author, reference) return unless author[:fullname] || author[:surname] entity = name: full_name(author, reference), affiliation: affiliation(author), contact: contacts("./address")), ) { entity: entity, role: [contributor_role(author)] } # end end # @param contrib [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [ArrayRelatonBib::Organization, # Symbol=>Array}>] def organization(contrib) org ="./organization") orgname = org.text.strip return if orgname.empty? name = ORGNAMES[orgname] || orgname { entity: new_org(name, org[:abbrev]), role: [contributor_role(contrib)] } # end end # @param author [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [RelatonBib::FullName] def full_name(author, reference) lang = language reference initials = localized_string(author[:initials], lang) if author[:initials] completename: localized_string(author[:fullname], lang), initials: initials, forename: forename(author[:initials], lang), surname: localized_string(author[:surname], lang) ) end # # Create forenames with initials # # @param [String] initials initials # @param [String] lang language # # @return [Array] forenames # def forename(initials, lang) return [] unless initials initials.split(/\.-?\s?|\s/).map do |i| i, language: lang) end end # @param author [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [Array] def affiliation(author) o ="./organization") return [] if o.nil? || o.text.empty? org = new_org o.text, o[:abbrev] [ org)] end # @param name [String] # @param abbr [String, nil] # @return [RelatonBib::Organization] def new_org(name, abbr = nil) name: name, abbreviation: abbr end # @param content [String, nil] # @param lang [String, nil] # @return [RelatonBib::LocalizedString, nil] def localized_string(content, lang), lang) if content end # @param postal [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [Array] def contacts(addr) conts = [] return conts unless addr postal ="./postal") conts << address(postal) if postal add_contact(conts, "phone","./phone")) add_contact(conts, "email","./email")) add_contact(conts, "uri","./uri")) conts end # @param postal [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @rerurn [RelatonBib::Address] def address(postal) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity street = [ ("./postalLine") ||"./street"))&.text, ].compact street: street, city:"./city")&.text, postcode:"./code")&.text, country:"./country")&.text, state:"./region")&.text, ) end # @param conts [Array] # @param type [String] allowed "phone", "email" or "uri" # @param value [String] def add_contact(conts, type, value) conts << type, value: value.text) if value end # @param author [Nokogiri::XML::Document] # @return [Hash] def contributor_role(author) { type: author[:role] || "author" } end # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [Hash] def relations(reference) reference.xpath("reference").map do |ref| { type: "includes", bibitem: fetch_rfc(ref, is_relation: true) } end end # # Extract date from reference. # # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [Array] published data. # def dates(reference) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize date = "./front/date" return [] if date.nil? || date[:year].nil? || date[:year].empty? d = date[:year] d += "-#{month(date[:month])}" if date[:month] && !date[:month].empty? d += "-#{date[:day]}" if date[:day] # date = Time.parse(d).strftime "%Y-%m-%d" [ "published", on: d)] end # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # @return [RelatonBib::EditorialGroup, nil] def editorialgroup(reference) tc = reference.xpath("./front/workgroup").map do |ed| wg = name: ed.text committee wg end tc if tc.any? end # @param [RelatonBib::WorkGroup] # @return [RelatonBib::TechnicalCommittee] def committee(wgr) wgr end def month(mon) # return 1 if !mon || mon.empty? return mon if /^\d+$/.match? mon Date::MONTHNAMES.index { |m| m&.include? mon }.to_s.rjust 2, "0" end # # Extract series form reference # @param reference [Nokogiri::XML::Element] # # @return [Array] # def series(reference) reference.xpath("./seriesInfo", "./front/seriesInfo").map do |si| next if SERIESINFONAMES.include?(si[:name]) || si[:stream] || si[:status] t = content: si[:name], language: language(reference), script: "Latn", ) t, number: si[:value], type: "main") end.compact end # @param anchor [String] # @return [String] def doctype(anchor) case anchor when /I-D/ then "internet-draft" when /IEEE/ then "ieee" else "rfc" end end extend BibXMLParser end end