{: versionI"3.4.22 (Selective Steve):EF:shaI"-18907cc0cef291aaf5259d28adf93b562bf62e53;F: contents"Dxo:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[0o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode :@imported_filenameI"compass/support:ET;[:@filename0: @options{:@template0: @linei:@source_rangeo:Sass::Source::Range :@start_poso:Sass::Source::Position; i: @offseti: @end_poso;; i;i: @fileI"i/Users/aselder/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/css3/_animation.scss; T:@importero: Sass::Importers::Filesystem: @rootI"L/Users/aselder/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets; F:@real_rootI"L/Users/aselder/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets; F:@same_name_warningso:Set: @hash{:@imported_file0o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"f/* The prefixed support threshold for animation. * Defaults to the $graceful-usage-threshold. */; T: @type: silent;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i ;i3;@;@o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode: @nameI" animation-support-threshold; T: @expro:!Sass::Script::Tree::Variable ;"I"graceful-usage-threshold; T:@underscored_nameI"graceful_usage_threshold; T:@css_variable_warning0; i ;o; ;o;; i ;i$;o;; i ;i=;@;@; @; @ : @guardedT: @global0;[; 0; @ ; i ;o; ;o;; i ;i;o;; i ;iF;@;@o; ;[I"-/* Name of any animation as a string. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i ;o; ;o;; i ;i;o;; i ;i+;@;@o;!;"I"default-animation-name; T;#o: Sass::Script::Tree::Literal ;o:Sass::Script::Value::Null;0; @ ;&0; i;o; ;o;; i;i,;o;; i;i0;@;@; @;'T;(0;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i9;@;@o; ;[I"7/* Duration of the entire animation in seconds. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i5;@;@o;!;"I"default-animation-duration; T;#o;) ;@1;&0; i;o; ;o;; i;i,;o;; i;i0;@;@; @;'T;(0;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i9;@;@o; ;[I"3/* Delay for start of animation in seconds. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i1;@;@o;!;"I"default-animation-delay; T;#o;) ;@1;&0; i;o; ;o;; i;i,;o;; i;i0;@;@; @;'T;(0;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i9;@;@o; ;[I" /* The timing function(s) to be used between keyframes. [ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier($number, $number, $number, $number)] */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;iž;@;@o;!;"I"&default-animation-timing-function; T;#o;) ;@1;&0; i;o; ;o;; i;i,;o;; i;i0;@;@; @;'T;(0;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i9;@;@o; ;[I"Q/* The number of times an animation cycle is played. [infinite | $number] */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;iO;@;@o;!;"I"&default-animation-iteration-count; T;#o;) ;@1;&0; i;o; ;o;; i;i,;o;; i;i0;@;@; @;'T;(0;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i9;@;@o; ;[I"h/* Whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles. [normal | alternate] */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;if;@;@o;!;"I" default-animation-direction; T;#o;) ;@1;&0; i;o; ;o;; i;i,;o;; i;i0;@;@; @;'T;(0;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i9;@;@o; ;[I"z/* What values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing. [none | forwards | backwards | both] */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;ix;@;@o;!;"I" default-animation-fill-mode; T;#o;) ;@1;&0; i ;o; ;o;; i ;i,;o;; i ;i0;@;@; @;'T;(0;[; 0; @ ; i ;o; ;o;; i ;i;o;; i ;i9;@;@o; ;[I"I/* Whether the animation is running or paused. [running | paused] */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i";o; ;o;; i";i;o;; i";iG;@;@o;!;"I"!default-animation-play-state; T;#o;) ;@1;&0; i#;o; ;o;; i#;i,;o;; i#;i0;@;@; @;'T;(0;[; 0; @ ; i#;o; ;o;; i#;i;o;; i#;i9;@;@o; ;[I"±/* Create a named animation sequence that can be applied to elements later. * * $name - The name of your animation. * @content - The keyframes of the animation. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i&;o; ;o;; i&;i;o;; i);i7;@;@o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode;"I"keyframes; T: @args[[o;$ ;"I" name; T;%I" name; T;&0; i*;o; ;o;; i*;i;o;; i*;i;@;@; @; @ 0: @splato;$ ;"I"deprecated-prefixes; T;%I"deprecated_prefixes; T;&0; i*;o; ;o;; i*;i;o;; i*;i2;@;@; @; @ ;[o;!;"I" warned; T;#o: Sass::Script::Tree::Funcall;"I"(warn-about-useless-prefix-arguments; T;,[:@keywordso:Sass::Util::NormalizedMap:@key_strings{: @map{;-o;$ ;"I"deprecated-prefixes; T;%I"deprecated_prefixes; T;&0; i+;o; ;o;; i+;i5;o;; i+;iI;@;@; @; @ :@kwarg_splat0;&0; i+;o; ;o;; i+;i;o;; i+;iM;@;@; @; @ ;'0;(0;[; 0; @ ; i+;o; ;o;; i+;i ;o;; i+;iM;@;@o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;"I"with-each-prefix; T;,[o;) ;o: Sass::Script::Value::String ;I"css-animation; T; @ ;:identifier:"@deprecated_interp_equivalent0;&0; i-;o; ;o;; i-;i";o;; i-;i/;@;@; @o;$ ;"I" animation-support-threshold; T;%I" animation_support_threshold; T;&0; i-;o; ;o;; i-;i1;o;; i-;iM;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;[ o; ;[I"N/* It would be nice if we could dynamically construct directive names. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i.;o; ;o;; i.;i ;o;; i.;iP;@;@u:Sass::Tree::IfNodeè[o:"Sass::Script::Tree::Operation :@operand1o:!Sass::Script::Tree::Variable : @nameI"current-prefix:ET:@underscored_nameI"current_prefix; T:@css_variable_warning0: @linei/:@source_rangeo:Sass::Source::Range :@start_poso:Sass::Source::Position; i/: @offseti: @end_poso;; i/;i: @fileI"i/Users/aselder/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/css3/_animation.scss; T:@importero: Sass::Importers::Filesystem: @rootI"L/Users/aselder/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets; F:@real_rootI"L/Users/aselder/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets; F:@same_name_warningso:Set: @hash{:@filename@ : @options{:@operand2o: Sass::Script::Tree::Literal : @valueo: Sass::Script::Value::String ;I" -moz; T;@: @type:identifier:"@deprecated_interp_equivalent0; 0; i/; o; ;o;; i/;i!;o;; i/;i%;@ ;@;@ :@operator:eq; 0; i/; o; ;@ ;o;; i/;i);@ ;@;@ ;@0[o:Sass::Tree::DirectiveNode ;[I"@-moz-keyframes ; To:&Sass::Script::Tree::Interpolation: @before0: @mido; ;I" name; T; I" name; T; 0; i/; o; ;o;; i/;i@;o;; i/;iE;@ ;@;@ ;@: @after0:@whitespace_beforeF:@whitespace_afterF:@originally_textF:@warn_for_color:warn_for_color:@deprecation: none;@; 0; i/; o; ;o;; i/;i>;o;; i/;iF;@ ;@;@ I"; T: @tabsi:@children[o:Sass::Tree::ContentNode ;3[;0;@; i/; o; ;o;; i/;iI;o;; i/;iQ;@ ;@;0;@:@has_childrenT; i/; o; ;o;; i/;i+;o;; i/;iT;@ ;@u;8î[o:"Sass::Script::Tree::Operation :@operand1o:!Sass::Script::Tree::Variable : @nameI"current-prefix:ET:@underscored_nameI"current_prefix; T:@css_variable_warning0: @linei0:@source_rangeo:Sass::Source::Range :@start_poso:Sass::Source::Position; i0: @offseti: @end_poso;; i0;i: @fileI"i/Users/aselder/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/css3/_animation.scss; T:@importero: Sass::Importers::Filesystem: @rootI"L/Users/aselder/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets; F:@real_rootI"L/Users/aselder/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets; F:@same_name_warningso:Set: @hash{:@filename@ : @options{:@operand2o: Sass::Script::Tree::Literal : @valueo: Sass::Script::Value::String ;I" -webkit; T;@: @type:identifier:"@deprecated_interp_equivalent0; 0; i0; o; ;o;; i0;i!;o;; i0;i(;@ ;@;@ :@operator:eq; 0; i0; o; ;@ ;o;; i0;i);@ ;@;@ ;@0[o:Sass::Tree::DirectiveNode ;[I"@-webkit-keyframes ; To:&Sass::Script::Tree::Interpolation: @before0: @mido; ;I" name; T; I" name; T; 0; i0; o; ;o;; i0;i@;o;; i0;iE;@ ;@;@ ;@: @after0:@whitespace_beforeF:@whitespace_afterF:@originally_textF:@warn_for_color:warn_for_color:@deprecation: none;@; 0; i0; o; ;o;; i0;i>;o;; i0;iF;@ ;@;@ I"; T: @tabsi:@children[o:Sass::Tree::ContentNode ;3[;0;@; 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T;&0; iE;o; ;o;; iE;i2;o;; iE;iM;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; iE;o; ;o;; iE;i;o;; iE;iN;@;@; @; @ ;'0;(0;[; 0; @ ; iE;o; ;o;; iE;i ;o;; iE;iN;@;@o;4;"I"animation-properties; T;,[o;: ;;[[o;) ;o;5 ;I"animation-duration; T; @ ;;6;70;&0; iF;o; ;o;; iF;i';o;; iF;i9;@;@; @o;$ ;"I" duration; T;%I" duration; T;&0; iF;o; ;o;; iF;i;;o;; iF;iD;@;@; @; @ ;&0; iF;o; ;o;; iF;i';o;; iF;iD;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;[; 0; @ ; iF;o; ;o;; iF;i;o;; iF;iF;@;@; 0; @ ; iD;o; ;o;; iD;i;o;; iD;i.;@;@;9To; ;[I"0/* Apply any number of animation delays. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; iI;o; ;o;; iI;i;o;; iI;i.;@;@o;+;"I"animation-delay; T;,[;-o;$ ;"I" delay; T;%I" delay; T;&0; iJ;o; ;o;; iJ;i;o;; iJ;i#;@;@; @; @ ;[o;!;"I" delay; T;#o;.;"I"set-arglist-default; T;,[o;$ ;"I" delay; T;%I" delay; T;&0; iK;o; ;o;; iK;i$;o;; iK;i*;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I"default-animation-delay; T;%I"default_animation_delay; T;&0; iK;o; ;o;; iK;i,;o;; iK;iD;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; iK;o; ;o;; iK;i;o;; iK;iE;@;@; @; @ ;'0;(0;[; 0; @ ; iK;o; ;o;; iK;i ;o;; iK;iE;@;@o;4;"I"animation-properties; T;,[o;: ;;[[o;) ;o;5 ;I"animation-delay; T; @ ;;6;70;&0; iL;o; ;o;; iL;i';o;; iL;i6;@;@; @o;$ ;"I" delay; T;%I" delay; T;&0; iL;o; ;o;; iL;i8;o;; iL;i>;@;@; @; @ ;&0; iL;o; ;o;; iL;i';o;; iL;i>;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;[; 0; @ ; iL;o; ;o;; iL;i;o;; iL;i@;@;@; 0; @ ; iJ;o; ;o;; iJ;i;o;; iJ;i(;@;@;9To; ;[I":/* Apply any number of animation timing functions. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; iO;o; ;o;; iO;i;o;; iO;i8;@;@o;+;"I"animation-timing-function; T;,[;-o;$ ;"I" function; T;%I" function; T;&0; iP;o; ;o;; iP;i';o;; iP;i0;@;@; @; @ ;[o;!;"I" function; T;#o;.;"I"set-arglist-default; T;,[o;$ ;"I" function; T;%I" function; T;&0; iQ;o; ;o;; iQ;i';o;; iQ;i0;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I"&default-animation-timing-function; T;%I"&default_animation_timing_function; T;&0; iQ;o; ;o;; iQ;i2;o;; iQ;iT;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; iQ;o; ;o;; iQ;i;o;; iQ;iU;@;@; @; @ ;'0;(0;[; 0; @ ; iQ;o; ;o;; iQ;i ;o;; iQ;iU;@;@o;4;"I"animation-properties; T;,[o;: ;;[[o;) ;o;5 ;I"animation-timing-function; T; @ ;;6;70;&0; iR;o; ;o;; iR;i';o;; iR;i@;@;@; @o;$ ;"I" function; T;%I" function; T;&0; iR;o; ;o;; iR;iB;o;; iR;iK;@;@; @; @ ;&0; iR;o; ;o;; iR;i';o;; iR;iK;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;[; 0; @ ; iR;o; ;o;; iR;i;o;; iR;iM;@;@; 0; @ ; iP;o; ;o;; iP;i;o;; iP;i5;@;@;9To; ;[I":/* Apply any number of animation iteration counts. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; iU;o; ;o;; iU;i;o;; iU;i8;@;@o;+;"I"animation-iteration-count; T;,[;-o;$ ;"I" count; T;%I" count; T;&0; iV;o; ;o;; iV;i';o;; iV;i-;@;@; @; @ ;[o;!;"I" count; T;#o;.;"I"set-arglist-default; T;,[o;$ ;"I" count; T;%I" count; T;&0; iW;o; ;o;; iW;i$;o;; iW;i*;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I"&default-animation-iteration-count; T;%I"&default_animation_iteration_count; T;&0; iW;o; ;o;; iW;i,;o;; iW;iN;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; iW;o; ;o;; iW;i;o;; iW;iO;@;@; @; @ ;'0;(0;[; 0; @ ; iW;o; ;o;; iW;i ;o;; iW;iO;@;@o;4;"I"animation-properties; T;,[o;: ;;[[o;) ;o;5 ;I"animation-iteration-count; T; @ ;;6;70;&0; iX;o; ;o;; iX;i';o;; iX;i@;@;@; @o;$ ;"I" count; T;%I" count; T;&0; iX;o; ;o;; iX;iB;o;; iX;iH;@;@; @; @ ;&0; iX;o; ;o;; iX;i';o;; iX;iH;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;[; 0; @ ; iX;o; ;o;; iX;i;o;; iX;iJ;@;@; 0; @ ; iV;o; ;o;; iV;i;o;; iV;i2;@;@;9To; ;[I"4/* Apply any number of animation directions. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; i[;o; ;o;; i[;i;o;; i[;i2;@;@o;+;"I"animation-direction; T;,[;-o;$ ;"I"direction; T;%I"direction; T;&0; i\;o; ;o;; i\;i!;o;; i\;i+;@;@; @; @ ;[o;!;"I"direction; T;#o;.;"I"set-arglist-default; T;,[o;$ ;"I"direction; T;%I"direction; T;&0; i];o; ;o;; i];i(;o;; i];i2;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I" default-animation-direction; T;%I" default_animation_direction; T;&0; i];o; ;o;; i];i4;o;; i];iP;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; i];o; ;o;; i];i;o;; i];iQ;@;@; @; @ ;'0;(0;[; 0; @ ; i];o; ;o;; i];i ;o;; i];iQ;@;@o;4;"I"animation-properties; T;,[o;: ;;[[o;) ;o;5 ;I"animation-direction; T; @ ;;6;70;&0; i^;o; ;o;; i^;i';o;; i^;i:;@;@; @o;$ ;"I"direction; T;%I"direction; T;&0; i^;o; ;o;; i^;i<;o;; i^;iF;@;@; @; @ ;&0; i^;o; ;o;; i^;i';o;; i^;iF;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;[; 0; @ ; i^;o; ;o;; i^;i;o;; i^;iH;@;@; 0; @ ; i\;o; ;o;; i\;i;o;; i\;i0;@;@;9To; ;[I"4/* Apply any number of animation fill modes. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; ia;o; ;o;; ia;i;o;; ia;i2;@;@o;+;"I"animation-fill-mode; T;,[;-o;$ ;"I" mode; T;%I" mode; T;&0; ib;o; ;o;; ib;i!;o;; ib;i&;@;@; @; @ ;[o;!;"I" mode; T;#o;.;"I"set-arglist-default; T;,[o;$ ;"I" mode; T;%I" mode; T;&0; ic;o; ;o;; ic;i#;o;; ic;i(;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I" default-animation-fill-mode; T;%I" default_animation_fill_mode; T;&0; ic;o; ;o;; ic;i*;o;; ic;iF;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; ic;o; ;o;; ic;i;o;; ic;iG;@;@; @; @ ;'0;(0;[; 0; @ ; ic;o; ;o;; ic;i ;o;; ic;iG;@;@o;4;"I"animation-properties; T;,[o;: ;;[[o;) ;o;5 ;I"animation-fill-mode; T; @ ;;6;70;&0; id;o; ;o;; id;i';o;; id;i:;@;@; @o;$ ;"I" mode; T;%I" mode; T;&0; id;o; ;o;; id;i<;o;; id;iA;@;@; @; @ ;&0; id;o; ;o;; id;i';o;; id;iA;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;[; 0; @ ; id;o; ;o;; id;i;o;; id;iC;@;@; 0; @ ; ib;o; ;o;; ib;i;o;; ib;i+;@;@;9To; ;[I"5/* Apply any number of animation play states. */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; ig;o; ;o;; ig;i;o;; ig;i3;@;@o;+;"I"animation-play-state; T;,[;-o;$ ;"I" state; T;%I" state; T;&0; ih;o; ;o;; ih;i";o;; ih;i(;@;@; @; @ ;[o;!;"I" state; T;#o;.;"I"set-arglist-default; T;,[o;$ ;"I" state; T;%I" state; T;&0; ii;o; ;o;; ii;i$;o;; ii;i*;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I"!default-animation-play-state; T;%I"!default_animation_play_state; T;&0; ii;o; ;o;; ii;i,;o;; ii;iI;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; ii;o; ;o;; ii;i;o;; ii;iJ;@;@; @; @ ;'0;(0;[; 0; @ ; ii;o; ;o;; ii;i ;o;; ii;iJ;@;@o;4;"I"animation-properties; T;,[o;: ;;[[o;) ;o;5 ;I"animation-play-state; T; @ ;;6;70;&0; ij;o; ;o;; ij;i';o;; ij;i;;@;@; @o;$ ;"I" state; T;%I" state; T;&0; ij;o; ;o;; ij;i=;o;; ij;iC;@;@; @; @ ;&0; ij;o; ;o;; ij;i';o;; ij;iC;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;[; 0; @ ; ij;o; ;o;; ij;i;o;; ij;iE;@;@; 0; @ ; ih;o; ;o;; ih;i;o;; ih;i-;@;@;9To; ;[I"/* @private */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; im;o; ;o;; im;i;o;; im;i;@;@o:Sass::Tree::FunctionNode;"I"default-animation; T;,[;-0;[o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode ;#o;.;"I" compact; T;,[o:$Sass::Script::Tree::ListLiteral :@elements[ o;$ ;"I"default-animation-name; T;%I"default_animation_name; T;&0; io;o; ;o;; io;i;o;; io;i/;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I"default-animation-duration; T;%I"default_animation_duration; T;&0; ip;o; ;o;; ip;i;o;; ip;i3;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I"&default-animation-timing-function; T;%I"&default_animation_timing_function; T;&0; iq;o; ;o;; iq;i;o;; iq;i:;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I"default-animation-delay; T;%I"default_animation_delay; T;&0; ir;o; ;o;; ir;i;o;; ir;i0;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I"&default-animation-iteration-count; T;%I"&default_animation_iteration_count; T;&0; is;o; ;o;; is;i;o;; is;i:;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I" default-animation-direction; T;%I" default_animation_direction; T;&0; it;o; ;o;; it;i;o;; it;i4;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I" default-animation-fill-mode; T;%I" default_animation_fill_mode; T;&0; iu;o; ;o;; iu;i;o;; iu;i4;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I"!default-animation-play-state; T;%I"!default_animation_play_state; T;&0; iv;o; ;o;; iv;i;o;; iv;i5;@;@; @; @ :@separator: space;&0; io;o; ;o;; io;i;o;; iv;i5;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; io;o; ;o;; io;i;o;; iv;i6;@;@; @; @ ;[; 0; @ ; io;o; ;o;; io;i;o;; iv;i6;@;@; 0; @ ; in;o; ;o;; in;i;o;; in;i$;@;@;9To; ;[I"˜/* Shortcut to apply any number of animations to an element, with all the settings. * * $animation... : Name and settings. [ | default] */; T;; ;[; 0; @ ; iy;o; ;o;; iy;i;o;; i{;iD;@;@o;+;"I"animation; T;,[;-o;$ ;"I"animation; T;%I"animation; T;&0; i|;o; ;o;; i|;i;o;; i|;i!;@;@; @; @ ;[o;!;"I"animation; T;#o;.;"I"if; T;,[o:"Sass::Script::Tree::Operation :@operand1o;.;"I" length; T;,[o;$ ;"I"animation; T;%I"animation; T;&0; i};o; ;o;; i};i;o;; i};i(;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; i};o; ;o;; i};i;o;; i};i);@;@; @; @ :@operand2o;) ;o: Sass::Script::Value::Number ;i; @ :@numerator_units[:@denominator_units[:@originalI"0; F;&0; i};o; ;o;; i};i,;o;; i};i-;@;@; @:@operator:gt;&0; i};o; ;@û;o;; i};i-;@;@; @; @ o;$ ;"I"animation; T;%I"animation; T;&0; i};o; ;o;; i};i/;o;; i};i9;@;@; @; @ o;.;"I"default-animation; T;,[;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; i};o; ;o;; i};i;;o;; i};iN;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;&0; i};o; ;o;; i};i;o;; i};iO;@;@; @; @ ;'0;(0;[; 0; @ ; i};o; ;o;; i};i ;o;; i};iO;@;@o;4;"I"animation-properties; T;,[o;: ;;[[o;) ;o;5 ;I"animation; T; @ ;;6;70;&0; i~;o; ;o;; i~;i';o;; i~;i0;@;@; @o;$ ;"I"animation; T;%I"animation; T;&0; i~;o; ;o;; i~;i2;o;; i~;i<;@;@; @; @ ;&0; i~;o; ;o;; i~;i';o;; i~;i<;@;@; @; @ ;/o;0;1{;2{;-0;30;[; 0; @ ; i~;o; ;o;; i~;i;o;; i~;i>;@;@; 0; @ ; i|;o; ;o;; i|;i;o;; i|;i&;@;@;9T; 0; @ ; I"â@import "compass/support"; // The prefixed support threshold for animation. // Defaults to the $graceful-usage-threshold. $animation-support-threshold: $graceful-usage-threshold !default; // Name of any animation as a string. $default-animation-name : null !default; // Duration of the entire animation in seconds. $default-animation-duration : null !default; // Delay for start of animation in seconds. $default-animation-delay : null !default; // The timing function(s) to be used between keyframes. [ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier($number, $number, $number, $number)] $default-animation-timing-function : null !default; // The number of times an animation cycle is played. [infinite | $number] $default-animation-iteration-count : null !default; // Whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles. [normal | alternate] $default-animation-direction : null !default; // What values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing. [none | forwards | backwards | both] $default-animation-fill-mode : null !default; // Whether the animation is running or paused. [running | paused] $default-animation-play-state : null !default; // Create a named animation sequence that can be applied to elements later. // // $name - The name of your animation. // @content - The keyframes of the animation. @mixin keyframes($name, $deprecated-prefixes...) { $warned: warn-about-useless-prefix-arguments($deprecated-prefixes...); @include with-each-prefix(css-animation, $animation-support-threshold) { // It would be nice if we could dynamically construct directive names. @if $current-prefix == -moz { @-moz-keyframes #{$name} { @content; } } @if $current-prefix == -webkit { @-webkit-keyframes #{$name} { @content; } } @if $current-prefix == -o { @-o-keyframes #{$name} { @content; } } @if $current-prefix == -ms { @-ms-keyframes #{$name} { @content; } } @if $current-prefix == null { @keyframes #{$name} { @content; } } } } // @private @mixin animation-properties($properties) { @include prefixed-properties(css-animation, $animation-support-threshold, $properties); } // Apply any number of animation names. @mixin animation-name($name...) { $name: set-arglist-default($name, $default-animation-name); @include animation-properties((animation-name: $name)); } // Apply any number of animation durations. @mixin animation-duration($duration...) { $duration: set-arglist-default($duration, $default-animation-duration); @include animation-properties((animation-duration: $duration)); } // Apply any number of animation delays. @mixin animation-delay($delay...) { $delay: set-arglist-default($delay, $default-animation-delay); @include animation-properties((animation-delay: $delay)); } // Apply any number of animation timing functions. @mixin animation-timing-function($function...) { $function: set-arglist-default($function, $default-animation-timing-function); @include animation-properties((animation-timing-function: $function)); } // Apply any number of animation iteration counts. @mixin animation-iteration-count($count...) { $count: set-arglist-default($count, $default-animation-iteration-count); @include animation-properties((animation-iteration-count: $count)); } // Apply any number of animation directions. @mixin animation-direction($direction...) { $direction: set-arglist-default($direction, $default-animation-direction); @include animation-properties((animation-direction: $direction)); } // Apply any number of animation fill modes. @mixin animation-fill-mode($mode...) { $mode: set-arglist-default($mode, $default-animation-fill-mode); @include animation-properties((animation-fill-mode: $mode)); } // Apply any number of animation play states. @mixin animation-play-state($state...) { $state: set-arglist-default($state, $default-animation-play-state); @include animation-properties((animation-play-state: $state)); } // @private @function default-animation() { @return compact($default-animation-name $default-animation-duration $default-animation-timing-function $default-animation-delay $default-animation-iteration-count $default-animation-direction $default-animation-fill-mode $default-animation-play-state); } // Shortcut to apply any number of animations to an element, with all the settings. // // $animation... : Name and settings. [ | default] @mixin animation($animation...) { $animation: if(length($animation) > 0, $animation, default-animation()); @include animation-properties((animation: $animation)); } ; T; i;o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;9T