define("dojox/geo/charting/widget/Map", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/dom-geometry", "dijit/_Widget", "../Map" ], function(dojo, lang, declare, html,domGeom, Widget, Map){ return declare("dojox.geo.charting.widget.Map", Widget, { // summary: // A map viewer widget based on the dojox.geo.charting.Map component // description: // The `dojox.geo.charting.widget.Map` widget combines map display together with charting capabilities. // It encapsulates an `dojox.geo.charting.Map` object on which most operations are delegated. // Parameters can be passed as argument at construction time to specify map data file (json shape format) // as well as charting data. // // The parameters are: // // - `shapeData`: The json object containing map data or the name of the file containing map data. // - `dataStore`: the dataStore to fetch the charting data from // - `dataBindingAttribute`: property name of the dataStore items to use as value for charting // - `markerData`: tooltips to display for map features, handled as json style. // - `adjustMapCenterOnResize`: if true, the center of the map remains the same when resizing the widget // - `adjustMapScaleOnResize`: if true, the map scale is adjusted to leave the visible portion of the map identical as much as possible // // example: // | var map = new dojox.geo.charting.widget.Map({ // | shapeData: 'map.json', // | adjustMapCenterOnresize: true, // | adjustMapScaleOnresize: true, // | }); shapeData: "", dataStore: null, dataBindingAttribute: "", dataBindingValueFunction: null, markerData: "", series: "", adjustMapCenterOnResize: null, adjustMapScaleOnResize: null, animateOnResize: null, onFeatureClick: null, onFeatureOver: null, enableMouseSupport: null, enableTouchSupport: null, enableMouseZoom: null, enableMousePan: null, enableKeyboardSupport: false, showTooltips: false, enableFeatureZoom: null, colorAnimationDuration: 0, mouseClickThreshold: 2, _mouseInteractionSupport:null, _touchInteractionSupport:null, _keyboardInteractionSupport:null, constructor: function(/* Object */options, /* HtmlNode */div){ // summary: // Constructs a new Map widget = null; }, startup: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); if({; } }, postMixInProperties: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); }, create: function(/*Object?*/params, /*DomNode|String?*/srcNodeRef){ this.inherited(arguments); }, getInnerMap: function(){ return; }, buildRendering: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); if(this.shapeData){ = new Map(this.domNode, this.shapeData); if(this.markerData && (this.markerData.length > 0)){; } if(this.dataStore){ if(this.dataBindingValueFunction){; },this.dataBindingAttribute); } if(this.series && (this.series.length > 0)){; } if(this.onFeatureClick){ = this.onFeatureClick; } if(this.onFeatureOver){ = this.onFeatureOver; } if(this.enableMouseSupport){ if(!dojox.geo.charting.MouseInteractionSupport){ throw Error("Can't find dojox.geo.charting.MouseInteractionSupport. Didn't you forget to dojo" + ".require() it?"); } var options = {}; options.enablePan = this.enableMousePan; options.enableZoom = this.enableMouseZoom; options.mouseClickThreshold = this.mouseClickThreshold; this._mouseInteractionSupport = new dojox.geo.charting.MouseInteractionSupport(,options); this._mouseInteractionSupport.connect(); } if(this.enableTouchSupport){ if(!dojox.geo.charting.TouchInteractionSupport){ throw Error("Can't find dojox.geo.charting.TouchInteractionSupport. Didn't you forget to dojo" + ".require() it?"); } this._touchInteractionSupport = new dojox.geo.charting.TouchInteractionSupport(,{}); this._touchInteractionSupport.connect(); } if(this.enableKeyboardSupport){ if(!dojox.geo.charting.KeyboardInteractionSupport){ throw Error("Can't find dojox.geo.charting.KeyboardInteractionSupport. Didn't you forget to dojo" + ".require() it?"); } this._keyboardInteractionSupport = new dojox.geo.charting.KeyboardInteractionSupport(,{}); this._keyboardInteractionSupport.connect(); } = this.showTooltips; = this.enableFeatureZoom; = this.colorAnimationDuration; } }, resize : function(/*Object|Number?*/ b, /*Number?*/ height){ // summary: // Resize the widget. // description: // Resize the domNode and the widget to the dimensions of a box of the following form: // `{ l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150 }` // b: Object|Number? // An hash with optional "l", "t", "w", and "h" properties for "left", "right", "width", and "height" // respectively; or a number representing the new width. // height: Number? // A number representing the new height. var box; switch(arguments.length){ case 0: // case 0, do not resize the div, just the surface break; case 1: // argument, override node box box = lang.mixin({}, b); domGeom.setMarginBox(this.domNode, box); break; case 2: // two argument, width, height box = { w: arguments[0], h: arguments[1] }; domGeom.setMarginBox(this.domNode, box); break; } if({,this.adjustMapScaleOnResize,this.animateOnResize); } } }); });