module Noodall module Admin module NodesHelper include Noodall::Permalinks include Noodall::NodesHelper include AssetsHelper def admin_breadcrumb breadcrumbs = breadcrumb_for( @parent, :node_path => :noodall_admin_node_nodes_path, :home_link => content_tag('li', link_to('Contents', noodall_admin_nodes_path)) ) content_tag('ul', breadcrumbs.join.html_safe, :class => 'breadcrumb') if breadcrumbs end def sorted_node_tree(tree) nodes = [] tree.each do |node| nodes << node unless node.children.empty? nodes += sorted_node_tree(node.children) end end nodes end def formatted_node_tree_options sorted_node_tree(Node.roots).reject{|n| n._id == @node._id}.collect{|n| [n.title, n._id] } end def slot_link(node,type,index) link_to( "#{type.to_s.titleize} Slot", "##{type}_component_form_#{index}", :id=> "#{type}_slot_#{index}_selector", :class => 'slot_link') + "#{node.send("#{type}_slot_#{index}") unless @node.send("#{type}_slot_#{index}").nil?}".html_safe end def slot_form(node,type,index) component = @node.send("#{type}_slot_#{index}") options = options_for_select([''] + Component.positions_names(type), (component._type.titleize unless component.nil?)) render :partial => 'slot_form', :locals => { :type => type, :index => index, :component => component, :options => options, :slot_name => "#{ type }_slot_#{ index }" } end def can_change_templates?(node) can_publish?(node) and !node.is_a?(Home) and (node.parent.nil? ? Node.template_names : node.parent.class.template_names).length > 1 end def updater_name(node) begin node.updater.full_name if node.updater rescue logger.warn 'Unable to resolve updater name: ' + $!.message 'Unknown' end end def popular_tags(limit = 10) Noodall::Node.tag_cloud(:limit => limit).map do |tagging| link_to, '#node_keywords', :class => "count#{tagging.count}" end.join(', ').html_safe end def admin_nodes_column_headings html = html << sortable_table_header(:name => "Name", :sort => "admin_title", :class => 'sort') html << sortable_table_header(:name => "Type", :sort => "_type", :class => 'sort') # Change 'position' header if we are sorting by position if(params[:sort] && params[:sort] != "position" || params[:order] == "descending") html << sortable_table_header(:name => "Position", :sort => "position", :class => 'sort') else html << sortable_table_header(:name => "Position", :sort => "position", :class => 'sort', :colspan => 2) end html << content_tag('th', 'Sub Section', :width => "120") html << sortable_table_header(:name => "Updated", :sort => "updated_at", :class => 'sort') %w{Show Publish Delete}.each{|text| html << content_tag('th', text, :width => '45')} html.join("\n").html_safe end end end end