###* * <%= application_name %> Client Settings * * Generated automatically by Eastwood and the Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline ### app = { env : '<%= env %>', routes : root_path : -> "/" } <% if named_routes.any? %> ###* * Server-side routing ### <% named_routes.each do |r| %> # name: <%= r.name %> # conditions: <%= r.conditions %> # defaults: <%= r.defaults %> # path: <%= r.path %> # requirements: <%= r.requirements %> # verb: <%= r.verb %> # segment_keys: <%= r.segment_keys %> <% unless r.segment_keys.empty? %> # root_path is already taken care of app.routes.<%= r.name %>_path = ( <%= r.segment_keys.join ', ' %>='json' ) -> "<%= r.path.delete( '()' ).gsub /:(\w+)/, '#{\1}' %>" <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if client_routes.any? %> ###* * Client-side routing ### <% client_routes.each do |key, r| %> <% if r.segment_keys.empty? %> app.routes.<%= r.name %>_hash = -> <% else %> app.routes.<%= r.name %>_hash = ( <%= r.segment_keys.join ', ' %> ) -> <% end %> "<%= r.path.gsub /:(\w+)/, '#{\1}' %>" <% end %> <% end %> ###* * Export that shit! ### window.<%= application_name %> = app