#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' #require 'extensions/all' require 'bio-samtools' require 'optparse' $: << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib') $: << File.expand_path('.') path=File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/bioruby-polyploid-tools.rb') $stderr.puts "Loading: #{path}" require path options = {} options[:chunk] = 0 options[:chunk_size] = 0 options[:bucket] = 1 OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: bfr.rb [options]" opts.on("-r", "--reference FILE", "Fasta file with the reference sequence. Make sure to run faidx before running bfr in parallel") do |o| options[:reference] = o end opts.on("-a", "--parent_1 FILE", "Sorted BAM file with the alginments from parental 1") do |o| options[:parent_1] = o end opts.on("-b", "--parent_2 FILE", "Sorted BAM file with the alginments from parental 2") do |o| options[:parent_2] = o end opts.on("-c", "--bulk_1 FILE", "Sorted BAM file with the alginments from bulk1 1 (corresponding to the phenotype of parental 1)") do |o| options[:bulk_1] = o end opts.on("-d", "--bulk_2 FILE", "Sorted BAM file with the alginments from bulk1 2 (corresponding to the phenotype of parental 2)") do |o| options[:bulk_2] = o end opts.on("-o", "--bfr FILE", "Output file with the BFRs in the chunck") do |o| options[:output_filename] = o end opts.on("-s", "--stats FILE", "Output with the summary of the run. Only writes at the end, so in principle, paralell process should be able to write on it to get a status of how much has been completed.") do |o| options[:stats_file] = o end opts.on("-d", "--bulk_2 FILE", "Sorted BAM file with the alginments from bulk1 2 (corresponding to the phenotype of parental 2)") do |o| options[:bulk_2] = o end opts.on("-m", "--chunk_size FILE", "Sorted BAM file with the alginments from bulk1 2 (corresponding to the phenotype of parental 2)") do |o| options[:chunk_size] = o.to_i end opts.on("-n", "--chunk FILE", "Sorted BAM file with the alginments from bulk1 2 (corresponding to the phenotype of parental 2)") do |o| options[:chunk] = o.to_1 end end.parse! p options p ARGV reference = options[:reference] chunk = options[:chunk] chunk_size = options[:chunk_size] output_filename = options[:output_filename] stats_file = options[:stats_file] min = chunk * chunk_size max = min + chunk_size parental_1=options[:parent_1] parental_2=options[:parent_2] bulk_1 = options[:bulk_1] bulk_2 = options[:bulk_2] fasta_db = Bio::DB::Fasta::FastaFile.new({:fasta=>reference}) fasta_db.load_fai_entries if chunk_size == 0 min = 0 max = fasta_db.index.entries.size end container = Bio::BFRTools::BFRContainer.new container.reference reference container.parental_1 ( {:path => parental_1 } ) container.parental_2 ( {:path => parental_2 } ) container.bulk_1 ( {:path => bulk_1 }) container.bulk_2 ( {:path => bulk_2 }) i = -1 container.init_counters output_file = File.open(output_filename, "w") puts "Range: #{min}:#{max}" fasta_db.index.entries.each do | r | i = i + 1 #puts r #puts i next if i < min or i >= max container.process_region({:region => r.get_full_region.to_s,:output_file => output_file } ) #puts "Processed" end output_file.close file_h = nil if !File.exists? stats_file file_h = File.open(stats_file, "w") container.print_header({:output_file_stats => file_h}) else file_h = File.open(stats_file, "a") end container.print_stats({:output_file_stats => file_h}) file_h.close