require 'tmpdir' begin require 'pdf/writer' rescue LoadError => e err = "PDF-Writer library not found. Please install it.\n" if $rubygems err += "You can usually do so if you do 'gem install pdf-writer'." else err += "You can download it from" end raise LoadError, err end require 'IFMapper/MapPrinting' PDF_ZOOM = 0.5 PDF_ROOM_WIDTH = W * PDF_ZOOM PDF_ROOM_HEIGHT = H * PDF_ZOOM PDF_ROOM_WS = WS * PDF_ZOOM PDF_ROOM_HS = HS * PDF_ZOOM PDF_MARGIN = 20.0 # # Open all the map class and add all pdf methods there # Gotta love Ruby's flexibility to just inject in new methods. # class FXConnection def _cvt_pt(p, opts) x = (p[0] - WW / 2.0) / WW.to_f y = (p[1] - HH / 2.0) / HH.to_f x = x * opts['ww'] + opts['ws_2'] + opts['margin_2'] + opts['w'] / 2.0 y = (opts['height'] - y) * opts['hh'] + opts['hs_2'] + opts['margin_2'] + opts['hs'] return [x, y] end def pdf_draw_arrow(pdf, opts, x1, y1, x2, y2) return if @dir == BOTH pt1, d = _arrow_info( x1, y1, x2, y2, 0.5 ) p = [] p << pt1[0], pt1[1] ) p << pt1[0] + d[0], pt1[1] - d[1] ) p << pt1[0] + d[1], pt1[1] + d[0] ) pdf.fill_color Color::RGB::Black pdf.polygon(p).fill end def pdf_draw_complex_as_bspline( pdf, opts ) p = [] p << _cvt_pt(@pts[0], opts) p << p[0] p << p[0] @pts.each { |pt| p << _cvt_pt(pt, opts) } p << p[-1] p << p[-1] p << p[-1] return FXSpline::bspline(p) end # PRE: If it's a loop exit that comes back to the same place, let's move # it up and right def pdf_draw_complex_as_lines( pdf, opts ) p = [] maxy = opts['height'] * opts['hh'] + opts['hs_2'] + opts['margin_2'] @pts.each { |pt| if loop? == true p << [ pt[0] * PDF_ZOOM + 10, maxy - pt[1] * PDF_ZOOM + 48 ] else p << [ pt[0] * PDF_ZOOM, maxy - pt[1] * PDF_ZOOM ] end } return p end def pdf_draw_door( pdf, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) v = [ (x2-x1), (y2-y1) ] t = 10 / Math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]) v = [ v[0]*t, v[1]*t ] m = [ (x2+x1)/2, (y2+y1)/2 ] x1, y1 = [m[0] + v[1], m[1] - v[0]] x2, y2 = [m[0] - v[1], m[1] + v[0]] if @type == LOCKED_DOOR pdf.move_to(x1, y1) pdf.line_to(x2, y2).stroke else s =, :cap => :butt, :join => :miter, :dash => PDF::Writer::StrokeStyle::SOLID_LINE ) pdf.stroke_style(s) v = [ v[0] / 3, v[1] / 3] pdf.move_to(x1 - v[0], y1 - v[1]) pdf.line_to(x1 + v[0], y1 + v[1]) pdf.line_to(x2 + v[0], y2 + v[1]) pdf.line_to(x2 - v[0], y2 - v[1]) pdf.line_to(x1 - v[0], y1 - v[1]) pdf.stroke s =, :cap => :butt, :join => :miter, :dash => PDF::Writer::StrokeStyle::SOLID_LINE ) pdf.stroke_style(s) end end def pdf_draw_complex( pdf, opts ) if opts['Paths as Curves'] if @room[0] == @room[1] dirA, dirB = dirs if dirA == dirB p = pdf_draw_complex_as_lines( pdf, opts ) else p = pdf_draw_complex_as_bspline( pdf, opts ) end else p = pdf_draw_complex_as_bspline( pdf, opts ) end else p = pdf_draw_complex_as_lines( pdf, opts ) end pdf.move_to( p[0][0], p[0][1] ) p.each { |pt| pdf.line_to( pt[0], pt[1] ) } pdf.stroke x1, y1 = [p[0][0], p[0][1]] x2, y2 = [p[-1][0], p[-1][1]] pdf_draw_arrow(pdf, opts, x1, y1, x2, y2) if @type == LOCKED_DOOR or @type == CLOSED_DOOR t = p.size / 2 x1, y1 = [ p[t][0], p[t][1] ] x2, y2 = [ p[t-2][0], p[t-2][1] ] pdf_draw_door(pdf, x1, y1, x2, y2) end end def pdf_draw_simple(pdf, opts) return if not @room[1] # PDF does not print unfinished complex connections dir = @room[0].exits.index(self) x1, y1 = @room[0].pdf_corner(opts, self, dir) x2, y2 = @room[1].pdf_corner(opts, self) pdf.move_to(x1, y1) pdf.line_to(x2, y2).stroke pdf_draw_arrow(pdf, opts, x1, y1, x2, y2) if @type == LOCKED_DOOR or @type == CLOSED_DOOR pdf_draw_door(pdf, x1, y1, x2, y2) end end # # Draw the connection text next to the arrow ('I', 'O', etc) # def pdf_draw_text(pdf, x, y, dir, text, arrow) if dir == 7 or dir < 6 and dir != 1 if arrow and (dir == 0 or dir == 4) x += 5 end x += 2.5 elsif dir == 6 or dir == 1 x -= 7.5 end if dir > 5 or dir < 4 if arrow and (dir == 6 or dir == 2) y += 5 end y += 2.5 elsif dir == 4 or dir == 5 y -= 7.5 end font_size = 8 pdf.add_text(x, y, text, font_size) end def pdf_draw_exit_text(pdf, opts) if @exitText[0] != 0 dir = @room[0].exits.index(self) x, y = @room[0].pdf_corner(opts, self, dir) pdf_draw_text( pdf, x, y, dir, EXIT_TEXT[@exitText[0]], @dir == BtoA) end if @exitText[1] != 0 dir = @room[1].exits.rindex(self) x, y = @room[1].pdf_corner(opts, self, dir) pdf_draw_text( pdf, x, y, dir, EXIT_TEXT[@exitText[1]], @dir == AtoB) end end def pdf_draw(pdf, opts) pdf_draw_exit_text(pdf, opts) if @type == SPECIAL s =, :dash => { :pattern => [2], :phase => [1] } ) else s =, :cap => :butt, :join => :miter, :dash => PDF::Writer::StrokeStyle::SOLID_LINE ) end pdf.stroke_style( s ) pdf.stroke_color Color::RGB::Black pdf.fill_color Color::RGB::Black if @pts.size > 0 pdf_draw_complex(pdf, opts) else pdf_draw_simple(pdf, opts) end end end class FXRoom def pdf_corner( opts, c, idx = nil ) x, y = _corner(c, idx) y = -y ww = opts['ww'] hh = opts['hh'] w = opts['w'] h = opts['h'] ry = opts['height'] - @y x = @x * ww + opts['ws_2'] + opts['margin_2'] + x * w y = ry * hh + opts['hs_2'] + h + opts['margin_2'] + y * h return [x, y] end def pdf_draw_box( pdf, opts, idx, pdflocationnos ) x = @x * opts['ww'] + opts['ws_2'] + opts['margin_2'] y = (opts['height'] - @y) * opts['hh'] + opts['hs_2'] + opts['margin_2'] s = PDF::Writer::StrokeStyle::DEFAULT pdf.stroke_style( s ) if @darkness pdf.fill_color( Color::RGB::Gray ) else pdf.fill_color( Color::RGB::White ) end pdf.rectangle(x, y, opts['w'], opts['h']).fill_stroke if pdflocationnos == 1 # PRE: Draw a rectangle for the location number pdf.rectangle((x+opts['w']-opts['w']/4), y, opts['w']/4, opts['h']/4).fill_stroke # PRE: Pad out the number so it is three chars long locationno = (idx+1).to_s if (idx+1) < 10 locationno = ' '+locationno elsif (idx+1) < 100 locationno = ' '+locationno end # PRE: Write the location number pdf.fill_color(Color::RGB::Black) pdf.add_text((x+((opts['w']/4)*3)+2), y+2, locationno, 8) end end def pdf_draw_text( pdf, opts, x, y, text, font_size, pdflocationnos ) miny = (opts['height'] - @y) * opts['hh'] + opts['hs_2'] + opts['margin_2'] while text != '' # PRE: Wrap the text to avoid the location number box if (y >= miny) and (y <= (miny+font_size)) and (pdflocationnos == 1) wrapwidthmodifier = 15 else wrapwidthmodifier = 2 end text = pdf.add_text_wrap(x, y, opts['w'] - wrapwidthmodifier, text, font_size) y -= font_size break if y <= miny end return [x, y] end def pdf_draw_objects(pdf, opts, x, y, pdflocationnos) font_size = 6 objs = @objects.split("\n") objs = objs.join(', ') return pdf_draw_text( pdf, opts, x, y, objs, font_size, pdflocationnos ) end def pdf_draw_name(pdf, opts, pdflocationnos) # We could also use pdf_corner(7) here x = @x * opts['ww'] + opts['margin_2'] + opts['ws_2'] + 2 y = opts['height'] - @y font_size = 8 y = y * opts['hh'] + opts['margin_2'] + opts['hs_2'] + opts['h'] - (font_size + 2) pdf.stroke_color(Color::RGB::Black) pdf.fill_color(Color::RGB::Black) return pdf_draw_text( pdf, opts, x, y, @name, font_size, pdflocationnos ) end # PRE: Send through the index so we can print the location number # along with boolean value indicating whether the user wants them def pdf_draw( pdf, opts, idx, pdflocationnos ) pdf_draw_box( pdf, opts, idx, pdflocationnos ) x, y = pdf_draw_name( pdf, opts, pdflocationnos ) pdf_draw_objects(pdf, opts, x, y, pdflocationnos) end end class FXSection def pdf_draw_grid(pdf, opts, w, h ) (0...w).each { |xx| (0...h).each { |yy| x = xx * opts['ww'] + opts['ws_2'] + opts['margin_2'] y = yy * opts['hh'] + opts['hs_2'] + opts['margin_2'] pdf.rectangle(x, y, opts['w'], opts['h']).stroke } } end def pdf_draw_section_name( pdf, opts, px, py ) return if not @name or @name == '' xymin, xymax = min_max_rooms text = @name text += " (#{px}, #{py})" if px > 0 or py > 0 y = (opts['height']) * opts['hh'] + 16 w = xymax[0] w = opts['width'] if w > opts['width'] x = (w + 2) * opts['ww'] / 2 - text.size / 2 * 16 x = 0 if x < 0 pdf.add_text( x, y, text, 16 ) end def pdf_draw(pdf, opts, mapname, pdflocationnos ) w, h = rooms_width_height x, y = [0, 0] loop do if rotate pdf.rotate_axis(90.0) pdf.translate_axis( 0, -pdf.page_height ) end # Move section to its position in page tx1, ty1 = [@xoff * opts['ww'], @yoff * -opts['hh']] pdf.translate_axis( tx1, ty1 ) # Use times-roman as font pdf.select_font 'Times-Roman' pdf.stroke_color(Color::RGB::Black) pdf.fill_color(Color::RGB::Black) pdf_draw_section_name( pdf, opts, x, y ) xymin, = min_max_rooms # Move rooms, so that we don't print empty areas tx2 = -(xymin[0]) * opts['ww'] - x * opts['ww'] ty2 = (xymin[1]) * opts['hh'] - 60 + (y - (y > 0? 1 : 0)) * opts['hh'] pdf.translate_axis( tx2, ty2 ) # For testing purposes only, draw grid of boxes # pdf_draw_grid( pdf, opts, w, h ) @connections.each { |c| a = c.roomA b = c.roomB next if a.y < y and b and b.y < y c.pdf_draw( pdf, opts ) } @rooms.each_with_index { |r, idx| next if r.y < y r.pdf_draw( pdf, opts, idx, pdflocationnos) } # Reset axis pdf.translate_axis(-tx2, -ty2) pdf.translate_axis(-tx1, -ty1) xi = opts['width'] yi = opts['height'] if rotate xi = (pdf.page_height / opts['ww']).to_i - 1 yi = (pdf.page_width / opts['hh']).to_i - 1 end x += xi if x >= w x = 0 y += yi break if y >= h end if rotate pdf.rotate_axis(-90.0) pdf.translate_axis( 0, pdf.page_height ) end # We could not fit all rooms in page. Start new page pdf.start_new_page end end end class FXMap attr_accessor :pdfpapersize # boolean value indicating whether the user wants to see location nos attr_accessor :pdflocationnos def pdf_draw_mapname( pdf, opts ) return if not @name or @name == '' pdf.text( @name, :font_size => 24, :justification => :center ) end def pdf_draw_sections( pdf, opts ) old_section = @section page = -1 @sections.each_with_index { |sect, idx| if page != page = pdf.start_new_page if page > 1 pdf_draw_mapname( pdf, opts ) end @section = idx # For each page, we need to regenerate the pathmap so that complex # paths will come out ok. create_pathmap # Now, we draw it sect.pdf_draw(pdf, opts, @name, pdflocationnos) } # Restore original viewing page @section = old_section create_pathmap end def pdf_export(pdffile = Dir::tmpdir + "/ifmap.pdf", printer = nil) # PRE: Let's set the PDF paper size to user's choice paper = BOX_PDF_PAGE_SIZE_TEXT[pdfpapersize] if printer case printer.mediasize when FXPrinter::MEDIA_LETTER paper = 'LETTER' when FXPrinter::MEDIA_LEGAL paper = 'LEGAL' when FXPrinter::MEDIA_A4 paper = 'A4' when FXPrinter::MEDIA_ENVELOPE paper = 'ENVELOPE' when FXPrinter::MEDIA_CUSTOM raise "Sorry, custom paper not supported" end end # Open a new PDF writer with paper selected # PRE: Let's also set the paper orientation based on user selection pdf = :paper => paper pdf.margins_pt 0 pdf_options = @options.dup ww = PDF_ROOM_WIDTH + PDF_ROOM_WS hh = PDF_ROOM_HEIGHT + PDF_ROOM_HS pdf_options.merge!( { 'ww' => ww, 'hh' => hh, 'w' => PDF_ROOM_WIDTH, 'h' => PDF_ROOM_HEIGHT, 'ws' => PDF_ROOM_WS, 'hs' => PDF_ROOM_HS, 'ws_2' => PDF_ROOM_WS / 2.0, 'hs_2' => PDF_ROOM_HS / 2.0, 'margin' => PDF_MARGIN, 'margin_2' => PDF_MARGIN / 2.0, 'width' => (pdf.page_width / ww).to_i - 1, 'height' => (pdf.page_height / hh).to_i - 1, } ) begin # See if it is possible to pack several map sections (sections) into # a single print page. num = pack_sections( pdf_options['width'] + 2, pdf_options['height'] + 2 ) pdf_draw_sections(pdf, pdf_options) if pdffile !~ /\.pdf$/ pdffile << ".pdf" end status "Exporting PDF file '#{pdffile}'" pdf.save_as(pdffile) rescue => e p e p e.backtrace raise e end end end