module QME module MapReduce # Computes the value of quality measures based on the current set of patient # records in the database class Executor include DatabaseAccess SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_ELEMENTS = {QME::QualityReport::RACE => "$value.race.code", QME::QualityReport::ETHNICITY => "$value.ethnicity.code", QME::QualityReport::SEX => "$value.gender", QME::QualityReport::PAYER => "$value.payer"} # Create a new Executor for a specific measure, effective date and patient population. # @param [String] measure_id the measure identifier # @param [String] sub_id the measure sub-identifier or null if the measure is single numerator # @param [Hash] parameter_values a hash that may contain the following keys: 'effective_date' the measurement period end date, 'test_id' an identifier for a specific set of patients def initialize(measure_id, sub_id, parameter_values) @measure_id = measure_id @sub_id = sub_id @parameter_values = parameter_values @measure_def =, @sub_id).definition determine_connection_information() end def build_query pipeline = [] filters = @parameter_values['filters'] match = {'value.measure_id' => @measure_id, 'value.sub_id' => @sub_id, 'value.effective_date' => @parameter_values['effective_date'], 'value.test_id' => @parameter_values['test_id'], 'value.manual_exclusion' => {'$in' => [nil, false]}} if(filters) if (filters['races'] && filters['races'].size > 0) match['value.race.code'] = {'$in' => filters['races']} end if (filters['ethnicities'] && filters['ethnicities'].size > 0) match['value.ethnicity.code'] = {'$in' => filters['ethnicities']} end if (filters['genders'] && filters['genders'].size > 0) match['value.gender'] = {'$in' => filters['genders']} end if (filters['providers'] && filters['providers'].size > 0) providers = filters['providers'].map { |pv| {'providers' => Moped::BSON::ObjectId(pv) } } pipeline.concat [{'$project' => {'value' => 1, 'providers' => "$value.provider_performances.provider_id"}}, {'$unwind' => '$providers'}, {'$match' => {'$or' => providers}}, {'$group' => {"_id" => "$_id", "value" => {"$first" => "$value"}}}] end if (filters['languages'] && filters['languages'].size > 0) languages = filters['languages'].map { |l| {'languages' => l } } pipeline.concat [{'$project' => {'value' => 1, 'languages' => "$value.languages"}}, {'$unwind' => "$languages"}, {'$project' => {'value' => 1, 'languages' => {'$substr' => ['$languages', 0, 2]}}}, {'$match' => {'$or' => languages}}, {'$group' => {"_id" => "$_id", "value" => {"$first" => "$value"}}}] end end pipeline.unshift({'$match' => match}) pipeline end #Calculate all of the supoplemental data elements def calculate_supplemental_data_elements match = {'value.measure_id' => @measure_id, 'value.sub_id' => @sub_id, 'value.effective_date' => @parameter_values['effective_date'], 'value.test_id' => @parameter_values['test_id'], 'value.manual_exclusion' => {'$in' => [nil, false]}} keys = @measure_def["population_ids"].keys - [QME::QualityReport::OBSERVATION, "stratification"] supplemental_data = Hash[*{|k| [k,{QME::QualityReport::RACE => {}, QME::QualityReport::ETHNICITY => {}, QME::QualityReport::SEX => {}, QME::QualityReport::PAYER => {}}]}.flatten] keys.each do |pop_id| _match = match.clone _match["value.#{pop_id}"] = {"$gt" => 0} SUPPLEMENTAL_DATA_ELEMENTS.each_pair do |supp_element,location| group1 = {"$group" => { "_id" => { "id" => "$_id", "val" => location}}} group2 = {"$group" => {"_id" => "$_id.val", "val" =>{"$sum" => 1} }} pipeline = [{"$match" =>_match},group1,group2] aggregate = get_db.command(:aggregate => 'patient_cache', :pipeline => pipeline) v = {} (aggregate["result"] || []).each do |entry| code = entry["_id"].nil? ? "UNK" : entry["_id"] v[code] = entry["val"] end supplemental_data[pop_id] ||= {} supplemental_data[pop_id][supp_element] = v end end supplemental_data end # Examines the patient_cache collection and generates a total of all groups # for the measure. The totals are placed in a document in the query_cache # collection. # @return [Hash] measure groups (like numerator) as keys, counts as values def count_records_in_measure_groups pipeline = build_query pipeline << {'$group' => { "_id" => "$value.measure_id", # we don't really need this, but Mongo requires that we group QME::QualityReport::POPULATION => {"$sum" => "$value.#{QME::QualityReport::POPULATION}"}, QME::QualityReport::DENOMINATOR => {"$sum" => "$value.#{QME::QualityReport::DENOMINATOR}"}, QME::QualityReport::NUMERATOR => {"$sum" => "$value.#{QME::QualityReport::NUMERATOR}"}, QME::QualityReport::ANTINUMERATOR => {"$sum" => "$value.#{QME::QualityReport::ANTINUMERATOR}"}, QME::QualityReport::EXCLUSIONS => {"$sum" => "$value.#{QME::QualityReport::EXCLUSIONS}"}, QME::QualityReport::EXCEPTIONS => {"$sum" => "$value.#{QME::QualityReport::EXCEPTIONS}"}, QME::QualityReport::MSRPOPL => {"$sum" => "$value.#{QME::QualityReport::MSRPOPL}"}, QME::QualityReport::CONSIDERED => {"$sum" => 1} }} aggregate = get_db.command(:aggregate => 'patient_cache', :pipeline => pipeline) if aggregate['ok'] != 1 raise RuntimeError, "Aggregation Failed" elsif aggregate['result'].size !=1 raise RuntimeError, "Expected one group from patient_cache aggregation, got #{aggregate['result'].size}" end nqf_id = @measure_def['nqf_id'] || @measure_def['id'] result = {:measure_id => @measure_id, :sub_id => @sub_id, :nqf_id => nqf_id, :population_ids => @measure_def["population_ids"], :effective_date => @parameter_values['effective_date'], :test_id => @parameter_values['test_id'], :filters => @parameter_values['filters']} if @measure_def['continuous_variable'] aggregated_value = calculate_cv_aggregation result[QME::QualityReport::OBSERVATION] = aggregated_value end result.merge!(aggregate['result'].first) result.reject! {|k, v| k == '_id'} # get rid of the group id the Mongo forced us to use # result['exclusions'] += get_db['patient_cache'].find(base_query.merge({'value.manual_exclusion'=>true})).count result.merge!(execution_time: ( - @parameter_values['start_time'].to_i)) if @parameter_values['start_time'] result[:supplemental_data] = self.calculate_supplemental_data_elements get_db()["query_cache"].insert(result) get_db().command({:getLastError => 1}) # make sure last insert finished before we continue result end # This method calculates the aggregated value for a CV measure. It extracts all # the values for patients in the MSRPOPL and uses the aggregator to combine those # values into an aggregated value. The currently supported aggregators are: # MEDIAN # MEAN def calculate_cv_aggregation cv_pipeline = build_query cv_pipeline.first['$match']["value.#{QME::QualityReport::MSRPOPL}"] = {'$gt'=>0} cv_pipeline << {'$unwind' => '$value.values'} cv_pipeline << {'$group' => {'_id' => '$value.values', 'count' => {'$sum' => 1}}} aggregate = get_db.command(:aggregate => 'patient_cache', :pipeline => cv_pipeline) raise RuntimeError, "Aggregation Failed" if aggregate['ok'] != 1 frequencies = {} aggregate['result'].each do |freq_count_pair| frequencies[freq_count_pair['_id']] = freq_count_pair['count'] end QME::MapReduce::CVAggregator.send(@measure_def['aggregator'].parameterize, frequencies) end # This method runs the MapReduce job for the measure which will create documents # in the patient_cache collection. These documents will state the measure groups # that the record belongs to, such as numerator, etc. def map_records_into_measure_groups measure =, @measure_def, @parameter_values) get_db().command(:mapReduce => 'records', :map => measure.map_function, :reduce => "function(key, values){return values;}", :out => {:reduce => 'patient_cache'}, :finalize => measure.finalize_function, :query => {:test_id => @parameter_values['test_id']}) apply_manual_exclusions end # This method runs the MapReduce job for the measure and a specific patient. # This will create a document in the patient_cache collection. This document # will state the measure groups that the record belongs to, such as numerator, etc. def map_record_into_measure_groups(patient_id) measure =, @measure_def, @parameter_values) get_db().command(:mapReduce => 'records', :map => measure.map_function, :reduce => "function(key, values){return values;}", :out => {:reduce => 'patient_cache'}, :finalize => measure.finalize_function, :query => {:medical_record_number => patient_id, :test_id => @parameter_values['test_id']}) apply_manual_exclusions end # This method runs the MapReduce job for the measure and a specific patient. # This will *not* create a document in the patient_cache collection, instead the # result is returned directly. def get_patient_result(patient_id) measure =, @measure_def, @parameter_values) result = get_db().command(:mapReduce => 'records', :map => measure.map_function, :reduce => "function(key, values){return values;}", :out => {:inline => true}, :raw => true, :finalize => measure.finalize_function, :query => {:medical_record_number => patient_id, :test_id => @parameter_values['test_id']}) raise result['err'] if result['ok']!=1 result['results'][0]['value'] end # This collects the set of manual exclusions from the manual_exclusions collections # and sets a flag in each cached patient result for patients that have been excluded from the # current measure def apply_manual_exclusions exclusions = get_db()['manual_exclusions'].find({'measure_id'=>@measure_id, 'sub_id'=>@sub_id}) do |exclusion| exclusion['medical_record_id'] end get_db()['patient_cache'].find({'value.measure_id'=>@measure_id, 'value.sub_id'=>@sub_id, 'value.medical_record_id'=>{'$in'=>exclusions} }) .update_all({'$set'=>{'value.manual_exclusion'=>true}}) end end end end