# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStudio measures # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/openstudio-measure-writing-guide # see the URL below for information on using life cycle cost objects in OpenStudio # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/openstudio-life-cycle-examples # see the URL below for access to C++ documentation on model objects (click on "model" in the main window to view model objects) # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/sites/openstudio.nrel.gov/files/nv_hash/cpp_documentation_it/model/html/namespaces.html # load OpenStudio measure libraries from openstudio-extension gem require 'openstudio-extension' require 'openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_constructions' # load OpenStudio measure libraries require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/OsLib_AedgMeasures" # start the measure class AedgSmallToMediumOfficeExteriorFloorConstruction < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure include OsLib_AedgMeasures include OsLib_Constructions # define the name that a user will see, this method may be deprecated as # the display name in PAT comes from the name field in measure.xml def name return 'AedgSmallToMediumOfficeExteriorFloorConstruction' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # make an argument for material and installation cost material_cost_insulation_increase_ip = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('material_cost_insulation_increase_ip', true) material_cost_insulation_increase_ip.setDisplayName('Increase Cost per Area of Construction Where Insulation was Improved ($/ft^2).') material_cost_insulation_increase_ip.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << material_cost_insulation_increase_ip return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(model), user_arguments) return false end # assign the user inputs to variables material_cost_insulation_increase_ip = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('material_cost_insulation_increase_ip', user_arguments) # no validation needed for cost inputs, negative values are fine, however negative would be odd choice since this measure only improves vs. decreases insulation and SRI performance # global variables for costs expected_life = 25 years_until_costs_start = 0 material_cost_insulation_increase_si = OpenStudio.convert(material_cost_insulation_increase_ip, '1/ft^2', '1/m^2').get running_cost_insulation = 0 # prepare rule hash rules = [] # climate zone, roof type, thermal transmittance (Btu/h·ft2·°F), SRI # Mass (HC > 7 Btu/ft^2) # notes: Insulation should be continuous and either integral to or above the slab. rules << ['1', 'Mass', 0.137] # R-4.2 c.i. rules << ['2', 'Mass', 0.074] # R-10.4 c.i. rules << ['3', 'Mass', 0.064] # R-12.5 c.i. rules << ['4', 'Mass', 0.056] # R-14.6 c.i. rules << ['5', 'Mass', 0.056] # R-14.6 c.i. rules << ['6', 'Mass', 0.051] # R-16.7 c.i. rules << ['7', 'Mass', 0.042] # R-20.9 c.i. rules << ['8', 'Mass', 0.038] # R-23.0 c.i. # SteelFramed # notes: Insulation should be installed parallel to the framing members rules << ['1', 'SteelFramed', 0.052] # R-19.0 rules << ['2', 'SteelFramed', 0.038] # R-30.0 rules << ['3', 'SteelFramed', 0.038] # R-30.0 rules << ['4', 'SteelFramed', 0.032] # R-38.0 rules << ['5', 'SteelFramed', 0.032] # R-38.0 rules << ['6', 'SteelFramed', 0.032] # R-38.0 rules << ['7', 'SteelFramed', 0.027] # R-49.0 rules << ['8', 'SteelFramed', 0.024] # R-60.0 # WoodFramed # notes: Insulation should be installed parallel to the framing members rules << ['1', 'WoodFramed', 0.051] # R-19.0 rules << ['2', 'WoodFramed', 0.033] # R-30.0 rules << ['3', 'WoodFramed', 0.033] # R-30.0 rules << ['4', 'WoodFramed', 0.027] # R-38.0 rules << ['5', 'WoodFramed', 0.027] # R-38.0 rules << ['6', 'WoodFramed', 0.027] # R-38.0 rules << ['7', 'WoodFramed', 0.022] # R-49.0 rules << ['8', 'WoodFramed', 0.018] # R-60.0 # make rule hash for cleaner code rulesHash = {} rules.each do |rule| rulesHash["#{rule[0]} #{rule[1]}"] = { 'conductivity_ip' => rule[2] } end # get climate zone climateZoneNumber = OsLib_AedgMeasures.getClimateZoneNumber(model, runner) # climateZoneNumber = "4" # this is just in for quick testing of different climate zones # return false with error if can't find climate zone number if climateZoneNumber == false return false end # get starting r-value startingRvaluesExtFloor = [] # flag for roof surface type for tips massFlag = false steelFramedFlag = false woodFramedFlag = false # affected area counter insulation_affected_area = 0 # construction hashes (construction is key, value is array [thermal transmittance (Btu/h·ft2·°F),rule thermal transmittance (Btu/h·ft2·°F),classification string) massConstructions = {} steelFramedConstructions = {} woodFramedConstructions = {} # this contains constructions that do not have a recognized Standards Construction Type otherConstructions = [] # loop through constructions constructions = model.getConstructions constructions.each do |construction| # skip if not used next if construction.getNetArea <= 0 # skip if not opaque next if !construction.isOpaque # get construction and standard constructionStandard = construction.standardsInformation # get intended surface and standards construction type intendedSurfaceType = constructionStandard.intendedSurfaceType constructionType = constructionStandard.standardsConstructionType # get conductivity conductivity_si = construction.thermalConductance.get r_value_ip = OpenStudio.convert(1 / conductivity_si, 'm^2*K/W', 'ft^2*h*R/Btu').get # check rules based on intended use and type if intendedSurfaceType.to_s == 'ExteriorFloor' if constructionType.to_s == 'Mass' # store starting values startingRvaluesExtFloor << r_value_ip massFlag = true # test construction against rules ruleSet = rulesHash["#{climateZoneNumber} Mass"] if 1 / r_value_ip > ruleSet['conductivity_ip'] massConstructions[construction] = { 'conductivity_ip' => 1 / r_value_ip, 'transmittance_ip_rule' => ruleSet['conductivity_ip'], 'classification' => 'massConstructions' } end elsif constructionType.to_s == 'SteelFramed' # store starting values startingRvaluesExtFloor << r_value_ip massFlag = true # test construction against rules ruleSet = rulesHash["#{climateZoneNumber} SteelFramed"] if 1 / r_value_ip > ruleSet['conductivity_ip'] steelFramedConstructions[construction] = { 'conductivity_ip' => 1 / r_value_ip, 'transmittance_ip_rule' => ruleSet['conductivity_ip'], 'classification' => 'steelFramedConstructions' } end elsif constructionType.to_s == 'WoodFramed' # store starting values startingRvaluesExtFloor << r_value_ip massFlag = true # test construction against rules ruleSet = rulesHash["#{climateZoneNumber} WoodFramed"] if 1 / r_value_ip > ruleSet['conductivity_ip'] woodFramedConstructions[construction] = { 'conductivity_ip' => 1 / r_value_ip, 'transmittance_ip_rule' => ruleSet['conductivity_ip'], 'classification' => 'woodFramedConstructions' } end else # track other constructions otherConstructions << construction end end end # create warning if construction used on exterior wall doesn't have a surface type of "ExteriorFloor", or if constructions tagged to be used as exterior floor, are used on other surface types otherConstructionsWarned = [] surfaces = model.getSurfaces surfaces.each do |surface| if !surface.construction.empty? construction = surface.construction.get if (surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors') && (surface.surfaceType == 'Floor') if otherConstructions.include?(construction) && (!otherConstructionsWarned.include? construction) runner.registerWarning("#{construction.name} is used on one or more exterior floor surfaces but has an intended surface type or construction type not recognized by this measure. As we can not infer the proper performance target, this construction will not be altered.") otherConstructionsWarned << construction end else if massConstructions.include?(construction) || steelFramedConstructions.include?(construction) || woodFramedConstructions.include?(construction) runner.registerWarning("#{surface.name} uses #{construction.name} as a construction that this measure expects to be used for exterior floors. This surface has a type of #{surface.surfaceType} and a a boundary condition of #{surface.outsideBoundaryCondition}. This may result in unexpected changes to your model.") end end end end # alter constructions and add lcc constructionsToChange = massConstructions.sort + steelFramedConstructions.sort + woodFramedConstructions.sort constructionsToChange.each do |construction, hash| # gather insulation inputs # gather target decrease in conductivity conductivity_ip_starting = hash['conductivity_ip'] conductivity_si_starting = OpenStudio.convert(conductivity_ip_starting, 'Btu/ft^2*h*R', 'W/m^2*K').get r_value_ip_starting = 1 / conductivity_ip_starting # ft^2*h*R/Btu r_value_si_starting = 1 / conductivity_si_starting # m^2*K/W conductivity_ip_target = hash['transmittance_ip_rule'].to_f conductivity_si_target = OpenStudio.convert(conductivity_ip_target, 'Btu/ft^2*h*R', 'W/m^2*K').get r_value_ip_target = 1 / conductivity_ip_target # ft^2*h*R/Btu r_value_si_target = 1 / conductivity_si_target # m^2*K/W # infer insulation material to get input for target thickness minThermalResistance = OpenStudio.convert(1, 'ft^2*h*R/Btu', 'm^2*K/W').get inferredInsulationLayer = OsLib_Constructions.inferInsulationLayer(construction, minThermalResistance) rvalue_si_deficiency = r_value_si_target - r_value_si_starting # add lcc for insulation lcc_mat_insulation = OpenStudio::Model::LifeCycleCost.createLifeCycleCost("LCC_Mat_Insulation - #{construction.name}", construction, material_cost_insulation_increase_si, 'CostPerArea', 'Construction', expected_life, years_until_costs_start) lcc_mat_insulation_value = lcc_mat_insulation.get.totalCost running_cost_insulation += lcc_mat_insulation_value # set flag if floor is mass and insulation layer is not the layer with highest index makeNewMassLayer = false layers = construction.layers if (inferredInsulationLayer['layerIndex'] != layers.size - 1) && (hash['classification'] == 'massConstructions') makeNewMassLayer == true end # adjust existing material or add new one if inferredInsulationLayer['insulationFound'] && !makeNewMassLayer # gather inputs for method target_material_rvalue_si = inferredInsulationLayer['construction_thermal_resistance'] + rvalue_si_deficiency # run method to change insulation layer thickness in cloned material (material,starting_r_value_si,target_r_value_si, model) new_material = OsLib_Constructions.setMaterialThermalResistance(inferredInsulationLayer['construction_layer'], target_material_rvalue_si) # connect new material to original construction construction.eraseLayer(inferredInsulationLayer['layer_index']) construction.insertLayer(inferredInsulationLayer['layer_index'], new_material) # get conductivity final_conductivity_si = construction.thermalConductance.get final_r_value_ip = OpenStudio.convert(1 / final_conductivity_si, 'm^2*K/W', 'ft^2*h*R/Btu').get # report on edited material runner.registerInfo("The R-value of #{construction.name} has been increased from #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(r_value_ip_starting, 2, true)} to #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(final_r_value_ip, 2, true)}(ft^2*h*R/Btu) at a cost of $#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(lcc_mat_insulation_value, 2, true)}. Increased performance was accomplished by adjusting thermal resistance of #{new_material.name}.") else # inputs to pass to method conductivity = 0.045 # W/m*K thickness = rvalue_si_deficiency * conductivity # meters addNewLayerToConstruction_Inputs = { 'roughness' => 'MediumRough', 'thickness' => thickness, # meters, 'conductivity' => conductivity, # W/m*K 'density' => 265.0, 'specificHeat' => 836.8, 'thermalAbsorptance' => 0.9, 'solarAbsorptance' => 0.7, 'visibleAbsorptance' => 0.7 } # if floor is mass, than new layer should go at the top index level. if hash['classification'] == 'massConstructions' addNewLayerToConstruction_Inputs['layerIndex'] = layers.size - 1 end # create new material if can't infer insulation material (construction,thickness, conductivity, density, specificHeat, roughness,thermalAbsorptance, solarAbsorptance,visibleAbsorptance,model) newMaterialLayer = OsLib_Constructions.addNewLayerToConstruction(construction, addNewLayerToConstruction_Inputs) # get conductivity final_conductivity_si = construction.thermalConductance.get final_r_value_ip = OpenStudio.convert(1 / final_conductivity_si, 'm^2*K/W', 'ft^2*h*R/Btu').get # report on edited material if hash['classification'] == 'massConstructions' runner.registerInfo("The R-value of #{construction.name} has been increased from #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(r_value_ip_starting, 2, true)} to #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(final_r_value_ip, 2, true)}(ft^2*h*R/Btu) at a cost of $#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(lcc_mat_insulation_value, 2, true)}. Increased performance was accomplished by adding a new material layer to the inside of #{construction.name}.") else runner.registerInfo("The R-value of #{construction.name} has been increased from #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(r_value_ip_starting, 2, true)} to #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(final_r_value_ip, 2, true)}(ft^2*h*R/Btu) at a cost of $#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(lcc_mat_insulation_value, 2, true)}. Increased performance was accomplished by adding a new material layer to the outside of #{construction.name}.") end end # add to area counter insulation_affected_area += construction.getNetArea # OpenStudio handles matched surfaces so they are not counted twice. end # populate AEDG tip keys aedgTips = [] if massFlag aedgTips.push('EN10', 'EN17', 'EN19', 'EN21') end if steelFramedFlag aedgTips.push('EN11', 'EN17', 'EN19', 'EN21') end if woodFramedFlag aedgTips.push('EN11', 'EN17', 'EN19', 'EN21') end # create not applicable of no constructions were tagged to change if aedgTips.empty? runner.registerAsNotApplicable('No surfaces use constructions tagged as an exterior wall type recognized by this measure. No exterior floors were altered.') return true end # populate how to tip messages aedgTipsLong = OsLib_AedgMeasures.getLongHowToTips('SmMdOff', aedgTips.uniq.sort, runner) if !aedgTipsLong return false # this should only happen if measure writer passes bad values to getLongHowToTips end # reporting initial condition of model startingRvalue = startingRvaluesExtFloor runner.registerInitialCondition("Starting R-values for constructions intended for exterior floors surfaces range from #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(startingRvalue.min, 2, true)} to #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(startingRvalue.max, 2, true)}(ft^2*h*R/Btu).") # reporting final condition of model insulation_affected_area_ip = OpenStudio.convert(insulation_affected_area, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get runner.registerFinalCondition("#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(insulation_affected_area_ip, 0, true)}(ft^2) of constructions intended for exterior floor surfaces had insulation enhanced at a cost of $#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(running_cost_insulation, 0, true)}. #{aedgTipsLong}") return true end end # this allows the measure to be use by the application AedgSmallToMediumOfficeExteriorFloorConstruction.new.registerWithApplication