# frozen_string_literal: true require 'pathname' require 'puppet/resource_api/data_type_handling' require 'puppet/resource_api/glue' require 'puppet/resource_api/parameter' require 'puppet/resource_api/property' require 'puppet/resource_api/puppet_context' unless RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' require 'puppet/resource_api/read_only_parameter' require 'puppet/resource_api/transport' require 'puppet/resource_api/transport/wrapper' require 'puppet/resource_api/type_definition' require 'puppet/resource_api/value_creator' require 'puppet/resource_api/version' require 'puppet/type' require 'puppet/util/network_device' # This module contains the main API to register and access types, providers and transports. module Puppet::ResourceApi @warning_count = 0 class << self attr_accessor :warning_count end def register_type(definition) # Attempt to create a TypeDefinition from the input hash # This will validate and throw if its not right type_def = TypeDefinition.new(definition) # prepare the ruby module for the provider # this has to happen before Puppet::Type.newtype starts autoloading providers # it also needs to be guarded against the namespace already being defined by something # else to avoid ruby warnings unless Puppet::Provider.const_defined?(class_name_from_type_name(definition[:name]), false) Puppet::Provider.const_set(class_name_from_type_name(definition[:name]), Module.new) end Puppet::Type.newtype(definition[:name].to_sym) do # The :desc value is already cleaned up by the TypeDefinition validation @doc = definition[:desc] @type_definition = type_def # Keeps a copy of the provider around. Weird naming to avoid clashes with puppet's own `provider` member define_singleton_method(:my_provider) do @my_provider ||= Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = Puppet::ResourceApi.load_provider(definition[:name]).new } if Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice.current.is_a? Puppet::ResourceApi::Transport::Wrapper @my_provider[Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice.current.transport.class] else @my_provider[Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice.current.class] end end # make the provider available in the instance's namespace def my_provider self.class.my_provider end define_singleton_method(:type_definition) do @type_definition end def type_definition self.class.type_definition end if type_definition.feature?('remote_resource') apply_to_device end def initialize(attributes) # $stderr.puts "A: #{attributes.inspect}" if attributes.is_a? Puppet::Resource @title = attributes.title @catalog = attributes.catalog sensitives = attributes.sensitive_parameters attributes = attributes.to_hash else @ral_find_absent = true sensitives = [] end # undo puppet's unwrapping of Sensitive values to provide a uniform experience for providers # See https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDK-1091 for investigation and background sensitives.each do |name| if attributes.key?(name) && !attributes[name].is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PSensitiveType::Sensitive) attributes[name] = Puppet::Pops::Types::PSensitiveType::Sensitive.new(attributes[name]) end end # $stderr.puts "B: #{attributes.inspect}" if type_definition.feature?('canonicalize') attributes = my_provider.canonicalize(context, [attributes])[0] end # the `Puppet::Resource::Ral.find` method, when `instances` does not return a match, uses a Hash with a `:name` key to create # an "absent" resource. This is often hit by `puppet resource`. This needs to work, even if the namevar is not called `name`. # This bit here relies on the default `title_patterns` (see below) to match the title back to the first (and often only) namevar if type_definition.attributes[:name].nil? && attributes[:title].nil? attributes[:title] = attributes.delete(:name) if attributes[:title].nil? && !type_definition.namevars.empty? attributes[:title] = @title end end super(attributes) end def name title end def self.build_title(type_definition, resource_hash) if type_definition.namevars.size > 1 # use a MonkeyHash to allow searching in Puppet's RAL Puppet::ResourceApi::MonkeyHash[type_definition.namevars.map { |attr| [attr, resource_hash[attr]] }] else resource_hash[type_definition.namevars[0]] end end def rsapi_title @rsapi_title ||= self.class.build_title(type_definition, self) @rsapi_title end def rsapi_canonicalized_target_state @rsapi_canonicalized_target_state ||= begin # skip puppet's injected metaparams actual_params = @parameters.select { |k, _v| type_definition.attributes.key? k } target_state = Hash[actual_params.map { |k, v| [k, v.rs_value] }] target_state = my_provider.canonicalize(context, [target_state]).first if type_definition.feature?('canonicalize') target_state end @rsapi_canonicalized_target_state end def rsapi_current_state refresh_current_state unless @rsapi_current_state @rsapi_current_state end def to_resource to_resource_shim(super) end def to_resource_shim(resource) resource_hash = Hash[resource.keys.map { |k| [k, resource[k]] }] resource_hash[:title] = resource.title ResourceShim.new(resource_hash, type_definition.name, type_definition.namevars, type_definition.attributes, catalog) end validate do # enforce mandatory attributes @missing_attrs = [] @missing_params = [] # do not validate on known-absent instances return if @ral_find_absent definition[:attributes].each do |name, options| type = Puppet::ResourceApi::DataTypeHandling.parse_puppet_type( :name, options[:type], ) # skip read only vars and the namevar next if [:read_only, :namevar].include? options[:behaviour] # skip properties if the resource is being deleted next if definition[:attributes][:ensure] && value(:ensure) == 'absent' && options[:behaviour].nil? if value(name).nil? && !(type.instance_of? Puppet::Pops::Types::POptionalType) @missing_attrs << name @missing_params << name if options[:behaviour] == :parameter end end @missing_attrs -= [:ensure] raise_missing_params if @missing_params.any? end # If the custom_insync feature is specified but no insyncable attributes are included # in the definition, add the hidden rsapi_custom_insync_trigger property. # This property exists *only* to allow a resource without properties to still execute an # insync check; there's no point in specifying it in a manifest as it can only have one # value; it cannot be specified in a type definition as it should only exist in this case. if type_definition.feature?('custom_insync') && type_definition.insyncable_attributes.empty? custom_insync_trigger_options = { type: 'Enum[do_not_specify_in_manifest]', desc: 'A hidden property which enables a type with custom insync to perform an insync check without specifying any insyncable properties', default: 'do_not_specify_in_manifest', } type_definition.create_attribute_in(self, :rsapi_custom_insync_trigger, :newproperty, Puppet::ResourceApi::Property, custom_insync_trigger_options) end definition[:attributes].each do |name, options| # puts "#{name}: #{options.inspect}" if options[:behaviour] unless [:read_only, :namevar, :parameter, :init_only].include? options[:behaviour] raise Puppet::ResourceError, "`#{options[:behaviour]}` is not a valid behaviour value" end end # TODO: using newparam everywhere would suppress change reporting # that would allow more fine-grained reporting through context, # but require more invest in hooking up the infrastructure to emulate existing data if [:parameter, :namevar].include? options[:behaviour] param_or_property = :newparam parent = Puppet::ResourceApi::Parameter elsif options[:behaviour] == :read_only param_or_property = :newparam parent = Puppet::ResourceApi::ReadOnlyParameter else param_or_property = :newproperty parent = Puppet::ResourceApi::Property end type_definition.create_attribute_in(self, name, param_or_property, parent, options) end def self.instances # puts 'instances' # force autoloading of the provider provider(type_definition.name) initial_fetch = if type_definition.feature?('simple_get_filter') my_provider.get(context, []) else my_provider.get(context) end initial_fetch.map do |resource_hash| type_definition.check_schema(resource_hash) # allow a :title from the provider to override the default result = if resource_hash.key? :title new(title: resource_hash[:title]) else new(title: build_title(type_definition, resource_hash)) end result.cache_current_state(resource_hash) result end end def refresh_current_state @rsapi_current_state = if type_definition.feature?('simple_get_filter') my_provider.get(context, [rsapi_title]).find { |h| namevar_match?(h) } else my_provider.get(context).find { |h| namevar_match?(h) } end if @rsapi_current_state type_definition.check_schema(@rsapi_current_state) strict_check(@rsapi_current_state) else @rsapi_current_state = if rsapi_title.is_a? Hash rsapi_title.dup else { title: rsapi_title } end @rsapi_current_state[:ensure] = :absent if type_definition.ensurable? end end # Use this to set the current state from the `instances` method def cache_current_state(resource_hash) @rsapi_current_state = resource_hash strict_check(@rsapi_current_state) end def retrieve Puppet.debug("Current State: #{rsapi_current_state.inspect}") result = Puppet::Resource.new(self.class, title, parameters: rsapi_current_state) # puppet needs ensure to be a symbol result[:ensure] = result[:ensure].to_sym if type_definition.ensurable? && result[:ensure].is_a?(String) raise_missing_attrs result end def namevar_match?(item) context.type.namevars.all? do |namevar| item[namevar] == @parameters[namevar].value if @parameters[namevar].respond_to? :value end end def flush raise_missing_attrs # puts 'flush' target_state = rsapi_canonicalized_target_state retrieve unless @rsapi_current_state return if @rsapi_current_state == target_state Puppet.debug("Target State: #{target_state.inspect}") # enforce init_only attributes if Puppet.settings[:strict] != :off && @rsapi_current_state && (@rsapi_current_state[:ensure] == 'present' && target_state[:ensure] == 'present') target_state.each do |name, value| next unless type_definition.attributes[name][:behaviour] == :init_only && value != @rsapi_current_state[name] message = "Attempting to change `#{name}` init_only attribute value from `#{@rsapi_current_state[name]}` to `#{value}`" case Puppet.settings[:strict] when :warning Puppet.warning(message) when :error raise Puppet::ResourceError, message end end end if type_definition.feature?('supports_noop') my_provider.set(context, { rsapi_title => { is: @rsapi_current_state, should: target_state } }, noop: noop?) else my_provider.set(context, rsapi_title => { is: @rsapi_current_state, should: target_state }) unless noop? end if context.failed? context.reset_failed raise 'Execution encountered an error' end # remember that we have successfully reached our desired state @rsapi_current_state = target_state end def raise_missing_attrs error_msg = "The following mandatory attributes were not provided:\n * " + @missing_attrs.join(", \n * ") raise Puppet::ResourceError, error_msg if @missing_attrs.any? && (value(:ensure) != :absent && !value(:ensure).nil?) end def raise_missing_params error_msg = "The following mandatory parameters were not provided:\n * " + @missing_params.join(", \n * ") raise Puppet::ResourceError, error_msg end def strict_check(current_state) return if Puppet.settings[:strict] == :off strict_check_canonicalize(current_state) if type_definition.feature?('canonicalize') strict_check_title_parameter(current_state) if type_definition.namevars.size > 1 && !type_definition.title_patterns.empty? nil end def strict_message(message) case Puppet.settings[:strict] when :warning Puppet.warning(message) when :error raise Puppet::DevError, message end end def strict_check_canonicalize(current_state) # if strict checking is on we must notify if the values are changed by canonicalize # make a deep copy to perform the operation on and to compare against later state_clone = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(current_state)) state_clone = my_provider.canonicalize(context, [state_clone]).first # compare the clone against the current state to see if changes have been made by canonicalize return unless state_clone && (current_state != state_clone) #:nocov: # codecov fails to register this multiline as covered, even though simplecov does. message = <.*[^-])-(?.*)$} ]` becomes # [ # [ # %r{^(?.*[^-])-(?.*)$}, # [ [:package], [:manager] ] # ], # ] def self.parse_title_patterns(patterns) patterns.map do |item| regex = Regexp.new(item[:pattern]) [item[:pattern], regex.names.map { |x| [x.to_sym] }] end end [:autorequire, :autobefore, :autosubscribe, :autonotify].each do |auto| next unless definition[auto] definition[auto].each do |type, values| Puppet.debug("Registering #{auto} for #{type}: #{values.inspect}") send(auto, type.downcase.to_sym) do [values].flatten.map do |v| match = %r{\A\$(.*)\Z}.match(v) if v.is_a? String if match.nil? v else self[match[1].to_sym] end end end end end end end module_function :register_type # rubocop:disable Style/AccessModifierDeclarations def load_provider(type_name) class_name = class_name_from_type_name(type_name) type_name_sym = type_name.to_sym device_name = if Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice.current.nil? nil elsif Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice.current.is_a? Puppet::ResourceApi::Transport::Wrapper # extract the device type from the currently loaded device's class Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice.current.schema.name else Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice.current.class.name.split('::')[-2].downcase end device_class_name = class_name_from_type_name(device_name) if device_name device_name_sym = device_name.to_sym if device_name load_device_provider(class_name, type_name_sym, device_class_name, device_name_sym) else load_default_provider(class_name, type_name_sym) end rescue NameError if device_name # line too long # rubocop:disable Style/GuardClause raise Puppet::DevError, "Found neither the device-specific provider class Puppet::Provider::#{class_name}::#{device_class_name} in puppet/provider/#{type_name}/#{device_name}"\ " nor the generic provider class Puppet::Provider::#{class_name}::#{class_name} in puppet/provider/#{type_name}/#{type_name}" else raise Puppet::DevError, "provider class Puppet::Provider::#{class_name}::#{class_name} not found in puppet/provider/#{type_name}/#{type_name}" end end module_function :load_provider # rubocop:disable Style/AccessModifierDeclarations def load_default_provider(class_name, type_name_sym) # loads the "puppet/provider/#{type_name}/#{type_name}" file through puppet Puppet::Type.type(type_name_sym).provider(type_name_sym) Puppet::Provider.const_get(class_name, false).const_get(class_name, false) end module_function :load_default_provider # rubocop:disable Style/AccessModifierDeclarations def load_device_provider(class_name, type_name_sym, device_class_name, device_name_sym) # loads the "puppet/provider/#{type_name}/#{device_name}" file through puppet Puppet::Type.type(type_name_sym).provider(device_name_sym) provider_module = Puppet::Provider.const_get(class_name, false) if provider_module.const_defined?(device_class_name, false) provider_module.const_get(device_class_name, false) else load_default_provider(class_name, type_name_sym) end end module_function :load_device_provider # rubocop:disable Style/AccessModifierDeclarations # keeps the existing register API format. e.g. Puppet::ResourceApi.register_type def register_transport(schema) Puppet::ResourceApi::Transport.register(schema) end module_function :register_transport # rubocop:disable Style/AccessModifierDeclarations def self.class_name_from_type_name(type_name) type_name.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join end def self.caller_is_resource_app? caller.any? { |c| c.match(%r{application/resource.rb:}) } end end