module SignedForm class FormBuilder < ::ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder # Base methods for form signing. Include this module in your own builders to get signatures for the base input # helpers. Add fields to sign with #add_signed_fields module Methods ( - %w(label fields_for button apply_form_for_options!)).each do |h| define_method(h) do |field, *args| add_signed_fields field super(field, *args) end end def initialize(*) super if options[:signed_attributes_object] self.signed_attributes_object = options[:signed_attributes_object] else self.signed_attributes = { object_name => [] } self.signed_attributes_object = signed_attributes[object_name] end end def form_signature_tag signed_attributes.each { |k,v| v.uniq! if v.is_a?(Array) } signed_attributes[:__options__] = { method: options[:html][:method], url: options[:url] } if options[:sign_destination] encoded_data = Base64.strict_encode64 Marshal.dump(signed_attributes) signature = SignedForm::HMAC.create_hmac(encoded_data) token = "#{encoded_data}--#{signature}" %(\n).html_safe end # Wrapper for Rails fields_for # # @see def fields_for(record_name, record_object = nil, fields_options = {}, &block) hash = {} array = [] if nested_attributes_association?(record_name) hash["#{record_name}_attributes"] = fields_options[:signed_attributes_object] = array else hash[record_name] = fields_options[:signed_attributes_object] = array end add_signed_fields hash content = super array.uniq! content end # This method is used to add additional fields to sign. A usecase for this may be if you want to add fields later with javascript. # # @example # <%= signed_form_for(@user) do |f| %> # <% f.add_signed_fields :name, :address # <% end %> # def add_signed_fields(*fields) signed_attributes_object.push(*fields) end private attr_accessor :signed_attributes, :signed_attributes_object end include Methods end end