opal_filter "Module" do fails "Module#alias_method can call a method with super aliased twice" fails "Module#alias_method raises a TypeError when the given name can't be converted using to_str" fails "Module#alias_method retains method visibility" fails "Module#append_features on Class raises a TypeError if calling after rebinded to Class" fails "Module#attr applies current visibility to methods created" fails "Module#attr converts non string/symbol/fixnum names to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr creates a getter but no setter for all given attribute names" fails "Module#attr creates a getter for the given attribute name" fails "Module#attr raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_accessor applies current visibility to methods created" fails "Module#attr_accessor converts non string/symbol/fixnum names to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_accessor not allows creating an attr_accessor on an immediate class" fails "Module#attr_accessor raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_reader applies current visibility to methods created" fails "Module#attr_reader converts non string/symbol/fixnum names to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_reader not allows for adding an attr_reader to an immediate" fails "Module#attr_reader raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_writer applies current visibility to methods created" fails "Module#attr_writer converts non string/symbol/fixnum names to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_writer not allows for adding an attr_writer to an immediate" fails "Module#attr_writer raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to strings using to_str" fails "Module#autoload (concurrently) blocks a second thread while a first is doing the autoload" fails "Module#autoload (concurrently) blocks others threads while doing an autoload" fails "Module#autoload allows multiple autoload constants for a single file" fails "Module#autoload calls #to_path on non-String filename arguments" fails "Module#autoload calls #to_path on non-string filenames" fails "Module#autoload does NOT raise a NameError when the autoload file did not define the constant and a module is opened with the same name" fails "Module#autoload does not load the file if the file is manually required" fails "Module#autoload does not load the file when accessing the constants table of the module" fails "Module#autoload does not load the file when referring to the constant in defined?" fails "Module#autoload does not remove the constant from the constant table if load fails" fails "Module#autoload does not remove the constant from the constant table if the loaded files does not define it" fails "Module#autoload ignores the autoload request if the file is already loaded" fails "Module#autoload loads a file with .rb extension when passed the name without the extension" fails "Module#autoload loads the file that defines subclass XX::YY < YY and YY is a top level constant" fails "Module#autoload loads the file when opening a module that is the autoloaded constant" fails "Module#autoload loads the registered constant into a dynamically created class" fails "Module#autoload loads the registered constant into a dynamically created module" fails "Module#autoload loads the registered constant when it is accessed" fails "Module#autoload loads the registered constant when it is included" fails "Module#autoload loads the registered constant when it is inherited from" fails "Module#autoload loads the registered constant when it is opened as a class" fails "Module#autoload loads the registered constant when it is opened as a module" fails "Module#autoload looks up the constant in the scope where it is referred" fails "Module#autoload looks up the constant when in a meta class scope" fails "Module#autoload raises a NameError when the constant name has a space in it" fails "Module#autoload raises a NameError when the constant name starts with a lower case letter" fails "Module#autoload raises a NameError when the constant name starts with a number" fails "Module#autoload raises a TypeError if not passed a String or object respodning to #to_path for the filename" fails "Module#autoload raises a TypeError if opening a class with a different superclass than the class defined in the autoload file" fails "Module#autoload raises an ArgumentError when an empty filename is given" fails "Module#autoload registers a file to load the first time the named constant is accessed" fails "Module#autoload retains the autoload even if the request to require fails" fails "Module#autoload returns 'constant' on referring the constant with defined?()" fails "Module#autoload runs for an exception condition class and doesn't trample the exception" fails "Module#autoload sets the autoload constant in the constants table" fails "Module#autoload shares the autoload request across dup'ed copies of modules" fails "Module#autoload when changing $LOAD_PATH does not reload a file due to a different load path" fails "Module#autoload? returns nil if no file has been registered for a constant" fails "Module#autoload? returns the name of the file that will be autoloaded" fails "Module#class_eval converts a non-string filename to a string using to_str" fails "Module#class_eval converts non string eval-string to string using to_str" fails "Module#class_eval raises a TypeError when the given eval-string can't be converted to string using to_str" fails "Module#class_eval raises a TypeError when the given filename can't be converted to string using to_str" fails "Module#class_eval resolves constants in the caller scope ignoring send" fails "Module#class_eval resolves constants in the caller scope" # fails because of the difference between module_eval("Const") and module_eval { Const } (only the second one is supported by Opal) fails "Module#class_eval uses the optional filename and lineno parameters for error messages" fails "Module#const_defined? returns true for toplevel constant when the name begins with '::'" fails "Module#const_defined? returns true or false for the nested name" fails "Module#const_defined? returns true when passed a constant name with EUC-JP characters" fails "Module#const_defined? returns true when passed a scoped constant name for a constant in the inheritance hierarchy and the inherited flag is default" fails "Module#const_defined? returns true when passed a scoped constant name for a constant in the inheritance hierarchy and the inherited flag is true" fails "Module#const_defined? returns true when passed a scoped constant name" fails "Module#constants doesn't returns inherited constants when passed nil" fails "Module#constants returns only public constants" fails "Module#define_method raises a TypeError when a Method from a singleton class is defined on another class" fails "Module#define_method raises a TypeError when a Method from one class is defined on an unrelated class" fails "Module#define_method raises a TypeError when an UnboundMethod from a child class is defined on a parent class" fails "Module#define_method raises a TypeError when an UnboundMethod from one class is defined on an unrelated class" fails "Module#deprecate_constant accepts multiple symbols and strings as constant names" fails "Module#deprecate_constant raises a NameError when given an undefined name" fails "Module#deprecate_constant returns self" fails "Module#deprecate_constant when accessing the deprecated module passes the accessing" fails "Module#deprecate_constant when accessing the deprecated module warns with a message" fails "Module#extend_object extends the given object with its constants and methods by default" fails "Module#extend_object is called when #extend is called on an object" fails "Module#extend_object on Class raises a TypeError if calling after rebinded to Class" fails "Module#include doesn't include module if it is included in a super class" fails "Module#initialize_copy should retain singleton methods when duped" # Expected [] to equal ["hello"] fails "Module#instance_method raises a NameError if the method has been undefined" fails "Module#instance_method raises a TypeError if not passed a symbol" fails "Module#instance_method raises a TypeError if the given name is not a string/symbol" fails "Module#method_defined? converts the given name to a string using to_str" fails "Module#method_defined? raises a TypeError when the given object is not a string/symbol/fixnum" fails "Module#method_defined? returns true if a public or private method with the given name is defined in self, self's ancestors or one of self's included modules" fails "Module#module_eval converts a non-string filename to a string using to_str" fails "Module#module_eval converts non string eval-string to string using to_str" fails "Module#module_eval raises a TypeError when the given eval-string can't be converted to string using to_str" fails "Module#module_eval raises a TypeError when the given filename can't be converted to string using to_str" fails "Module#module_eval resolves constants in the caller scope ignoring send" fails "Module#module_eval resolves constants in the caller scope" fails "Module#module_eval uses the optional filename and lineno parameters for error messages" fails "Module#module_function as a toggle (no arguments) in a Module body does not affect module_evaled method definitions also if outside the eval itself" fails "Module#module_function as a toggle (no arguments) in a Module body doesn't affect definitions when inside an eval even if the definitions are outside of it" fails "Module#module_function as a toggle (no arguments) in a Module body has no effect if inside a module_eval if the definitions are outside of it" fails "Module#module_function on Class raises a TypeError if calling after rebinded to Class" fails "Module#module_function with specific method names raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to string using to_str" fails "Module#module_function with specific method names tries to convert the given names to strings using to_str" fails "Module#name is not nil for a nested module created with the module keyword" fails "Module#name is set with a conditional assignment to a constant" fails "Module#name is set with a conditional assignment to a nested constant" fails "Module#name preserves the encoding in which the class was defined" fails "Module#prepend accepts no-arguments" fails "Module#prepend adds the module in the subclass chains" fails "Module#prepend allows wrapping methods" fails "Module#prepend also prepends included modules" fails "Module#prepend calls #prepend_features(self) in reversed order on each module" fails "Module#prepend calls prepended after prepend_features" fails "Module#prepend causes the prepended module's method to be aliased by alias_method" fails "Module#prepend clears any caches" fails "Module#prepend depends on prepend_features to add the module" fails "Module#prepend detects cyclic prepends" fails "Module#prepend does not affect the superclass" fails "Module#prepend does not import methods to modules and classes" fails "Module#prepend does not interfere with a define_method super in the original class" fails "Module#prepend does not raise a TypeError when the argument is an instance of a subclass of Module" fails "Module#prepend imports constants" # NoMethodError: undefined method `prepend' for # fails "Module#prepend imports instance methods" fails "Module#prepend includes prepended modules in ancestors" fails "Module#prepend inserts a later prepended module into the chain" fails "Module#prepend is a public method" fails "Module#prepend keeps the module in the chain when dupping an intermediate module" fails "Module#prepend keeps the module in the chain when dupping the class" fails "Module#prepend prepends multiple modules in the right order" fails "Module#prepend raises a TypeError when the argument is not a Module" fails "Module#prepend reports the prepended module as the method owner" fails "Module#prepend reports the prepended module as the unbound method owner" fails "Module#prepend returns the class it's included into" fails "Module#prepend sees an instance of a prepended class as kind of the prepended module" fails "Module#prepend supports super when the module is prepended into a singleton class with a class super" fails "Module#prepend supports super when the module is prepended into a singleton class" fails "Module#prepend throws a NoMethodError when there is no more superclass" fails "Module#prepend works with subclasses" fails "Module#prepend_features clears caches of the given module" fails "Module#prepend_features gets called when self is included in another module/class" fails "Module#prepend_features on Class raises a TypeError if calling after rebinded to Class" fails "Module#prepend_features raises an ArgumentError on a cyclic prepend" fails "Module#prepended is invoked when self is prepended to another module or class" fails "Module#remove_class_variable removes class variable" # Exception: Cannot set property '@@mvar' of undefined fails "Module#remove_class_variable returns the value of removing class variable" # Exception: Cannot set property '@@mvar' of undefined fails "Module#remove_const calls #to_str to convert the given name to a String" fails "Module#remove_const raises a TypeError if conversion to a String by calling #to_str fails" fails "Module#remove_const returns nil when removing autoloaded constant" fails "Module.constants returns an array of Symbol names" # requires Bignum fails "Module.new creates a new Module and passes it to the provided block" fails "Module::Nesting returns the list of Modules nested at the point of call" end