en: chosen: no_results: "No results matched" refinery: admin: pages: tabs: form: join_page_with_album: "Join page with album:" choose_album: "Click to choose photo album" flash: connection_destroyed: "Connection between album and page was successfully deleted." plugins: refinerycms_photo_gallery: title: Photo Gallery description: Provides advanced photo gallery tab_name: Photo Gallery photo_gallery: admin: submenu: collections: title: Collections manage: Manage new: Create new collection albums: title: Albums manage: Manage new: Create new album collections: collection: view_live_html: View this collection live
(opens in a new window) delete: Remove this collection forever edit: Edit this collection index: no_items_yet: There are no collections yet. Click "%{create}" to add your first collection. new: title: Create new collection edit: title: Edit collection albums: album: view_live_html: View this album live
(opens in a new window) delete: Remove this album forever edit: Edit this album upload_photos: Upload new photos to album edit_photos: Edit photos in album index: no_items_yet: There are no albums yet. Click "%{create}" to add your first album. new: title: Create new album edit: title: Edit album form: album_belongs_to_collection: Album belongs to collection(s) more_options: More options more_options_tooltip: Enable edit more fields like adress, latitude, longitude, note choose_collection: Choose collection(s) path_prefix: Path prefix number_of_photos: Contains %{number} photos photos: updated: Updated photos title: Photos manage: Manage new: Upload new photos edit_multiple: no_photos_yet: There are no photos in album yet. Click "%{create} to add your first photos to album.' photo: delete: Remove this photo forever deleted: Deleted photo "%{title}" form_fields: use_decimal_format: Use decimal format photo_pages: show: other: Other Photo Pages albums: show: no_photos: There are no photos in this album yet photos: image: Image collections: show: no_albums: There are no albums in this collection yet index: no_collections: There are no collections yet activerecord: attributes: refinery/photo_gallery/photo_page: page_id: Page refinery/photo_gallery/collection: title: Title description: Description refinery/photo_gallery/album: title: Title description: Description longitude: Longitude latitude: Latitude path: Path adress: Adress note: Note tags: Tags refinery/photo_gallery/photo: title: Title description: Description longitude: Longitude latitude: Latitude path: Path file: File models: refinery/photo_gallery/collection: Album