# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- module Dcmgr::Models # Model class for running virtual instance. class Instance < AccountResource taggable 'i' many_to_one :image many_to_one :instance_spec alias :spec :instance_spec many_to_one :host_node one_to_many :volume one_to_many :instance_nic alias :nic :instance_nic many_to_many :security_groups, :join_table=>:instance_security_groups # TODO: remove ssh_key_pair_id column many_to_one :ssh_key_pair plugin ArchiveChangedColumn, :histories subset(:lives, {:terminated_at => nil}) subset(:runnings, {:state => 'running'}) subset(:stops, {:state => 'stopped'}) #RECENT_TERMED_PERIOD=(60 * 15) RECENT_TERMED_PERIOD = Dcmgr.conf.recent_terminated_instance_period # lists the instances which alives and died within # RECENT_TERMED_PERIOD sec. # it was difficult for me to write exprs in virtual row syntax as # per subset(). ;-( def_dataset_method(:alives_and_recent_termed) { filter("terminated_at IS NULL OR terminated_at >= ?", (Time.now.utc - RECENT_TERMED_PERIOD)) } # serialization plugin must be defined at the bottom of all class # method calls. # Possible column data: # kvm: # {:vnc_port=>11} plugin :serialization serialize_attributes :yaml, :runtime_config # equal to SshKeyPair#to_hash serialize_attributes :yaml, :ssh_key_data serialize_attributes :yaml, :request_params module ValidationMethods def self.hostname_uniqueness(account_id, hostname) HostnameLease.filter(:account_id=>account_id, :hostname=>hostname).empty? end end class HostError < RuntimeError; end def validate super # do not run validation if the row is maked as deleted. return true if self.terminated_at unless self.hostname =~ /\A[0-9a-z][0-9a-z\-]{0,31}\Z/ errors.add(:hostname, "Invalid hostname syntax") end # uniqueness check for hostname if changed_columns.include?(:hostname) proc_test = lambda { unless ValidationMethods.hostname_uniqueness(self.account_id, self.hostname) errors.add(:hostname, "Duplicated hostname: #{self.hostname}") end } if new? proc_test.call else orig = self.dup.refresh # do nothing if orig.hostname == self.hostname if orig.hostname != self.hostname proc_test.call end end @update_hostname = true end end def before_validation self[:user_data] ||= '' self[:hostname] ||= self.uuid self[:hostname] = self[:hostname].downcase super end def before_save if @update_hostname if new? HostnameLease.create(:account_id=>self.account_id, :hostname=>self.hostname) else orig = self.dup.refresh # do nothing if orig.hostname == self.hostname if orig.hostname != self.hostname orig_name = HostnameLease.filter(:account_id=>self.account_id, :hostname=>orig.hostname).first orig_name.hostname = self.hostname orig_name.save end end @update_hostname = false end # sum() returns nil if there is no instance rows. lives_weight = self.class.filter(:account_id=>self.account_id).lives.sum(:quota_weight) || 0.0 unless lives_weight <= self.account.quota.instance_total_weight raise HostError, "Out of quota limit: #{self.account_id}'s current weight capacity: #{lives_weight} (<= #{self.account.quota.instance_total_weight})" end super end def before_destroy HostnameLease.filter(:account_id=>self.account_id, :hostname=>self.hostname).destroy self.instance_nic.each { |o| o.destroy } self.remove_all_security_groups self.volume.each { |v| v.instance_id = nil v.state = :available v.save } super end # override Sequel::Model#delete not to delete rows but to set # delete flags. def delete self.terminated_at ||= Time.now self.state = :terminated if self.state != :terminated self.status = :offline if self.status != :offline self.save end # dump column data as hash with details of associated models. # this is for internal use. def to_hash h = super h.merge!({:user_data => user_data.to_s, # Sequel::BLOB -> String :runtime_config => self.runtime_config, # yaml -> hash :ssh_key_data => self.ssh_key_data, # yaml -> hash :image=>image.to_hash, :host_node=> (host_node.nil? ? nil : host_node.to_hash), :instance_nics=>instance_nic.map {|n| n.to_hash }, :ips => instance_nic.map { |n| n.ip.map {|i| unless i.is_natted? then i.ipv4 else nil end} if n.ip }.flatten.compact, :nat_ips => instance_nic.map { |n| n.ip.map {|i| if i.is_natted? then i.ipv4 else nil end} if n.ip }.flatten.compact, :security_groups => self.security_groups.map {|n| n.canonical_uuid }, :vif=>[], }) h.merge!({:instance_spec=>instance_spec.to_hash}) unless instance_spec.nil? h[:volume]={} if self.volume self.volume.each { |v| h[:volume][v.canonical_uuid] = v.to_hash } end if self.instance_nic self.instance_nic.each { |vif| ent = vif.to_hash.merge({ :vif_id=>vif.canonical_uuid, }) direct_lease = vif.direct_ip_lease.first if direct_lease.nil? else outside_lease = direct_lease.nat_outside_lease ent[:ipv4] = { :network => vif.network.nil? ? nil : vif.network.to_hash, :address=> direct_lease.ipv4, :nat_network => vif.nat_network.nil? ? nil : vif.nat_network.to_hash, :nat_address => outside_lease.nil? ? nil : outside_lease.ipv4, } end h[:vif] << ent } end h end # returns hash data for API response on # GET instances/[uuid] # # @exmaple Example output data. # { :id=> # :cpu_cores # :memory_size # :image_id # :network => [{:network_name=>'nw-xxxxxxx', :ipaddr=>''}] # :volume => [{'uuid'=>{:guest_device_name=>,}] # :ssh_key_pair => 'xxxxx', # :security_groups => ['rule1', 'rule2'] # :created_at # :state # :status # :vif => {'vif-xxxxx'=>{:ipv4=>{:address=>'', :nat_address=>''}}} # } def to_api_document h = { :id => canonical_uuid, :host_node => self.host_node && self.host_node.canonical_uuid, :cpu_cores => cpu_cores, :memory_size => memory_size, :arch => spec.arch, :image_id => image.canonical_uuid, :created_at => self.created_at, :state => self.state, :status => self.status, :ssh_key_pair => nil, :network => [], :volume => [], :security_groups => self.security_groups.map {|n| n.canonical_uuid }, :vif => [], :hostname => hostname, :ha_enabled => ha_enabled, :instance_spec_id => instance_spec.canonical_uuid, } if self.ssh_key_data h[:ssh_key_pair] = self.ssh_key_data[:uuid] end instance_nic.each { |vif| direct_lease_ds = vif.direct_ip_lease_dataset if direct_lease_ds.first outside_lease_ds = vif.nat_ip_lease_dataset h[:network] << { :network_name => vif.network.canonical_uuid, :ipaddr => direct_lease_ds.all.map {|lease| lease.ipv4 }.compact, :dns_name => vif.network.domain_name && self.fqdn_hostname, :nat_network_name => vif.nat_network && vif.nat_network.canonical_uuid, :nat_ipaddr => outside_lease_ds.all.map {|lease| lease.ipv4 }.compact, :nat_dns_name => vif.nat_network && vif.nat_network.domain_name && self.nat_fqdn_hostname, } end ent = { :vif_id=>vif.canonical_uuid, } direct_lease = direct_lease_ds.first if direct_lease.nil? else outside_lease = direct_lease.nat_outside_lease ent[:ipv4] = { :address=> direct_lease.ipv4, :nat_address => outside_lease.nil? ? nil : outside_lease.ipv4, } end h[:vif] << ent } self.volume.each { |v| h[:volume] << { :vol_id => v.canonical_uuid, :guest_device_name=>v.guest_device_name, :state=>v.state, } } h end # Returns the hypervisor type for the instance. def hypervisor self.instance_spec.hypervisor end # Returns the architecture type of the image def arch self.image.arch end def config self.instance_spec.config end def add_nic(vif_template) # Choose vendor ID of mac address. vendor_id = if vif_template[:vendor_id] vif_template[:vendor_id] elsif Dcmgr.conf.mac_address_vendor_id Dcmgr.conf.mac_address_vendor_id else MacLease.default_vendor_id(self.instance_spec.hypervisor) end m = MacLease.lease(vendor_id) nic = InstanceNic.new(:mac_addr=>m.mac_addr) nic.instance = self nic.device_index = vif_template[:index] nic.save end # Join this instance to the list of security group using group's uuid. # @param [String,Array] security_group_uuids def join_security_group(security_group_uuids) security_group_uuids = [security_group_uuids] if security_group_uuids.is_a?(String) joined_group_uuids = self.security_groups.map { |security_group| security_group.canonical_uuid } target_group_uuids = security_group_uuids.uniq - joined_group_uuids.uniq target_group_uuids.uniq! target_group_uuids.map { |target_group_uuid| if sg = SecurityGroup[target_group_uuid] InstanceSecurityGroup.create(:instance_id => self.id, :security_group_id => sg.id) end } end def ips self.instance_nic.map { |nic| nic.ip } end def fqdn_hostname self.nic.first.fqdn_hostname end def nat_fqdn_hostname self.nic.first.nat_fqdn_hostname end # Retrieve all networks belong to this instance # @return [Array[Models::Network]] def networks instance_nic.select { |nic| !nic.ip.nil? }.map { |nic| nic.ip.network }.group_by { |net| net.canonical_uuid }.values.map { |i| i.first } end def self.lock! super() Image.lock! InstanceSpec.lock! InstanceNic.lock! Volume.lock! VolumeSnapshot.lock! IpLease.lock! end def live? self.terminated_at.nil? end def set_ssh_key_pair(ssh_key_pair) raise ArgumentError unless ssh_key_pair.is_a?(SshKeyPair) self.ssh_key_data = ssh_key_pair.to_hash # Do not copy private key. self.ssh_key_data.delete(:private_key) # TODO: remove ssh_key_pair_id column self.ssh_key_pair_id = ssh_key_pair.canonical_uuid end # Factory method for Models::Instance object. # This method helps to set association values have to be # set mandatry until initial save to the database. def self.entry_new(account, image, spec, params, &blk) raise ArgumentError unless account.is_a?(Account) raise ArgumentError unless image.is_a?(Image) raise ArgumentError unless spec.is_a?(InstanceSpec) # Mash is passed in some cases. raise ArgumentError unless params.class == ::Hash i = self.new &blk i.account_id = account.canonical_uuid i.image = image i.instance_spec = spec i.cpu_cores = spec.cpu_cores i.memory_size = spec.memory_size i.quota_weight = spec.quota_weight i.request_params = params.dup i end end end