### 0.6.1 - 2019-06-27 - Flatten and compact arrays of `nil`s as well as nested arrays of `nil`s in join_* methods. ### 0.6.0 - 2019-03-13 - Fix inspection of delegating wrapper objects. - Allow clearing output of inspect methods. ### 0.5.2 - 2019-02-24 - Automatically compact nils in join_* methods. ### 0.5.1 - 2018-06-12 - Don't include empty strings from Scope#join_* methods when applicable. ### 0.5.0 - 2018-06-11 - Add `inspect_issues` to ObjectInspector::TemplatingFormatter. - Add ObjectInspector::Scope#join_name. - Add configurable ObjectInspector.configuration.presented_object_separator. ### 0.4.0 - 2018-05-25 - Feature: Add ObjectInspector::Configuration#default_scope setting -- can be used to override the default Scope for object inspection. - Implement ObjectInspector::Scope#== for comparing scopes with scopes and/or scopes with (Arrays of) Strings, Symbols, etc. ### 0.3.1 - 2018-04-15 - Add ObjectInspector::Configuration#formatter_class setting for overriding the default Formatter. ### 0.3.0 - 2018-04-14 - Remove optional dependency on ActiveSupport::StringInquirer. [Scopes are now objects](https://github.com/pdobb/object_inspector/blob/master/lib/object_inspector/scope.rb) that act like ActiveSupport::StringInquirer objects. - Add ObjectInspector::Scope.join_flags helper method. - Add ObjectInspector::Scope.join_info helper method. - Scope: Show an out-of-scope-placeholder symbol (*) when predicate is not matched and a block is given. - Scope: Add wild-card "all" scope that is always evaluated as true / a match. - Add ability to specify multiple scopes. e.g. my_object.inspect(scope: %i[verbose complex]). - Add gem defaults configuration. ### 0.2.0 - 2018-04-12 - Automatically inspect wrapped Objects, if applicable. - Use `display_name` if defined on object, in place of `inspect_name`. - Add on-the-fly inspect methods when Symbols are passed in to #inspect. - Update the `flags` and `info` demarcation symbols. - Add ObjectInspector::TemplatingFormatter, and use it as the new default since it's faster. - Rename ObjectInspector::DefaultFormatter to ObjectInspector::CombiningFormatter. ### 0.1.0 - 2018-04-09 - Initial release!