require_dependency 'spree/payment/processing' module Spree class Payment < Spree::Base include 'P', letters: true, length: 7) include Spree::Payment::Processing include NumberAsParam NON_RISKY_AVS_CODES = ['B', 'D', 'H', 'J', 'M', 'Q', 'T', 'V', 'X', 'Y'].freeze RISKY_AVS_CODES = ['A', 'C', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'I', 'K', 'L', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'U', 'W', 'Z'].freeze INVALID_STATES = %w(failed invalid).freeze with_options inverse_of: :payments do belongs_to :order, class_name: 'Spree::Order', touch: true belongs_to :payment_method, -> { with_deleted }, class_name: 'Spree::PaymentMethod' end belongs_to :source, polymorphic: true has_many :offsets, -> { offset_payment }, class_name: 'Spree::Payment', foreign_key: :source_id has_many :log_entries, as: :source has_many :state_changes, as: :stateful has_many :capture_events, class_name: 'Spree::PaymentCaptureEvent' has_many :refunds, inverse_of: :payment validates :payment_method, presence: true validates :number, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: true } validates :source, presence: true, if: -> { payment_method&.source_required? } before_validation :validate_source after_save :create_payment_profile, if: :profiles_supported? # update the order totals, etc. set_callback :save, :after, :update_order, unless: -> { capture_on_dispatch } # invalidate previously entered payments after_create :invalidate_old_payments after_create :create_eligible_credit_event attr_accessor :source_attributes, :request_env, :capture_on_dispatch after_initialize :build_source validates :amount, numericality: true delegate :store_credit?, to: :payment_method, allow_nil: true delegate :name, to: :payment_method, allow_nil: true, prefix: true default_scope { order(:created_at) } scope :from_credit_card, -> { where(source_type: 'Spree::CreditCard') } scope :with_state, ->(s) { where(state: s.to_s) } # "offset" is reserved by activerecord scope :offset_payment, -> { where("source_type = 'Spree::Payment' AND amount < 0 AND state = 'completed'") } scope :checkout, -> { with_state('checkout') } scope :completed, -> { with_state('completed') } scope :pending, -> { with_state('pending') } scope :processing, -> { with_state('processing') } scope :failed, -> { with_state('failed') } scope :risky, -> { where("avs_response IN (?) OR (cvv_response_code IS NOT NULL and cvv_response_code != 'M') OR state = 'failed'", RISKY_AVS_CODES) } scope :valid, -> { where.not(state: INVALID_STATES) } scope :store_credits, -> { where(source_type: Spree::StoreCredit.to_s) } scope :not_store_credits, -> { where(arel_table[:source_type].not_eq(Spree::StoreCredit.to_s).or(arel_table[:source_type].eq(nil))) } # transaction_id is much easier to understand def transaction_id response_code end delegate :currency, to: :order # order state machine (see for details) state_machine initial: :checkout do # With card payments, happens before purchase or authorization happens # # Setting it after creating a profile and authorizing a full amount will # prevent the payment from being authorized again once Order transitions # to complete event :started_processing do transition from: [:checkout, :pending, :completed, :processing], to: :processing end # When processing during checkout fails event :failure do transition from: [:pending, :processing], to: :failed end # With card payments this represents authorizing the payment event :pend do transition from: [:checkout, :processing], to: :pending end # With card payments this represents completing a purchase or capture transaction event :complete do transition from: [:processing, :pending, :checkout], to: :completed end event :void do transition from: [:pending, :processing, :completed, :checkout], to: :void end # when the card brand isnt supported event :invalidate do transition from: [:checkout], to: :invalid end after_transition do |payment, transition| payment.state_changes.create!( previous_state: transition.from, next_state:, name: 'payment' ) end end def money, currency: currency) end alias display_amount money def amount=(amount) self[:amount] = case amount when String separator = I18n.t('number.currency.format.separator') number = amount.delete("^0-9-#{separator}\.").tr(separator, '.') number.to_d if number.present? end || amount end def offsets_total offsets.sum(:amount) end def credit_allowed amount - (offsets_total.abs + refunds.sum(:amount)) end def can_credit? credit_allowed > 0 end # see def build_source return unless new_record? if source_attributes.present? && source.blank? && payment_method.try(:payment_source_class) self.source = source.payment_method_id = source.user_id = order.user_id if order end end def actions return [] unless payment_source&.respond_to?(:actions) { |action| !payment_source.respond_to?("can_#{action}?") || payment_source.send("can_#{action}?", self) } end def payment_source res = source.is_a?(Payment) ? source.source : source res || payment_method end def is_avs_risky? return false if avs_response.blank? || NON_RISKY_AVS_CODES.include?(avs_response) true end def is_cvv_risky? return false if cvv_response_code == 'M' return false if cvv_response_code.nil? return false if cvv_response_message.present? true end def captured_amount capture_events.sum(:amount) end def uncaptured_amount amount - captured_amount end def editable? checkout? || pending? end private def has_invalid_state? INVALID_STATES.include?(state) end def validate_source if source && !source.valid? if Rails::VERSION::STRING >= '6.1' { |error| { field: error.attribute, message: error&.message } }.each do |err| next if err[:field].blank? || err[:message].blank? add_source_error(err[:field], err[:message]) end else source.errors.messages.each do |field, error| next if field.blank? || error.empty? add_source_error(field, error.first) end end end !errors.present? end def add_source_error(field, message) field_name = I18n.t("activerecord.attributes.#{source.class.to_s.underscore}.#{field}") errors.add(Spree.t(source.class.to_s.demodulize.underscore), "#{field_name} #{message}") end def profiles_supported? payment_method.respond_to?(:payment_profiles_supported?) && payment_method.payment_profiles_supported? end def create_payment_profile # Don't attempt to create on bad payments. return if has_invalid_state? # Payment profile cannot be created without source return unless source # Imported payments shouldn't create a payment profile. return if source.imported payment_method.create_profile(self) rescue ActiveMerchant::ConnectionError => e gateway_error e end def split_uncaptured_amount if uncaptured_amount > 0 order.payments.create!( amount: uncaptured_amount, payment_method: payment_method, source: source, state: 'pending', capture_on_dispatch: true ).authorize! update(amount: captured_amount) end end def update_order order.updater.update_payment_total if completed? || void? if order.completed? order.updater.update_payment_state order.updater.update_shipments order.updater.update_shipment_state end order.persist_totals if completed? || order.completed? end def create_eligible_credit_event # When cancelling an order, a payment with the negative amount # of the payment total is created to refund the customer. That # payment has a source of itself (Spree::Payment) no matter the # type of payment getting refunded, hence the additional check # if the source is a store credit. return unless store_credit? && source.is_a?(Spree::StoreCredit) # creates the store credit event source.update!(action: Spree::StoreCredit::ELIGIBLE_ACTION, action_amount: amount, action_authorization_code: response_code) end def invalidate_old_payments # invalid payment or store_credit payment shouldn't invalidate other payment types return if has_invalid_state? || store_credit? order.payments.with_state('checkout').where.not(id: id).each do |payment| payment.invalidate! unless payment.store_credit? end end end end