require "strict_states/version" require "strict_states/strict_hash" require "strict_states/checker" # The *STRICT* paradigm: # # * Will raise an error if states are spelled wrong when lookups happen through this paradigm. # * Typos will be noisy, and many of them will error at app-load, so impossible to miss. # # Uses the StrictHash to accomplish this. See lib/strict_states/strict_hash.rb # # The *INCLUDE WITH ARGUMENTS* paradigm: # # * future-proof support for any/all state machines # * easily integrate with any state machine engine not already supported by this gem # # Uses a method (StrictStates.checker) that returns a module (StrictStates::Checker) to accomplish this. module StrictStates # Usage: # # class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base # # ... # # <<<===--- AFTER STATE MACHINE DEFINITION ---===>>> # # ... # include StrictStates.checker( # klass: self, # machines: { # state: :pluginaweek, # awesome_level: :pluginaweek, # bogus_level: ->(context, machine_name) { # context.state_machines[machine_name.to_sym] # } # } # ) # end # def self.checker(**config) validate_config(config) config[:machines] = states_for_machines(config[:klass], config[:machines]) set_strict_state_lookup(config) ::StrictStates::Checker end private # Supported engines: # # :pluginaweek - for pluginaweek/state_machine # :seuros - for seuros/state_machine # :state_machines - for state-machines/state_machines # :aasm - for aasm/aasm version < 4.3.0 # :aasm_multiple - for aasm/aasm version >= 4.3.0 # def self.engine_name_apis { pluginaweek: ->(context, machine_name) { context.state_machines[machine_name.to_sym] }, seuros: ->(context, machine_name) { context.state_machines[machine_name.to_sym] }, state_machines: ->(context, machine_name) { context.state_machines[machine_name.to_sym] }, aasm: ->(context, _) { }, # aasm gem version < 4.3.0 aasm_multiple: ->(context, machine_name) { context.aasm(machine_name) } # aasm gem version >= 4.3.0 } end def self.strict_states_to_stings(states) {|state| state.to_s } end def self.create_strict_state_lookup(names) default_strict_hash = names.each_with_object({}) do |state, memo| memo[state.to_sym] = state end StrictHash[**default_strict_hash] end def self.validate_config(**config) raise ArgumentError, "config must have a :machines key with Hash value but was #{config[:machines]}" unless config[:machines] && config[:machines].is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, ":machines Hash must have values either from #{engine_name_apis.keys} or as Procs but was #{config[:machines]}" unless test_machines(config[:machines]) raise ArgumentError, "config must have a :klass key with a Class value but was #{config[:klass]}" unless config[:klass] && config[:klass].class == Class true end def self.test_machines(machines) machines.values.all? do |engine| engine_name_apis.keys.include?(engine) || engine.respond_to?(:call) end end # params: # klass - any Class object with a state machine # machines - # { # state: :pluginaweek, # awesome_level: :pluginaweek, # bogus_level: ->(context, machine_name) { # context.state_machines[machine_name.to_sym]} # } # # Example result # # { # state: ["one", "two", "three"], # awesome_level: ["not_awesome", "awesome_11", "bad", "good"], # bogus_level: ["new", "pending", "goofy"] # } # def self.states_for_machines(klass, machines) machines.inject({}) do |memo, (machine_name, engine)| proc = get_proc_for_engine(engine) memo[machine_name] = strict_states_to_stings(, machine_name) ) memo end end def self.get_proc_for_engine(engine) if (proc = engine_name_apis[engine]) # Predefined Engine within this gem proc else # Custom state machine name extraction Proc provided by caller engine end end # params: # config - # { # klass: Car, # any Class object with a state machine # machines: { # the machine names, and states defined within each # state: ["one", "two", "three"], # awesome_level: ["not_awesome", "awesome_11", "bad", "good"], # bogus_level: ["new", "pending", "goofy"] # } # } # # Result: # # MyModel.strict_state_lookup # => { # :state => # { :one => "one", :two => "two", :three => "three" } # :awesome_level => # { :not_awesome => "not_awesome", :awesome_11 => "awesome_11", :bad => "bad", :good => "good" }, # :bogus_level => # { :new => "new", :pending => "pending", :goofy => "goofy" } # } def self.set_strict_state_lookup(config) klass = config[:klass] machines = config[:machines] class << klass attr_reader :strict_state_lookup end klass.instance_variable_set(:@strict_state_lookup, machines.each do |machine_name, state_array| klass.strict_state_lookup[machine_name.to_sym] = StrictStates.create_strict_state_lookup(state_array).freeze end end end