# Turnip [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/jnicklas/turnip](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/jnicklas/turnip?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) ![Test](https://github.com/jnicklas/turnip/workflows/Test/badge.svg) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/jnicklas/turnip.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/jnicklas/turnip) Turnip is a [Gherkin](https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Gherkin) extension for RSpec. It allows you to write tests in Gherkin and run them through your RSpec environment. Basically you can write cucumber features in RSpec. ## Installation Install the gem ``` gem install turnip ``` Or add it to your Gemfile and run `bundle`. ``` ruby group :test do gem "turnip" end ``` Now edit the `.rspec` file in your project directory (create it if doesn't exist), and add the following line: ``` -r turnip/rspec ``` ## Development * Source hosted at [GitHub](http://github.com/jnicklas/turnip). * Please direct questions, discussion or problems to the [mailing list](http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-turnip). Please do not open an issue on GitHub if you have a question. * If you found a reproducible bug, open a [GitHub Issue](http://github.com/jnicklas/turnip/issues) to submit a bug report. * Please do not contact any of the maintainers directly, unless you have found a security related issue. Pull requests are very welcome (and even better than bug reports)! Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make. ## Compatibility and support policy ### 1. Ruby - Support Ruby 2.5 or higher - Does not support Ruby (or does not work) 2.4.X or earlier ### 2. RSpec In accordance with the RSpec support policy https://github.com/jnicklas/turnip/issues/158#issuecomment-119049054 - Support RSpec 3.x **the latest or one version before** - Does not support **two version before the latest or earlier** - Does not work on **RSpec 2 or earlier** Example `If the latest version is 3.5.x`: - Support `3.5.x` - Support `3.4.x` - Does not support (or does not work) `3.3.x` or earlier ## Usage Add a feature file anywhere in your `spec` directory: ``` cucumber # spec/acceptance/attack_monster.feature Feature: Attacking a monster Background: Given there is a monster Scenario: attack the monster When I attack it Then it should die ``` Now you can run it just like you would run any other rspec spec: ``` rspec spec/acceptance/attack_monster.feature ``` It will automatically be run if you run all your specs with `rake spec` or `rspec spec`. Yes, that's really it. ## Defining steps You can define steps on any module: ``` ruby module MonsterSteps step "there is a monster" do @monster = Monster.new end end ``` You can now include this module in RSpec: ``` ruby RSpec.configure { |c| c.include MonsterSteps } ``` Steps are implemented as regular Ruby methods under the hood, so you can use Ruby's normal inheritance chain to mix and match steps. ### Before/After Hooks Since Turnip runs atop RSpec, it can utilize RSpec's built-in before and after hooks. To run a hook for all features, specify a global hook with `type` set to `:feature`: ```ruby config.before(:type => :feature) do do_something end config.after(:type => :feature) do do_something_else end ``` You can also limit this to a tag by specifying the tag in the argument to `before` or `after`: ```ruby config.before(:some_tag => true) do do_something end ``` ### Global steps Turnip has a special module called `Turnip::Steps`, which is automatically included in RSpec. If you add steps to this module, they are available in all your features. As a convenience, there is a shortcut to doing this, just call `step` in the global namespace like this: ``` ruby step "there is a monster" do @monster = Monster.new end ``` ### Placeholders Note that unlike Cucumber, Turnip does not support regexps in step definitions. You can however use placeholders in your step definitions, like this: ``` ruby step "there is a monster called :name" do |name| @monster = Monster.new(name) end ``` You can now put values in this placeholder, either quoted or not: ``` cucumber Given there is a monster called Jonas And there is a monster called "Jonas Nicklas" ``` You can also specify alternative words and optional parts of words, like this: ``` ruby step "there is/are :count monster(s)" do |count| @monsters = Array.new(count) { Monster.new } end ``` That will match both "there is X monster" or "there are X monsters". You can also define custom step placeholders. More on that later. ### Scoped steps Since steps are defined on modules, you can pick and choose which of them are available in which feature. This can be extremely useful if you have a large number of steps, and do not want them to potentially conflict. If you had some scenarios which talk to the database directly, and some which go through a user interface, you could implement it as follows: ``` ruby module InterfaceSteps step "I do it" do ... end end module DatabaseSteps step "I do it" do ... end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.include InterfaceSteps, :interface => true config.include DatabaseSteps, :database => true end ``` Turnip turns tags into RSpec metadata, so you can use RSpec's conditional include feature to include these steps only for those scenarios tagged the appropriate way. So even though the step is named the same, you can now use it in your feature files like so: ``` cucumber @interface Scenario: do it through the interface @database Scenario: do it through the database ``` Be careful though not to tag a feature with both `@interface` and `@database` in this example. Since steps use the Ruby inheritance chain, the step which is included last will "win", just like any other Ruby method. This might not be what you expect. Since this pattern of creating a module and including it for a specific tag is very common, we have created a handy shortcut for it: ``` ruby steps_for :interface do step "I do it" do ... end end ``` Check out [features/alignment_steps.rb](https://github.com/jnicklas/turnip/blob/master/examples/steps/alignment_steps.rb) for an example. ### Where to place steps Turnip automatically loads your `spec_helper` file. From there you can place your steps wherever you want, and load them however you like. For example, if you were to put your steps in `spec/steps`, you could load them like this: ``` ruby Dir.glob("spec/steps/**/*steps.rb") { |f| load f, true } ``` Before loading your `spec_helper`, Turnip also tries to load a file called `turnip_helper` where you can setup anything specific to your turnip examples. You might find it beneficial to load your steps from this file so that they don't have to be loaded when you run your other tests. If you use Turnip with [rspec-rails](https://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails) v3.x, most configuration written to `rails_helper.rb` but not `spec_helper.rb`. So you should write to `turnip_helper` like this: ```ruby require 'rails_helper' ``` Then you can write configuration to `rails_helper` to load your steps. ### Calling steps from other steps Since steps are Ruby methods you can call them like other Ruby methods. However, since the step description likely contains spaces and other special characters, you will probably have to use `send` to call the step: ``` ruby step "the value is :num" do |num| @value = num end step "the value is twice as much as :num" do |num| send "the value is :num", num * 2 end ``` If you use the second step, it will call into the first step, sending in the doubled value. Sometimes you will want to call the step just like you would from your feature file, in that case you can use the `step` method: ``` ruby step "the value is :num" do |num| @value = num end step "the value is the magic number" do step "the value is 3" end ``` ### Methods as steps You can mark an existing method as a step. This will make it available in your Turnip features. For example: ``` ruby module MonsterSteps def create_monster(name) @monster = Monster.new(:name => name) end step :create_monster, "there is a monster called :name" end ``` ## Custom step placeholders Do you want to be more specific in what to match in your step placeholders? Do you find it bothersome to have to constantly cast them to the correct type? Turnip supports custom placeholders to solve both problems, like this: ``` ruby step "there are :count monsters" do |count| count.times { Monster.new(name) } end placeholder :count do match /\d+/ do |count| count.to_i end match /no/ do 0 end end ``` You would now be able to use these steps like this: ``` cucumber Given there are 4 monsters Given there are no monsters ``` Placeholders can extract matches from the regular expressions as well. For example: ``` ruby placeholder :monster do match /(blue|green|red) (furry|bald) monster/ do |color, hair| Monster.new(color, hair) end end ``` These regular expressions must not use anchors, e.g. `^` or `$`. They may not contain named capture groups, e.g. `(?blue|green)`. Note that custom placeholders can capture several words separated by spaces and without surrounding quotes, e.g.: ```ruby step 'there is :monster in the loft' do |monster| # call 'Given there is green furry monster in the loft', # :monster will capture 'green furry moster' end ``` E.g. Common `should` / `should not` steps: ```ruby step 'I :whether_to see :text' do |positive, text| expectation = positive ? :to : :not_to expect(page.body).send expectation, eq(text) end placeholder :whether_to do match /should not/ do false end match /should/ do true end end ``` Then, it is possible to call the following steps: ```feature Then I should see 'Danger! Monsters ahead!' And I should not see 'Game over!' ``` You can also define custom placeholder without specific regexp, that matches the same value of the default placeholder like this: ```ruby placeholder :monster_name do default do |name| Monster.find_by!(name: name) end end ``` ## Table Steps Turnip also supports steps that take a table as a parameter similar to Cucumber: ``` cucumber Scenario: This is a feature with a table Given there are the following monsters: | Name | Hitpoints | | Blaaarg | 23 | | Moorg | 12 | Then "Blaaarg" should have 23 hitpoints And "Moorg" should have 12 hitpoints ``` The table is a `Turnip::Table` object which works in much the same way as Cucumber's `Cucumber::Ast::Table` objects. E.g. converting the `Turnip::Table` to an array of hashes: ``` ruby step "there are the following monsters:" do |table| @monsters = {} table.hashes.each do |hash| @monsters[hash['Name']] = hash['Hitpoints'].to_i end end ``` or the equivalent: ``` ruby step "there are the following monsters:" do |table| @monsters = {} table.rows.each do |(name, hp)| @monsters[name] = hp.to_i end end ``` ## Unimplemented steps Turnip mark a scenario as pending when steps in the scenario is not implemented. If you sets `raise_error_for_unimplemented_steps` as `true`, turnip will mark a scenario as fail. It defaults to `false`, you can change it by following configuration: ```ruby RSpec.configure do |config| config.raise_error_for_unimplemented_steps = true end ``` ## Substitution in Scenario Outlines You would be able to use substitution that can be used to DocString and Table arguments in Scenario Outline like [Cucumber](http://cukes.info/step-definitions.html#substitution_in_scenario_outlines): ```cucumber Scenario Outline: Email confirmation Given I have a user account with my name "Jojo Binks" When an Admin grants me rights Then I should receive an email with the body: """ Dear Jojo Binks, You have been granted rights. You are
. Please be responsible. -The Admins """ Examples: | Role | details | | Manager | now able to manage your employee accounts | | Admin | able to manage any user account on the system | ``` ## Using with Capybara Just require `turnip/capybara` in your `spec_helper`. You can now use the same tags you'd use in Cucumber to switch between drivers e.g. `@javascript` or `@selenium`. Your Turnip features will also be run with the `:type => :feature` metadata, so that Capybara is included and also any other extensions you might want to add. ## License (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Jonas Nicklas Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.