module RequestLogAnalyzer::Tracker # Analyze the duration of a specific attribute # # Accepts the following options: # * :line_type The line type that contains the duration field (determined by the category proc). # * :if Proc that has to return !nil for a request to be passed to the tracker. # * :title Title do be displayed above the report # * :category Proc that handles request categorization for given fileformat (REQUEST_CATEGORIZER) # * :duration The field containing the duration in the request hash. # * :amount The amount of lines in the report # # The items in the update request hash are set during the creation of the Duration tracker. # # Example output: # Request duration - top 20 by cumulative time ┃ Hits ┃ Sum. | Avg. # ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ # EmployeeController#show.html [GET] ┃ 4742 ┃ 4922.56s ┃ 1.04s # EmployeeController#update.html [POST] ┃ 4647 ┃ 2731.23s ┃ 0.59s # EmployeeController#index.html [GET] ┃ 5802 ┃ 1477.32s ┃ 0.25s # ............. class Duration < RequestLogAnalyzer::Tracker::Base attr_reader :categories def prepare raise "No duration field set up for category tracker #{self.inspect}" unless options[:duration] raise "No categorizer set up for duration tracker #{self.inspect}" unless options[:category] @categories = {} end def update(request) category = options[:category].respond_to?(:call) ? options[:category].call(request) : request[options[:category]] duration = options[:duration].respond_to?(:call) ? options[:duration].call(request) : request[options[:duration]] if !duration.nil? && !category.nil? @categories[category] ||= {:count => 0, :total_duration => 0.0} @categories[category][:count] += 1 @categories[category][:total_duration] += duration end end def report_table(output = STDOUT, amount = 10, options = {}, &block) top_categories = @categories.sort { |a, b| yield(b[1]) <=> yield(a[1]) }.slice(0...amount) max_cat_length = { |a| a[0].length }.max || 0 space_left = [options[:report_width] - 33, [max_cat_length + 1, options[:title].length].max].min output << "\n" output << "%-#{space_left+1}s┃ Hits ┃ Sum. | Avg." % [options[:title][0...space_left]] + "\n" output << green('━' * options[:report_width], options[:color]) + "\n" top_categories.each do |(cat, info)| hits = info[:count] total = "%0.02f" % info[:total_duration] avg = "%0.02f" % (info[:total_duration] / info[:count]) output << "%-#{space_left+1}s┃%8d ┃%9ss ┃%9ss" % [cat[0...space_left], hits, total, avg] + "\n" end end def report(output = STDOUT, report_width = 80, color = false) options[:title] ||= 'Request duration' options[:report] ||= [:total, :average] options[:top] ||= 20 options[:report].each do |report| case report when :average report_table(output, options[:top], :title => "#{options[:title]} - top #{options[:top]} by average time", :color => color, :report_width => report_width) { |request| request[:total_duration] / request[:count] } when :total report_table(output, options[:top], :title => "#{options[:title]} - top #{options[:top]} by cumulative time", :color => color, :report_width => report_width) { |request| request[:total_duration] } when :hits report_table(output, options[:top], :title => "#{options[:title]} - top #{options[:top]} by hits", :color => color, :report_width => report_width) { |request| request[:count] } else output << "Unknown duration report specified\n" end end end end end